Horatio/Yelina--Silent Thunder

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Re: HoYay Fever!

I think us H/Y shippers have learnt how to stand the test of time! :lol: Patience and understanding are essential factors in supporting this relationship. ;)

I think there are also more of us now, and we've become more vocal! :D

I rather like 'Viva HoYay!' btw (even if HoYay does have an alternative meaning, we can live with that I'm sure!)
Re: HoYay Fever!

I think you probably are Olly! :) I think I must be one of the oldest - along with Tally and DaWacko (who doesn't like to be seen in a shipper thread, so shhhh, I didn't say anything!) :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

Is it just me or...is Y hot in that PIC OR WHAT!!*drools*Thanks loads Olly. I've been here since the first time I joined Talk CSI...which isn't all that long..What can i say, I was instantly attracted to this wonderful thread of HoYay mates!
Haaaa...the L.O.L--> Look Of Lurve yeah! :lol:
Re: HoYay Fever!

nice pic...
well i am actually interested in her HAIR.. lol
but if you say shes hot, shes hot!! she always is.. LOL
luv her... :D
Re: HoYay Fever!

I shouldn't keep clicking on these pictures. They make me sad that SM has left. :( I always liked H/Y interactions, because Horatio seems so vulnerable around her, and normally, Horatio is so strong and larger-than-life.
Re: HoYay Fever!

yeah... actually we havent give up hoping yet lament..
hopefully she'll come back... keep your everything crossed ;)
Re: HoYay Fever!

Good to see you posting in here lament :D! This is probably one of the most optimistic ship threads you'll find.

Olly the pic you posted could easily be made into a wonderful banner. There's an idea ;)
Re: HoYay Fever!

wonderful idea... i'll try to make sth out of it Sherry... wanna use it??
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