Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Ah, now I see your point, Pusher. :) I think there are several reasons for this whole debacle. I don't believe that they're intentionally trying to insult fans. But I do think with the sunglasses and one liners, the producers are misreading why the show is popular. TPTB see that those things get talked about a LOT in the media, and so they rely quite heavily on the basic style of the show. But style alone doesn't make a show popular, much less good, and I feel like lately they've failed to see that.

With Marisol... there are some fans who did like that storyline so I mean I guess it's possible that AD and DC really do like the arc as well. I don't understand WHY, as that was really awful writing and poor chemistry with the actors. Cold dead fish have more appeal, I say.

Part of me also wonders if maybe DC is reluctant to criticize Miami. Unlike Adam Rodriquez, David has a bit of a reputation, thanks to his days on NYPD Blue. I think the press would seize on any criticism from David. Or, as I said, he might just really like the storyline.

Hopefully next season will be better for all the characters and filled with H/Y moments. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I took off work on Monday just so that I can watch the finale
I do that for the World Cup and/or NBA finals... but the Lakers are out bah!

i have feeling that tptb try to convince me that someone can be good person (and have reason to protect the rest) only if he/she have difficult childhood.
I think what they were trying to achieve was to make H the matyr as mentioned but also perhaps offer a reason to H's selflessness, and why he goes out of the way to protect and help victims especially children. Makes his interaction with them more poignant.

As to H showing emotions, he rarely does, as do some men. But I agree it would be nice to see his flaws and see him emotional and vulnerable. He did in s4, the name of the ep escapes me, but the one where he is talking to young Danny and he reveals about how his father killed his mother. I did detect a sigh of sadness after H revealed the fact to the boy. That's like a first for H.

I guess some people won't show their true emotions in public or at work unless to someone they're close too. H did talk about Speed's death with Rebecca Nevins. So perhaps the only time we'll get to see H show his emotions or admit his weaknesses is to someone close to him whom he trust, ie Yelina.

Which gives me hope for what I think would happen in the finale then hopefully H will have a scene confronting his emotions etc in Yelina's presence in s6 premiere.

Part of me also wonders if maybe DC is reluctant to criticize Miami. Unlike Adam Rodriquez, David has a bit of a reputation, thanks to his days on NYPD Blue. I think the press would seize on any criticism from David.
You have a good point there.

Anyway we're getting off topic here what was discussed is probably more suited for the H/DC thread.

Back to H/Y, like I said before the book is wide open and I hope tptb write the H/Y storyarc from here well. I just know Y will be back, why take the trouble to bring her back in 'Burned' otherwise? It's just a matter of when and for what purpose do we see Y again. And like I think Lucy mentioned tptb have not closed the chapter on H/Y.

Here's the link to my fic update.
fic update
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Pusher said: ....my bad - english in not my first language. anyway....

Your English is perfectly fine with us, dear one. Please don't give that another thought as we do understand you rather well. *huggles*

....are we stupid...

Perish the thought. I'd say we are more discerning with a particular aversion to being led around by the nose and force fed tripe. :)

..,, i still get got it how Ann D. can write some so good epi like WtM, BB, HA and now to act like she don`t know her charatcers at all.

Yes, this Jekyll and Hyde routine by AD and DC is a puzzlement. After 5 seasons, their lack of consistency in this area is amazing in its lack of consistency. :)

.... for me miami team have to go out of the shell where are they (to stop hide head in the sand ) and take a look around to see what want or don`t like the fans. to try understand why others tv shows like BSG, House M.D. etc. have so big progress and audience....

Amen to that! Miami has assumed Trog-like depths that were not even dreamed of by the Trogs all happy in Trog-ville. Of key interest here and to this thread is H/Y. Considering that it was tptb who introduced this H/Y stroyline in the first place, H/Y has been been absurdly and amateurishly handled (with regards to sustained development) over the past 5 years but then again we could also say this about everyone else in Miami with Horatio being the main victim.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

U fellas been busy, so busy I didn't even want to read it all haha but it's all about H/Y so no problem :D

Well I still don't have a serious problem with how the H/Y storyarc has developed. But I joined in as a CSI Miami fan, last year during the summer vacations. So I knew she was coming back. I bet for the ppl who had to wait more than a year for her return it was a drag.. And then she finally returns but there's no development, that must suck big time..

Next week is the season finale! whoei :D Plz make it so it has an excellent chance of Yelina returning in the s6 premiere!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Tally said: Your English is perfectly fine with us, dear one. Please don't give that another thought as we do understand you rather well. *huggles*
Seconded! :) You always make perfect sense to me too Pusher.
I'd say we are more discerning with a particular aversion to being led around by the nose and force fed tripe.
Agreed wholeheartedly. This is precisely why many of us here have gone through phases of not even watching Miami anymore. It's not just the absence of H/Y. It is also the fact that we have no desire to be subjected to the substandard storytelling and character development that has plagued the show for too long now. We have found inspiration elsewhere in TV Land, thank the Gods! :D < Sorry, couldn't resist a nod to BSG.

Kit, I see where you are coming from. The negative impact of Sofia's departure from the show and how badly it was handled by tptb was so very disappointing for us fans at the time (I'm not referring to the episode '10-7' here). Two and a half seasons is a long time to invest in something like this and really care about it. Then followed the endless wait for any news of her return and the utterly woeful Season 4/parts of Season 5. So yes, we are singing from a different song sheet in some respects. We are of course, still united in our support of H/Y though. :)

Thanks re the comments concerning my 'H's Tale Of Woes'. A rare moment of inspration! There have been so many great points raised in the last few posts, but I do not have the luxury of time to respond right now. I will leave you with a picture though....


Still wriggling. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

thanks for ur patience and understanding Lucy and Tally *huggles back*

ur right Kit we been waiting too long time for Yelina return and some new H/Y developed. this some times lead to a lot negative thoughts...but thansk god we have this wonderful thread, new H/Y fanfics and icons... so i think we can survive this summer too ;)

btw thanks for this lovely pic Lucy - love to see man feel little uncomfortably in strong and beautiful lady presence :devil: hope one day H to deserve the right Yelina to be part of his life ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Well I endured the s4 without Y. It was difficult but I dealt with that with imagining her there all the time. I had it all in my head how she'd react or how he'd react if Y was still there. Sorry if I sound psycho. ;)

And I cringed through the last few episodes of s4 yuck!

And I waited along with all of you for Y's return. It's awesome to have her back.

And even better that wriggly H is back in her presence. Glad to know he doesn't change in that regard.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I still watched most of Season 4, but through gritted teeth. I felt I had to at least try to sample it so I could form an opinion. It also helped knowing what was going on when I was moderating in the Miami Forum. I have watched about half of Season 5. The E/C developments have been entertaining and of course we've had 2 Yelina episodes. It's certainly been better than Season 4 for me, but that was never going to be difficult! ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

No Yelina for the season finale, according to the season finale thread :(
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yeah we knew that, or most of us guessed it.

That's ok, Y for s6 would be great, and hopefully the season finale will set the stage for that.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Lucy (and anyone else who has been kind enough to do so) I want to apologize for my bad manners. I was the one who initially suggested the return of the countdown pics and you were kind enough to comply and I never took the time to thank you. So now I am THANKING YOU! Really appreciate the effort and it is such a bright spot in the day to come here and see the pics and read the always interesting points of view. Thanks again.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Well...... I for one can't help it about S4 since well if it hadn't been for it I wouldn't be watching now. I however noticed it started slowly going downhill after I got hooked. More so with the H/M storyline. It didn't bother me so much that he supposedly had a love life but(*runs & hides*)but that they made such a mockery out of the cancer story. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my daddy didn't look that good when he was dying from cancer. Then after buying S1-3 and seeing the interaction between H/Y I was like wow now I know what's missing. Yelina brought Horatio to life. Everytime they were together he lit up like a Christmas tree. So the few times this season they were together was a big treat to me. I was like this is what Horatio needs. She puts a spark back in his walk. So, I'm like enough here already bring her back for good. We need her. Horatio needs her but you know just not only that but dog they rush solving cases anymore. You know who the killer is within 5 min of the show anymore. LOL No more taking time in the lab etc. Okay I', done. Thanks for all the great pics.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yelina brought Horatio to life. Everytime they were together he lit up like a Christmas tree.
You got that right.

Not only that, Yelina has the ability to make our cool and confident H all wriggly and uncomfortable. Don't think anyone else can do that. I mean I seriously I don't think there's another ep where H was like 'Errr....' like he was with Y in 'Huricane Anthony'.

I'd like to see him be like that again and get all tongue-tied around her, hopefully this time he's trying to ask her out for a proper date. It'll be fun and heart-warming to watch. :D

One more thing to add:
Fic update
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I finally got my miami episodes back!!

Let's go back in time and discuss this picture. I'll add the dialogue also :)

Horatio: So wow..
Yelina: Yeah me and Stetler.
Horatio: When did that happen?
Yelina: He asked me out, I said yes. That's usually how it works. Stetler is simple and this is..
Horatio: Complicated.
Yelina: Yes complicated.. You had a daughter you didn't tell me about. Makes it kind of hard to trust you.
Horatio: I understand.
*Yelina smiles weakly*


So my question to you what do u see in this picture?

I see a Yelina who isn't mad at Horatio but she's hurt. She ain't hurt because he had a kid, she's hurt cause after everything they've been through he didn't share it with her. It's almost like he didn't trust her.. Of course we know better than that. And this weak smile, I think it's because she was hoping for H to explain it to her, why he didn't tell her. But after there lil conversation he still stays quiet about it.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Then after buying S1-3 and seeing the interaction between H/Y I was like wow now I know what's missing. Yelina brought Horatio to life.
Nicely said Katpin. :) It really is absolutely true, from my perspective certainly. It's interesting to read that you felt the show went downhill from when you started watching. I know you loved the first episode you watched (S4's 'Felony Flight') and I also thought that was a great episode coupled with it's sequel, NY's 'Manhattan Manhunt'. Season 4 didn't start off too badly, but the latter half was terrible! The portrayal of Marisol's cancer really was indeed an insult to the audience.

silk, you're most welcome re the pics and thanks for the appreciation. I hadn't given it a second thought that you hadn't posted since, so no worries. ;)


You can tell that Yelina always knows what H is thinking. She reads him so well and he knows it.
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