Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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^ Aw, another of my very favourite pics. Thank you for posting that. :) Quite clearly, they are dreaming of a better place, just like us.

Kit, that pic is from 'Death Grip'. :)

I too hope that H makes a mistake of sorts. That would make a refreshing change. The problem with Miami is that we never really get to see the true consequences of anything. Chance are, even if H does make a misjudgment, he will be cleared and all will be fine and dandy again within a 45 minute episode. The writers could easily involve Yelina in this kind of storyline though, and let's hope that if they do, it does her character justice and is well written. We can live in hope right? Cautiously optimistic as always. ;)
Thank you Lucy

I hope Corey Miller can provide us with some more info concerning her return. I don't really want to know when cause that would spoil the surprise. But I would like to if she would return as a detective.

Another one of those great H/Y moments.

Y: Hey you're bleeding.
H: Owh
(Yelina grabs his hand and tends his wound with a hankerchief)
H: I'm fine.
Y: I can see that.
(They share a short but sweet stare)
H: Will I see you at the booky?
(Y looks disappointed because he quickly changes the subject)
Y: Yeah I guess you will.
(Y turns around to leave)
H: Yelina, good job.
(She turns back smiling before she decides to leave)



Wow so nice to see so many of us feel so passionately for our fave couple.

Nice pics Kit . One of the contestants on American Idol is singing the all so lonely Celine Dion song, 'All By Myself'. That is like so H at the moment, so sad and lonely without Yelina.

I'm in agreement with Lucy about the interpretation of the spoiler, it could mean any number of things. Fact is first time I read the spoiler my first thought was that H would accidentally shoot an innocent. Man I can imagine the guilt H is gonna feel after that. And that would be the perfect timing for Y to come comfort him and in a moment of weakness they could kiss... ok I'm getting ahead of myself here. But one can hope :)

Of course I wouldn't mind H getting shot too and Y coming to baby him. Cos we won't know tptb can't possibly kill off H. Plus Saint H does need to come back down to earth :p

The possibilities are endless what's important is we get more H/Y on TV yay!!!

If you don't mind Pusher I'd like to caption your pic:
Hoping for better things to come in s5 and beyond for H and Y :D
Well I hope they don't kiss in a moment of weakness. It's so soap opera and they are beyond that.

I think it's now the best time for H/Y. All of there secrets are out in the open now there are no more what if .. finds out about ...

I don't think Yelina is going to rush into a new relationship. First off all she just lost her husband all over again and second she cares now more than ever for Horatio.

When she found out about Madison she didn't wait long to start a new relationship. But that was just because she was angry. Watch the end of "Oasis", she just got together with Stetler but near the end of the episode there is an interesting conversation.

Y: I'm sure that Dan Coldfield's widow is going to appreciate everything you've done.
H: I just let the evidence clear his name.
Y: Still she's lucky to have you.
H: Thank you.
(Yelina hesistates, it's very clear she wants to say more.)
Y: See you tomorrow.
(She goes to the elevator, she hesitates before she pushes the button. She gets in but she turns around to give H one last look.)




I think what she ment to say was "I'm very lucky to have you." But due to the fact that H stays so calm about her relationship with Stetler she decides to cover up her feelings since they obviously don't get a response from H.

Remember Whacked? It was the first time she admitted, after the whole Madison & Stetler situation, that she needs him and that she'll always need him.

We are going to get now what we were suspossed to get after Yelina kicked out Stetler. The only reason they wrote out Y was because they wanted to change the relationship between her & H.

What I've found interesting in the episode Rio is that she told H she doesn't know what's left for her in Miami. I don't think she ment it like that I think she was just covering up the question: "Are you still here for me H?"
Luckely this time she gets a response she was hoping for from H. That's why she gives him a little nod and before she steps into the cab, watches back one last time.

I've seen too much H/Y episodes, me thinks :p

By the way look at the activity of this thread the last few days! I can't wait to see what it's going to be like when she's back 2 stay ;D
Those are lovely caps from Body Count kit. Thanks for posting them. :)
What I've found interesting in the episode Rio is that she told H she doesn't know what's left for her in Miami. I don't think she ment it like that I think she was just covering up the question: "Are you still here for me H?"
Luckily this time she gets a response she was hoping for from H. That's why she gives him a little nod and before she steps into the cab, watches back one last time.
I agree with that too. She was fishing slightly here, which she had to do really as H was so focused on revenge and then saving Ray Jnr. She needed some kind of sign from him.
By the way look at the activity of this thread the last few days! I can't wait to see what it's going to be like when she's back 2 stay
Great to see, isn't it! Not sure if she will be back to stay, but we shall see. Hope springs eternal. :)
Another H/Y song

Lionel Richie - Hello

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, (and) my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you ...

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know

'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you ...

Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you


Listen to this song & close your eyes. I think you'll come up with a nice H/Y moment :p
Kit4na thanks for the pics and this lovely song lyrics :D

I think it's now the best time for H/Y. All of there secrets are out in the open now there are no more what if .. finds out about ...

love ur thoughts over some main H/Y epis/story line. coz of this all say truths, uncover secret and widower situation make me think that won`t be awfully if the TPTB show to us a little H/Y closeness - re how they go through theirs loss or what they do in background after Yelina stay in Miami. but we all know how 'weak' are csi miami writes when it`s come to continuation (also they are not permanent in theirs decision). so what was my point...well befor epi Rio we have some hopes that Aerosol and Ray Sn. death will open H/Y to each other (not exactly shipper way, can talk like friends/family at last), but we don`t see anything like this - a lot rush and action epi...now we hope for what...uhh...awww yes that H can be wounded and Yelin will be by his side....i would love to see this, but prefer firts to see the epi (2nd for for Y in S5) and then to make my mind...hehe after Rio spoilers and promo pics i learn my lesson ;)

post by Hrockz : Wow so nice to see so many of us feel so passionately for our fave couple.

hehe love this word passion, very good describe some of us ;) even to know that H&Y are not real people/persons, i still with passion talk for them or defended theirs relationship. for me this cause is deserve/worthy. but as Lucy say all my hope go in first place Y to have her character justice, and after this for some good H/Y development :)

btw Hrockz ur captions again over stolen Lucy`s screencap make smile :) as someone have say long thim ago - If I Can Dream, Tell Me Why - Oh Why Can't My Dreams Come True? ~ Elvis Presley
Kit4na said:
I think it's now the best time for H/Y. I don't think Yelina is going to rush into a new relationship. First off all she just lost her husband all over again and second she cares now more than ever for Horatio.

:lol: Kit I don't think you've watched too mush H/Y episodes. In fact I think your post is very very insightful indeed. I really like your interpreation of 'Rio'.

I agree Yelina isn't gonna rush into things with H. Hence the period of her absence from 'Rio' till now. I don't know how much time tptb intend to have passed since 'Rio' but it would be a considerable amount of time I should think. How would the writers handle the time they've been apart? Would there be hints that H and Y have been in touch? If a certain amount of time has passed and each had time to get over their loss of their respective spouses, then there is an added reason why now is a good time for H/Y as you said.

I tend to think that it would take Y a longer amount of time to get over Ray's death than H over Marisol's. Heck I'm still not buying into the fact that her loved her, it was more like compassion for her, nothing close to what we know he feels for Yelina.

Let's just hope that after building up to all this hype and excitment the writers do H/Y some justice and make the upcoming ep a real memorable one for us long-suffering H/Y fans :)
Knowing the writers they won't give us hints that they've been in touch. It would be nice though if they did it but i don't think it's neccesary. We know H and we know he would stay in touch with his family especially this time..

I hope Y will be back after the 1 month break but i'm pretty sure she won't. They've probably already filmed 4 of the upcoming episodes..

There really aren't enough HY icons to be honest. I made 2 new ones :D


I've made more icons but they aren't HY related, you can find them @ fanart, miami icons :D
Well if they're filming in March as SM said in her email then I'm guessing Y will be back in April? Probably the last ep of s5 I think. Anyway we've waited so long waiting a little more wouldn't hurt. I just really want her back and now that we've got word of it, I'm pretty much optimistically content (if there's such a phrase). Compared to not getting her back in s5 at all any Y screentime would be most welcome. Can't wait to see how the H/Y story picks up from here.

I remember someone posting somewhere before on SM talking about the H/Y relationship and her describing their love as a journey not a destination. Well if their relationship's a journey, it's been a great ride so far.

Grat icons Kit . Love them. The one that says 'Holding on' reminds me of the Avril Lavine song from the movie 'Eragon', think it's called 'Keep Holding On', very apt H/Y song if I might say so.

btw Kit you're really good at making them icons :)

To all my FF readers sorry to keep you waiting, here's the link to my latest update.

thanks for another fic update whoei!

Well the first episode in april is called Bloodline but as I recall it the title of the episode has almost never got anything to do with the csi's. Lets just hope this time it does :)
I remember someone posting somewhere before on SM talking about the H/Y relationship and her describing their love as a journey not a destination. Well if their relationship's a journey, it's been a great ride so far.
I agree up to a point, but I still feel heavily aggrieved at TPTB's decision to write Yelina's character off the show for an entire season. It was indeed a great journey up until Season 4. They may still redeem themselves yet and I don't doubt the enormous potential of the H/Y storyarc. I just hope the continuation of it is well handled and that Sofia is available to feature significantly. ;)

Nice icons kit! :)
I thought when Yelina made the comment that there was nothing left for her in miami that Horatio told her she still had family?

Yeline: There's nothing left in Miami for me

Horatio: Family.

To the best of my recollection. My thing is I wonder how it would be done. So much time had passed since S3(other than her appearance in "Rio") & Horatio marrying Marisol. It would be neat to see how they'd work i t out. Wish she;d come back for good. I loved Horatio's tenderness, compassion, etc. He's been a total different person since Yelina left. Like he's driven, also a void he can't seem to fill. I know I came into the show late FF(S4) but even at that his interaction with (Adam?) is what made me fall in love with the show & Horatio. I miss that sooooooooo much. Then getting S1-3 & watching them it's like oh please I'd love to see him like that again. He didn't have one-liners that I recall then. LOL I just miss sooooo much of what i saw of H in S1- 3 & FF. Hope we see more of Yelina cause she brought so much to Horatio. Hope this makes sense. LOL
Maybe this time around they can develop her character further. You have to admit we know very little about her. We know she's columbian, her mom lives in Miami, she hates champagne and she possibly already had a crush on H when she got married to Raymond. Oh yes and she's a strong woman who can take care of herself. And even that is now questionable, would Yelina really have gone with Ray to Brazil after what he did to her? Make her think he was dead, cheated on her etc? That's a totally different Yelina than in season 2..
Some people would that that's just wrong, marry a guy while your secretly in love with his brother? Usually i would say 'same on you', but this is a different case. ;) Plus, she didn't know Raymond very well, since he was a a dirty *is smothered*.
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