Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

katpin31791 said:
Well................I for one don't like to be told something just to drum up suspense only to be let down. I think if AD is gonna run her flap that something's gonna happen then we should expect that. Now, I understand that their are last minute changes but gee whiz here all the time? I told my husband I feel she's done what she's done just to get us to tune in....

That does seem to be the general trend over the last couple of seasons, not just for the season finales but for overall approach to Miami. One wonders if she is tiring of Miami and ready for newer challenges. Perhaps Steve Maeda had considerable foresight to see this sort of apathy building up hence his taking off for greener pastures.

Wonder what SM thinks of it all.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yes, mr. Maeda departure had negative effect on CSI Miami. TPTB lose two great persons in theirs team (re SM too). Anyway.....if I don`t make mistake in epi. 'Born To Kill' credits I see Ildy Modrovich name. Maybe the hope is still here ;)

Wonder what SM thinks of it all.

Same here. Also I`m wonder why till now (already complet finished S5) we still don`t see anywhere SM new interviews (re newspaper or net) :rolleyes: I`m curious to know what Ma`am Milos think for epi. 'Rio' and 'Burned' and eventual for her future plans (not only CSI Miami).
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I don't think we'd see any new interviews or news about her. I think we will see them once the premiere for s6 approaches. I think tptb do want to bring her back and I hope they make their intentions to her soon before she goes off to another show again. Cos I really want to see her a regular. But I certainly hope she doesn't accept just any compromise, though if I were her I'd jump to work with DC! :p

Fic update.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hrockz said:
Tying H up and letting Y have her way with him, now that's an idea.

A great idea for a fic isn't it!

Thank you for the support, they found her back but she's currently still at the police office. They can't make her return home since she's 18. Hopefuly she'll do the right thing and go home again..

Congratz on becoming a grandma HC_4_my_birthday. Seems like every one's family is getting bigger! A few of us here are becoming an aunt (I am! , finally :) )

*edit Okay scratch the aunt part, It's possible that she's had a misscarriage.. Yep I'm not having too much luck these last couple of days.. :(
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

So sorry to hear Tati. My thoughts are with you and your brother and his girlfriend. Let's hope for the best.
(Sorry OT)

Umm, as to the fic about tying H up, I think the board ratings wouldn't allow that kind of fic :lol:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Thx appreciate it. Well you can always post it on fanfiction.com :p

There are seriously not enough H/Y fics out there :'(

well and regarding those interviews, we barely had any SM / DC interviews the last couple of years. Or I must have missed something cause I'd LOVE to know there opinion on H/Y!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I know SM likes the H/Y story. I remember reading some time ago on this forum about SM talking about the H and Y relationship and she had positive things to say about it although I can't remember what exactly was posted. I do remember her likening the H/Y story to a journey, and her saying that most people are more interested in the H/Y journey rather than the destination.

Of course I could be wrong, cos my brain is severely starved of sleep and it was a long time ago since I read it. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about what SM said.

However, I think SM did reply to Pusher's email saying she appreciated all the H/Y suppport from people like us. :D

As for DC, I don't recall him ever commenting on H/Y. Or maybe he did just that I'm not aware of it.

But the both must know that they have amazing chemistry with each other and they should keep to that. It's like a gift, cos you don't see it too often on other shows with other on-screen couples. They have the ability to make it really believable. It's a winning formula and tptb must realise that and hopefully utilise it to the max.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

The last SM interview that I read was Sofia Featured in KEE Magazine (Hong Kong), February '07.(www.sofiamilos.com) She still love and support H/Y relationship. YAY !!! :D Hope soon to have more words from her ;)

Hey, Hrockz if I don`t make mistake this post re SM describe H/Y journey rather than the destination is from audio commentary from S1 :rolleyes: I have luck to listen to them. Hope soon to find and S 2-3 audio commentary- especially HA one. ;)

However, I think SM did reply to Pusher's email saying she appreciated all the H/Y suppport from people like us. :D

Yes, Ma`am Milos said that and even not only in e-mails but in her interviews also. As I know she reply to Luce and Polina too. (they are my hope for future news :p) She respect and love her fans. I`m proud to be her fan :D So say we all !!! BTW last year we ask her to put links to H/Y thread (forum) in her web side and after little time BINGO she (and her team) do this. Lets H/Y shipp be popular and loved :)

Sorry to hear this Kit :( No worry I'm with you too. Hope soon to become aunt. Awww I forgot to say thanks for last night pics and also I love your new banner :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Well my sister-in-law just got back from the hospital. Seems to be nothing wrong with the baby, so it was a false alarm. She already had a miscarriage once.. so it's natural for us to be a lil freaked out if it seems it might happen again. (sorry for ot)

I'll make it up with some pictures.



Horatio & Yelina getting lost in each other's eyes..

Too bad that there aren't any interviews with DC about H/Y. Was looking forward to knowing his opinion about it all. Jep the chemistry between DC & SM certainly makes it all the more interesting. Of course the story itself, guy inlove with his sister-in-law and vice versa it's, I must say very interesting and yeah complicated.

I doubt that the couple will lose it's appeal once they're dating. They can make talk about dead bodies sound sexy and flirting :p

Remember "After the fall"? Yeah it's a S3 epi which means she's together with Stetler. But she STILL flirts with Horatio and yeah they were talking business not personal stuff.. The biggest H/Y fans will know the pics are from that episode ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hey Kit thanks for the pic & look what i did with it. Hope ya like. Here's to S6 & hopefully alot more of H/Y. The texture on this first one I made myself(can ya believe it?)LOL

Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Now now look at that! I just have to use that as my wallpaper! H/Y all the way baby :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

So glad it was a false alarm Kit re your sister-in-law's baby. Great news. :)

Also, thanks for the lovely pics from 'After The Fall'. The opening H/Y scene in that episode is wonderful. Very flirty and cute. I definitely miss scenes like that!

I agree that it's a shame that there's so little feedback from DC re the H/Y relationship, up until now anyway. Let's hope he might speak up if Yelina is involved in Season 6. He was quite vocal about Rebecca and Marisol on shows like Entertainment Tonight. Adam and Emily have made quite a few comments about E/C and it's always interesting hearing and reading their thoughts.

TPTB have made many comments about H/Y in the dvd audio commentaries and hearing their thoughts first hand can be very insightful. I am hoping that either Rio or Burned has a commentary on the S5 dvds. At best, we may get some indication of how the writers currently feel about the H/Y relationship. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Well they still must feel very good about H/Y else they wouldn't have gone through the trouble killing of Ray sr, Marisol AND bringin her back.

Up until now i'm still very happy with the way tptb have handled there relationship. But that's probably because I became a CSI Miami fan last summer, so I knew she'd be back. H/Y have had enough bad times already, it's time for them to enjoy each other's company and grow closer again :D

Let's hope those interesting storylines are really that interesting as Corey Miller said they're going to be.. But first I want some confirmation on to how many episodes she's going to be on. Don't think they'll bring her back as a regular (as much as I want that), but as a recurring guest like they did in S2. Which wasn't bad since she appeared more than than when she was a regular :D

Those interesting moments should have a hug or a kiss in them! Wouldn't u agree? We never had a propper welcome back .. Oh and Yelina, aim for the mouth again. We'll hold H in place :devil:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I'm so glad your brother's girlfriend is ok Tati. Great news. And thanks for the pics from 'After The Fall', love the flirty moments they had during the opening. Y like smiles shyly after H gives her that smouldering look as he comments about the witness' "bad eyes". Awesome. All that obvious flirting even though Y was with Stetler at the time.

The part about the audio commentary on s1 had to be posted by someone, I didn't hear it. Cos I don't own any of the DVDs. But thanks Pusher for clarifying it.

Yeah I really like to know how DC fels about H/Y too. And boy am I glad to see how much SM appreciates her fans and H/Y. Good to know.

I guess tptb handled H/Y well thus far, I just hope they don't leave us hanging after 'Burned' for another whole season. Get some progress going in s6. I want SM back for s6, maybe we should like write some petition and send it as an email to Corey? What do you guys think?

Those interesting moments should have a hug or a kiss in them! Wouldn't u agree? We never had a propper welcome back .. Oh and Yelina, aim for the mouth again. We'll hold H in place
I'm definately in agreement with you there Tati! :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hrockz said:
I want SM back for s6, maybe we should like write some petition and send it as an email to Corey? What do you guys think?

That's something we could do yeah. And let's ask him more about those interesting storylines.. I want to know if they're happy H/Y times or angsty..
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