Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Hrockz, I'm so glad you are writing this! I have posted a comment over in the Fan Fic forum along with a picture. ;)

Also, there are so many episodes where there are possibilities for expansion. Simple Man, Hurricane Anthony, Big Brother, Body Count all spring to mind. You have done a great job with Whacked and I really look forward to reading more! :D

As I have my 'Whacked' file open, here's another pic...


Just a note regarding Body Count. It was an extended episode (I think it was about 55 minutes), so some networks may have cut some scenes. The hand holding scene may have been one of them. In all the versions I have seen - CBS, Channel Five in the UK and the dvd version, the hand holding scene is there. CSIMiamiLover, maybe you could get hold of the dvd so you can see this wonderful moment. :D
Thanks, I saw it on A&E, and it was 40 minutes. So that explains it. Sorry for the confuzzlement. Great pics everyone.
Nice pic Luce , love the way he's looking at her.

I just might take up your request, and am thinking of doing my version of 'Body Count'.
Sorry for double-posting again, but the next instalment of my fic is up. Go check it out at fan fic forum, my computer is geting screwed up so am somehow unable to post the link here.
Enjoy! And as always feedback is most welcome.
Lucy say : Also, there are so many episodes where there are possibilities for expansion. Simple Man, Hurricane Anthony, Big Brother, Body Count all spring to mind. You have done a great job with Whacked and I really look forward to reading more!

yep, there are a lot H/Y epi which can be continuation (post epi storys) in ours imagination. after all this is the charm/magic of this couple. ;) we always have something unspoken and unfinished between then. aslo this walls / obstacle that make H/Y to not act in theirs truth feeling can be break in fanfics. so it`s good, very good that HnM, Hummer and Hrockz have wish and patience to write such great H/Y fanfics :D with all this lack of new spoilers (re Y return) and disappoint from S 4-5, suppose it`s a lot difficult work ;) i keep a lot respect to u guys :D

sorry for been annoying, but my friend Hrockz , this double posts can be take like spaming from some Mods here (board rules). it is more better if u use Edit button (option) on ur 'old' post if u want to add something more , instead to make new one post ;) thanks in advance for ur understanding ...

*on my way to read Hrockz new H/Y fic instalment *
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. School's being a biotch and I do need to rest lol...

Just dropping by to share:

In the episode in season2 where Ray,Jr. gets in trouble coz his friends killed a guy(again, bad with titles) -- and Horatio goes to his aid... the conversation went like this:

RJ: You don't come around anymore.
H: Well, I'm just giving your mom some space.
RJ: But she doesn't need space.

I was thinking of a better way to end this convo than an invitation for a fishing trip:

RJ: But she doesn't need space.... she needs you.

Thanks for the tip Pusher . I never thought of that! To the mods, sorry, my bad.

chaostheory did you just read my fic or were you reading my mind? That's kinda freaky cos my fic just mentioned 'Hell Night', the ep you were talking about. But sorry I didn't really expand on that part.
Thanks for helping out Pusher :) and explaining the edit option to Hrockz. Its always best to see if you can edit a post before making a new one.
Also, its alright to talk about fanfics in here, but please include your talks/links to fic with at least 3 lines of on topic discussion. It keeps the thread going and is in the best interest of all posters visiting, posting, or just reading this thread. Thanks. :D
chaostheory08 said:
In the episode in season2 where Ray,Jr. gets in trouble coz his friends killed a guy(again, bad with titles) --

Isn't it from Season 3, the episode 'Hell Night'?
you mean the episode where 'his friends' killed the homeless guy?
I liked the episode and the quote sounds familiar.
Yelina needed Horatio and of course he was there to help his familiy.
Ray jr. adores his uncle. I think he will be happy if H/Y becomes a couple (soon :p).
I hope soo. It would be a great storyline, but I also would like to see a happy H/Y relationship without too much problems. ;)
I'm not quite sure that Ray JR is going to be happy. Yes Ray jr likes H a lot. But have you seen the teenage version yet? He adores his dad, I don't think he's going to be pleased.

By the way any news on SM yet?
I'm just going to post a link to Hrockz's next fic installment. :)

No news as yet re Sofia. It's been strangely quiet spoiler wise. Anyone else know anything?

I too wonder how Ray Jnr will react to a possible union between his Mom and Uncle. I hope they don't go down the predictable selfish teenager route, but then again, if it means H/Y screentime, I'll take it! ;)
Thanks for posting the link Luce , my computer's been acting up and so I'm unable to post the link here somehow.

Sorry mods, I made a few mistakes yesterday. :(

I tend to agree with Kit that as much as Ray Jr likes H he's gonna have issues with his mom and H getting together. I agree with you Luce I really hope they don't make him into a rotten teenager cos I really like Ray Jr. Speaking of which I'm gonna have to deal with this issue in my fic soon, I haven't decided how I'll play it out though.

Anyone remember if it was mentioned if Yelina has any silblings? I know they mentioned her mom.

I was wondering, in the ep '10-7' and 'Rio' when Ray Sr was in trouble his first concerns was always for Ray Jr which is natural for a parent. However he never got round to showing any concern for Yelina. It got me thinking if this could be any sign of trouble in their marriage. Y mentioned he was away for weeks and he did have an affair. Hence my thoughts on whether they were already drifting apart even before Ray Sr's fake death.
Hrokz said: " However he never got round to showing any concern for Yelina. It got me thinking if this could be any sign of trouble in their marriage"

I have always felt that their marriage was in trouble wayyy before Ray Sr ever disappeared or 'died' the first time. I also have always wondered if he was not physically abusive to Y. Don't know why for sure but some women tend to fall into that trap more than once and it happened with Stetler, but to be perfectly honest, I actually had this feeling BEFORE Stetler ever appeared on the scene. I think that Y realized very shortly into her marriage to Ray that she had chosen the wrong brother. JMHO.
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