Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

I think you're right - too many characters.

Also right to remind us that early spoilers often turn out not to be true. When do you suppose they actually begin making the first episode?
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

They usually start filming in July. :)

I agree that 'Burned' was calm and evenly paced. It had a pleasant Season 2 feel to it, even if I do still have a problem with some of the dialogue in the H/Y scenes! ;)

Welcome back MD! :D Indeed, this storyline does seem cliched, and as Pusher said:
good cop have 'bad/problem' son :rolleyes:
makes it even more so. Will Saint H succeed in reforming him?
the good news is that in ours tv land have save exit - i`m trying to not mention BSG here ;)
It's difficult not to mention it, especially as there are a few of us here that really love it! January is such a long time to wait though for new BSG :( so hopefully, we will get some H/Y screentime to inspire us from September. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

i can`t believe that i find ours thread in second page of Shipper Central. :eek: who i must to blame ?! :rolleyes:

j/k, as i see the way we move so far this thread will be over more fast then the previous hehe :p

yep September and January are far far away, but we will make it as aways. for epi 'Rio' spoilers come more later on the time and even we have whole season without Yelina... so as much this S6 spoiler to be cliched i`m happy that we have subject to discuss ;)

Spoiler Space


drgnldy i don`t say that this S6 spoiler is not truth, i just was try to say that TPTB juts offer to us the next cliched. but for me somehow this Son plot line is better then ex-wife/Aerosol babye etc.... maybe better for H/Y relationship... but if i have to be honest for me H don`t need the next new past... in S 1-3 he already have it... long time ago around his character have mystery and this was interesting to be watch and follow.... and if someone ask me i want back Suzzy&Maddy story line....but no chance at all....now all is about H drama....i know that he is main charcter in this tv show... so what ?! no need of so much new thing around him.....well in the end i`ll put my last money on the hope that TPTB will make something like 'Burned'... and if some of the quotes don`t fit (i'll close me eyes-as always for the last 2 y.) well i`ll just put/paly some song and watch the epi without sound ;) for me is enough that we again will se this so wonderful DC/SM chemestry :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

I'm always asking the same question: Why does it always have to be about him?

Thanks, Pusher for the heads up about my ava.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

It's difficult not to mention it, especially as there are a few of us here that really love it! January is such a long time to wait though for new BSG :( so hopefully, we will get some H/Y screentime to inspire us from September. ;)
It's interesting that we have so many H/Y and BSG fans here. We quite obviously have very good taste, lol! :D

Regarding the spoilers.....














Wonderful news about Yelina's return. :D Fingers crosed that we'll see much more of her and that she has a significant role worthy of Sofia's acting talent.

The son storyline could work well, but I am always very wary of TPTB. Like Pusher said, I much prefer this (the idea of it that is) to the Marisol debacle and that whole baby thing! Miami has always been H-centric, and I guess it always will be. If it's H-centric with Yelina around him, then YAY! ;) As long as Yelina has development too (wishful thinking probably).

Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

Love your avatars Tati and drgnldy.

If it's H-centric with Yelina around him, then YAY!
Agreed! But if like we all hope for Y's going to feature more in s6 then tptb can afford to take things slow and not rush things for H/Y.

There has been much thought and things been said with the new spoilers. And it comes as a surprise, cos it's not even July yet and we get..

spoiler space


To know that Y's in s6 premiere, it's like too good to be true. But I'm not doubting the fact, I think I'm optimistic she'll be there. As for the H's son story, I'm still a little skeptical cos there was this spoiler about H almost dying which never occured. And I do hope tptb don't screw it up, like I said they've got some explaining to do, how'd the kid turn up in Miami? Well if they handle it well, there's lots of potential H/Y-wise waiting to happen. Whatever it is, I'm jsut glad there's more H/Y screentime ahead. Yippee!!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

I guess I'm not exactly over the moon about this new H spoiler (it makes me feel kinda uncomfortable) but I'll take it cos it'll mean more Y in s6 I hope.

One more month till s5 gets here where I am and I finally get to see the whole of 'Rio'. Can't wait!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

Hey Swan nice to see u. :D

Spoiler Space


i too still have mix feeling re H 'new' family. but what more i like in this S6 spoiler is that H won`t 'save' Yelina from dangerous. She can make it on her own, i`m just glad that TPTB for now don`t make her character victim (with this i can`t live ). as we said this a lot time till now i hope that TPTB will surprise us nice in the end. coz... well for me epi. 'Burned' was one very nice surprise - not perfect but on the right direction - if we have to be honest there even have continuation ...

ahhh one more thing that i don`t want to happen re H son... i can accept that this kid is from old NY relationship (even for one night stend), but if this turn out that H have connection with married woman - and she keep this secret from her hubby and H will be to much then i can take... wow i`m so scary from TPTB that all is possible for me in the end. btw i hope that Kyle won`t kill H coz he soon can become a lot irritat from his new dad oneliners :lol: this way TPTB can make two spoilers to come truth :devil:

Anyone to want post new screencaps and make ours weekend more shine ?! ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

I don't have any new screencaps, but I just love this cute grin!


Aww. :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

Well, here's one you probably all know from Body Count. Looks like she's giving him what for.


I thought I had already posted this, so if I'm nuts and doing it again, someone please let me know.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

Hrockz i'm with you on that one counting down the days from tomorrow. I have seen some of the scenes from Rio, it was so good to see H/Y again :).

The avatar i'm using is one of Kit4na
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

I don't know if this has been touched on yet, but...

If perhaps this is true that H has a son, will Yelina react the same way she did when she suspected Madison was H's daughter? What I'm afraid will happen is that she'll think he knew about this son and didn't want to tell her, and she'll start to lose her trust in him again. Hmmm...

Other than that, the prospect of her return is quite exciting.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

Thanks for the pic Luce. H does look boyishly cute with that grin he gives Y. How can she not melt to pieces? That woman has greast resolve I'd probably have jumped H if he flashed that grin at me.

Fic update.

I've got a screencap from 'Hurricane Anthony', when asks about H's cut on his forehead. I'd loved how their banter was so light and yet you could tell she was concerned for him.


Spoiler space

I don't think Y will misunderstand H like with Madison, cos the spoiler is that H asks Y to dig up info on the boy so whatever it is H is letting Y in on the loop from the start. So I don't think he has any intention of hiding the fact about his son from her.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot

I also loved that banter between them in HA. Thanks for the pic. Gotta love those orange goggles! :D

Spoiler Space
I don't think Y will misunderstand H like with Madison, cos the spoiler is that H asks Y to dig up info on the boy so whatever it is H is letting Y in on the loop from the start. So I don't think he has any intention of hiding the fact about his son from her.
According to the spoiler information we have, that is right. H suspects that he is related to Kyle. H contacts Yelina to ask her to check out Kyle's background. In the meantime, Valera carries out some DNA checks on Kyle. By the end of the episode, H is convinced Kyle is his son and tells Yelina this openly. I suppose Yelina could be quite surprised by this news, but I doubt we'll see a repeat of her reaction to Madison.

Of course, all of this is subject to change, but this is the info we have to work with at the moment. ;)
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