Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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I'm pretty sure the writers aren't going to let them be together just yet. H will keep acting like he always has cause the writers would probably want to stretch it as long as possible. Hey a lot of people want them together so they keep watching but when it happends will it still be as exciting?
Indeed, I'm thinking along the lines of Season 7! ;) We need subtle, sustained, long term development, though any screentime at all right now would be a bonus (as long as it does the characters justice). Maybe Sofia is on vacation after her long, busy run in 'Desire'? I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. The good news is that the writers seem fairly determined to get her back on the show, so I'll take that glimmer of hope for now. :)
I am a bad, bad Hoyay shipper! I haven't been here in months!

Okay, now that I'm done berating myself, to comment on a bunch of stuff I've missed.

We need Y back. Simple as that. Suzie and Maddy and Ray Jnr too, but Y most of all. And sustained, long, drawn-out, development has to happen. We shippers need it! We are starving without it!

That was a lot less coherant than it was supposed to be. Oh well.
Good to see you again Gillian! :D You're not alone though. Due to lack of any new info, we haven't had alot to discuss. A few of us have been a little AWOL lately. ;)

Here's a favourite pic of mine to keep things ticking along....


Very beautiful picture thanks for that!
Which episode is it from by the way? Cause I don't recognize it immediately, I haven't seen all the H/Y episodes yet but I'm planning on catching up this holiday :D
You're welcome. :)

The screencap is from Season 2's 'Witness To Murder'. Enjoy catching up! Sounds like a great way to spend some holiday time. :D
thanks for this lovely pic Lucy ;)

it`s look like
H: can i kiss u here ?
Y: no dear, pls wait to go in the elevator...


'Witness To Murder' is one of my fav epis from all CSI M S. even we have some H/Y moments here. in the parking lot when Y tell H that Evgeni is 'weak-minded' and after this see that H have find way to talk with him she just smile so sweet to both of them...or when Y come in CSI building to tell H that Evgeni is dying, H just know it by the look of her face... wow H&Y always can understand each other without words

anyway, soon are Christmas what will give Y for present to H ? :devil:

A few of us have been a little AWOL lately ;)

i was think the same thing....and still wonder where are lost Tall, MD and HnM :rolleyes: hope they will have a lot fun this holidays :)
Ah yes the episode with Eugine, I already saw that one a few times on television. Great episode, mostly because H gets so good along with Eugine and than he dies .. :(
and still wonder where are lost Tall, MD and HnM hope they will have a lot fun this holiday :)
I'm here! :D I'm always here in spirit, it's just real life is a bit hectic at the moment. I hope you have an enjoyable holiday too Pusher and thanks. :)

Re Sofia possibly being on vacation, that crossed my mind too. The run on 'Desire' was quite intensive I think. I hope she is able return to CSI:M as soon as possible, though I can understand why she might delay it. Fingers and everything else crossed for 2007!

Beautiful pic, Luce. Thanks! :)
Pusher said:

i was think the same thing....and still wonder where are lost Tall, MD and HnM :rolleyes: hope they will have a lot fun this holidays :)

Still here, my dear Pusher but oh so busy with end of the year things. :) Thanks very much for the happy holiday wishes. My same to you and your family and to all else in this forum of ours.

Thanks for the brilliant pic, Luce.
Pusher said:
i was think the same thing....and still wonder where are lost Tall, MD and HnM :rolleyes: hope they will have a lot fun this holidays :)

And Happy Holidays to you too, Ani. :D

Yep, I'm still here and I've been lurking. I should definately post more but, as is the case with most everyone this time of year, I'm prepping for the holidays. I'm around though.

And Luce that is a heavenly pic.

Concerning Sofia and thoughts that she may be on vacation I think that theory is definately a maybe. As MD said, the whole sceduling for 'Desire' was rather intense, and it's easy to understand why she'd want some much needed rest and recuperation. Hopefully we'll be thrown a bone about the situation soon.
Thanks for the beautiful pic Lucy! :)

I also like 'Witness to Murder'.
Yelina knew how much the dead of Eugene hurt Horatio. :(
I like the scenes where they can communicate without words.
The scene in 'Under the Influence' during the job interview is also a classic moment between H and Y.
How's that for a response, Pusher? :D
The scene in 'Under the Influence' during the job interview is also a classic moment between H and Y.
That's another great example of their understanding. It is so understated and natural. I really miss that.
How's that for a response, Pusher?

awww guys u really make my day yesterday :D is did mean that i have to mention urs names more often hehehe :lol: thanks for all urs kind wishes and lets hope that the next year we'll have more spoilers to discuss ;)

sorry inge i don`t have pic from 'Under the Influence' but this one is classic too :)

That's a great picture Pusher! :D I don't think I've seen it before. From 'Money For Nothing'? I love how they are standing in such close proximity to one another. They do this on many occasions and you can really feel their chemistry sizzling away! :devil:
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