'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglasses~

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Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Welcome Badkat to the HC thread! H is cute AND hot. What more can we ask for. :D :)

You're welcome ImS. Can never get enough of H and his trusty Hummer. ;)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Welcome onboard dungeon_queen and badkat! Glad you joined. :D

Casper, I could see the pics earlier. There wasn't a prob.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

There wasn't earlier but when I logged in again, they sorta....disappeared. So, I had to post them again. :p Or is it just me??? :confused:My Imageshack is as loony as I am sometimes. :D :)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I coudln't se them in the earlier post..so I'm glad you posted them again casp
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Wow...then I witnessed a miracle...only I could see the saint's glow in the beginning...muaaahahahaha..... :devil:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I'm happy you liked them ImS.

:lol:Zippy, I thought I was seeing an illusion myself. I mean, it was fine when I posted it but nevermind. A miracle only the two of us witnessed. :lol:

Here's another miracle. H picking a fight with Frank. :lol:


F: I don't want to fight you Horatio.
H: C'mon. I can take you.
F: I don't think so.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I'm not sure who'd win if they started fighting... with their fistst I think Frank.. don't know why.. but if they used their guns.. then H'd definatly win
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I believe Horatio is quite a sharp-shooter. In 'Recoil', he shot Brad right in the chest. It was awesome but of course gruesome.
Grissom is too but..that's another story I guess. :p
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Here's another miracle. H picking a fight with Frank.

ahahaha! I am going to have the hardest time watching H take off his sunglasses now! :lol:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I believe Horatio is quite a sharp-shooter. In 'Recoil', he shot Brad right in the chest. It was awesome but of course gruesome
That reminds me of that episode (I really can't remember the name of it :rolleyes:) Anyway H was with Suzie and Madison and there is a heist on a van full of money and H shoots the suspect after telling him 'Don't do it' after he shoots him he walks towards the camera and mumbles 'They never listen' :lol: I love that H scene.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Yeah, Tink, that was "Money for Nothing". I really like that scene!

Man, I don't know who would win between H and Frank. I think it would really depend if weapons were involved. As everyone has said, Horatio is a really great shot.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Thanks ladycaruso. :D

Between H & Frank, gee that's a hard one - of course I would go with H! :lol: I would hate that to be honest, I do love Frank. :lol:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Hot man, no doubt...

Wonder: is the sun in Miami so strong? Is it the reason why H likes taking sunglasses? To rptect his light blue eyes? As light color would be hurt much than dark color eyes?
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Even though the way H fiddles with his sunnies can be amusing (especially when he walks into a building and puts them on! :lol:), I think there is a definite practical side to it too. Filming in the bright LA sunshine (and when they do location work in and around Miami) must take it's toll on the eyes. So, yes, he would definitely wear them for protection, as do the other characters of course.

The other reason being that he just looks so cool in them! :cool:

As for H versus Frank, as Ducky would say, there's far too much double asskickingness there to possibly decide who would win! :D

Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Oi! The Double Asskickingess! Yup - that I'd say, Luce :D

H and Sunnies... damn, if I had money to buy such an expensive sunnies... I'd wear those too as much as possible :p

Anyways.. *coughs* anyone noticed I'm back to Saint H avatar time now that new episodes are coming again :D
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