~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

'poor' H.. what other stuff can be happen to him in the future or was happen in his past...

for me subject for violence (against childrens, womans) are painfulness..can`t understand it...and always go mad...

is this is necessary the person to be maltreat in his childhood so hi/she to be worried for the distresseds...

why writer do this to H, hi was and now is suffering enough....
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

It's all getting a bit much I think, as much as I love H. :(
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

jap, they seem to sit over a cup of coffee (or even more, I assume) and say: "What can we do to H this season?"

If AD thinks of three story arcs - each lasting 3 seasons - she should spare something for the rest of the time
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I admit that it's a bit sad to learn about horrible things H hast gone through in the past. but it again explains why he is so caring. and that's why we love him, right?

I'm only disturbed by this aersol/baby thing. the rest is quite interresting.
I so hope that someone will beat some sense in Ann and then we get rid of aerosol soon, without getting her pregnant :(
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

In every single book that I read, dealing with fathers who beat their kids, it was said, that the kids (when grown up) have a very good chance to be violent against their own kids (or their wives)... so this past doesn't really fit for H

But these were only novels - don't we have a psychologist among us? :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

very good chance only means it's likely. ;) It don't have to be that way. People could be stron enough to come over that. they don't want to be like their fathers, they don't want to do that to their kids.
and when someone is strong enough to pull that off, then it's of course H :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

mine idea was that the writes can`t put on H character all 'bad' things that happand in the real world. it`s too much...his love toward 'death' brother wife...'garbage' with possibly baby.....past in NY include murderous violator H mam, and violence against himself from his dad...wow...give me a break...soon can be see H sit in his home with gun in his hand and hesitate "to be or not to be".....

very good chance only means it's likely. It don't have to be that way. People could be stron enough to come over that. they don't want to be like their fathers, they don't want to do that to their kids.
and when someone is strong enough to pull that off, then it's of course H

yes this is truth peoples can change, but the reality push them to the wrong way...make from them monster...there is too many excellently for 'spoilt' familys...no work, no money , no hope at all, there is start drinkIng, spanking, scolding.......and who is the sacrificial the kid or the poor woman...

H is H he will do it rigth things in the right times. if it was me...i do what the rest do to me , for my regret i`m too outlying but for my this is the salvation....well H is one perfect example for imitation

PS tiq hora sa ludi, samo ni razwaliha hubawqi serial. ne gi e sram...ujasssss......prosto nqmam dumi
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

It's all getting a bit much I think, as much as I love H.

Yeah, I agree. Ann D wants to make him a martyr, one who carries all kinds of suffering you can think of. Maybe that's why H is so compassionate. Coz he's been through it all...but yeah, it's really too much. Too dramatic. Though it's possible in real life, anything is.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

*sighs* I feel so left out in the dark, I've not seen any of season 4 yet, it's so hard to even give an opinion about events in it. :(

All I can say is 10/7 was hard enough for me to watch and I'm not really looking forward to season 4! :eek: (well apart from H's stripy shirts ;))
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Well me neither Tink, and although I've heard lots of bad reviews on S4, I'm still looking forward to watching it.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

S4 H has definately been a total letdown from the Horatio we all first knew. However, on the bright side, he hasn't totally changed: he still wears sexy clothes, shades, and drives a Hummer--oh, and the voice :devil:! So, robot H is a lot like S1-3 from a certain perspective :rolleyes:.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

H still cares for his team. He still would do everything to protect them.
He still is compasionate. He still hunts the bad guys down.
He didn't change, he is still the one we know and love.
he is guiding his team more from distant, to give them more freedom.
but he is there to catch them if they fall (or before they screw up ;))
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Whoa! So many replies to this thread! :eek: What have you guys been talking about? :lol:

And that damn real life of mine has been keeping me away from posting here much lately :(

Wow, S4 sounds very depressing from a Horatio-fan point of biew :( Are the cases actually any good? At least if they are, that is one reason to watch it :)

Tink - you feel in the dark? Then I must be in long dark tunnel with no sign of the light at the end for many miles yet :lol:

Hopefully I will get to watching Kill Zone later so I can post my thoughts :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

and although I've heard lots of bad reviews on S4, I'm still looking forward to watching it.
then you looked in the wrong places ;) S4 was good so far, especially the latest epis had interesting cases :D
I so hate that aerosol-tjing. maybe it goes away like a bad dream :(
Am I on denial-mode? Hope not :confused:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I think that the cases have been quite traditional to what is Miami but I think what is bothering a lot of people is the way they're taking Horatio's character: his personal life, past, etc.
A lot of us were left wondering where the Yelina/Horatio angst went. Afterall, Horatio hasn't been the same since that storyline has stopped being mentioned.
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