Horatio/Yelina--Silent Thunder

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Re: HoYay Fever!

Good to see you posting in here lament :D! This is probably one of the most optimistic ship threads you'll find.

I like optimism. :D Who knows? Maybe the writers will suprise us by bringing her back at the end of the season.
Re: HoYay Fever!

here we go :D

Re: HoYay Fever!

Lovely pics everyone - good to see you post here Lament! It's true, we are this Board's eternal optimists! :D

Olly/HAM, that's a beautiful banner. When you change it, can I use it?! ;)
Re: HoYay Fever!

:lol: Yeah, banner recycling to promote our cause - I like that idea! It's like flying the H/Y flag! :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

No offense Tally... those are nice lyrics but GOD I hate the song, hate the video :lol: :lol:

*Undercover Goose ends her broadcast*
Re: HoYay Fever!

No offense Tally... those are nice lyrics but GOD I hate the song, hate the video :lol: :lol:

*Undercover Goose ends her broadcast*

:lol: None taken, as always, Ducky or er, Undercover Goosey. I really only like the lyrics too. The music vid doesn't do too much for me plus his voice does take some getting used to.

Hmm, guess Heinekens for appetizers makes me maudlin. :p
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