Horatio/Yelina--Silent Thunder

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Re: HoYay Fever!

:lol: i thought it was only me who disliked James Blunt :lol: I mean the song is gorgeous, bt he vioce creeps me out... But it does remind you of HoYay :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

*imitates James Blunt with very high voice*

Yer beautiful... YER BEAUTIFUL *ends to terrible scream*

GRRR... I always start to imitate him when I hear the song...

What's the point with the video? Dude takes his clothes off and then jumps...

uh.. anyway... on topic. I have ... no thoughts.

I want beer. Seriously.. I've been without it for a...erm... 10 days. It's too much... just... beer in a week keeps me on track...
Re: HoYay Fever!

:lol: spread the Hoyay fever people! :D :lol: I'm going to Scotland for a week - so that means week without this thread... how will I live? :( :lol:
Re: HoYay Fever!

wow!! that' great news!! well and even if you can survive without the thread, a long reading marathon will be waiting for you here!! :D have good time..

edit: btw, i updated my fanfic.. would appreciate if you tell me what you think... thx :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

Lucy, i can make one for you too :D
That would be great Olly! Thank you. :)

I've just read your fanfic too - it's very good and compelling. Makes me really wish it was happening on the show. Sher's is the same. Looking forward to the next installment! ;)

Leanne, hope you have a fun week in Scotland. We'll miss you! :(
Re: HoYay Fever!

:lol: aww I'll miss you guys as well, and my Miami DVD sets. :9 I'll have to print off a piccy of Horatio with me - or I'll go mad
Re: HoYay Fever!

*sobs* A week without Leanne! How will this thread go on without one of our main shippers :( We'll miss you greatly, and there'll definately be some reading awaiting you when you return.

Love your fanfic Olly! Update soon!
Re: HoYay Fever!

:lol: spread the Hoyay fever people! :D :lol: I'm going to Scotland for a week - so that means week without this thread... how will I live? :( :lol:
I hope you have a great time Leanne :D

*waves* Hi guys, I don’t come down to shipper central that often, as a newbie I had a bit of bad experience in a different thread, but you may be seeing a bit more of me down here. ;)
I have a nice picture on my home PC of H & Y - I will post it on here for you guys later, it’s just a screencap, but I love the way H is looking a Yelina is sooo sweet. :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

Well I will have to read a lot when I come back - also I haope that there's news of someone's return ;)

Anyways heres some piccys to liven the thread up :D

Did someone say Blood Brothers?

Stare and pine for

You know I swear I hear Dead Zone

The look

Enjoy :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

Great pics Leanne!!! thx

and Lucy, hope you like this one !
i LOVE the look on H's face... :p

Re: HoYay Fever!

Thanks for the pics, Leanne! Those are some of my favorite HoYay ones! :D

Glad to have you in here Tink and I look forward to that pic of yours :)
Re: HoYay Fever!

Thanks for the pics Leanne. I really love that 'Blood Brothers' one. Poor H. He's pining again. :(

Olly - thank you! I've sent you a pm. :)
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