Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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^ Well, as long as Horatio rides off into the sunset with Yelina, it's fine by me! After sustained H/Y development of course. ;)

Btw, thanks for the lovely pics yesterday inge. Whatever happens, we will always have Seasons 1-3. Reminds me of when Rick says to Ilsa in Casablanca, "We'll always have Paris." There's another great screen romance right there. :)
HC 4 My Birthday said: "just been on the H/dc thread and saw this.What would happen if dc quit the show"

What was the 'this' that you saw and is there talk that DC will be leaving the show or are you just posing a what if? Can't believe he'd pull a NYPD Blue fiasco again. And the only way I would want him to leave is if it was for Horatio :cool: to ride off into the sunset with his lovely Yelina. They could go to Virginia, adopt Madison, and have beautiful little babies together. :lol:
It was just a 'what if?' There are no rumours about DC quiting the show, to my knowledge that is! ;) He seems very happy doing Miami and is a far more settled person now than when he was in NYPD Blue. :)
They could go to Virginia, adopt Madison, and have beautiful little babies together. :lol:
What a lovely scenario! I'm all for that. :D
^ Well, as long as Horatio rides off into the sunset with Yelina, it's fine by me! After sustained H/Y development of course.

Now how'd I know you were going to say that?. :D but I agree, if he leaves, I hope he does something. If not, I'm gonna whack him!

What about Madison's mom? I dunno if she'd like that though.
^ I was just kidding (about the Madison part, not the babies!) ;) Unless of course, something happens to Suzie. :(

Speaking of Suzie, we could really do with seeing her again. I hope the writers decide to revisit that whole storyarc. I would love to see a scene between Yelina and Suzie again, with H looking slightly uncomfortable in the background. Wishful thinking on my part maybe, but I would certainly tune in for an episode involving Suzie. :)
maybe Y and Suzzy keep in tuch after epi 'NTL'. (not in last place they both are mam`s) ;) i would be happy to know how is recover Medinos after her hospitalize :ralleys: but as we all know very well csi miami writers strong side is not the continuation story/plot line :(

and talk about Suzzy she have some problems with the drugs in the past, also H have promise to send her money each month (if i don`t make mistake he pay for her rent apartment)... well why after all she can`t come back in S5... here like Y 'case' have a lot story to be developed...

anyway, the fun part will be if Suzzy and Yelina unite and try to find the Real H :lol: (noone man can`t resist two ladys talking/advice :devil:) in opposed way i`m all in for the idea - Horatio leave Miami and ride off into the sunset with his lovely Yelina :D
anyway, the fun part will be if Suzzy and Yelina unite and try to find the Real H :lol:
Yes, that would be their first priority! :D

Suzie was always very straight talking. For this reason, she is another perfect character to say something to either H or Yelina (in addition to Frank or Alexx) to nudge them into facing up to their feelings. I will always remember when Suzie said this to H in Big Brother' concerning Madison:

"What are you going to tell Ray's wife? You found a baby looks just like him, thought you'd bring her home out of the goodness of your heart? Can you imagine what that would do to her, Horatio? Your little brother sure knew how to mess things up, didn't he?"

It was so refreshing, though heartbreaking, to hear Horatio being spoken to in such a way. I will always remember the helpless look on his face after she said that. He knew she was right. There are no moments like this anymore that don't seem contrived. So, Suzie could easily say something to H about Yelina. She could even just make the observation that she knows he cares alot about her. Anything just to start thawing the ice. ;)
here like Y 'case' have a lot story to be developed...
Indeed, more open ends that need attending to. There are so many of these, and only one has really been tied up, and that is the real death of Ray. We now know that we will never see a confrontation between Ray and Yelina/Ray and Suzie/Ray and Horatio about Madison, which is a great shame.
Suzie was always very straight talking.
It was so refreshing, though heartbreaking, to hear Horatio being spoken to in such a way. I will always remember the helpless look on his face after she said that. He knew she was right.

very truth !

all of ur post make me re watch this H/S scene in epi BB. i don`t have think about this - that Suzie can talk with H 'this straight ' way :rolleyes: we have see only Y go 'against' H or put him on his place...but noone else....yes Rick have try to jump over H but here with Yelina & Suzie is different situation - thet realy can make H helpless ... as someone have say u can be hurt only be peoples for who ur care...don`t get my wrong Y/S don`t want to hurt H in this literal world... but we know that ours closer frineds sometimes don`t tell us the 'naked' truth only to not hurt us, but when they see that we become foolish/blind they are here to say the fact as it is as much heartbreaking can be... that`s why (and some more epis stroy lines) for me Suzie is one big part of H/Y relationship (past and future)

*agrrr can`t express my self better in english * hope u got my thoughts :rolleyes:

btw Lucy i just come from Miami forum...and u still keep surpriseing me ....i did not know that in this uncut version of 'NTL' in the end Ray Jn. have been introduce to the little Medison ... wow , this is coool ... now we can have some new fanfic story to bring back ours fav ladys in Miami...why not by any chance Ray Jn and Medison learn in one school..and Y/S are meet again in parent's- teacher meeting :lol:
btw Lucy i just come from Miami forum...and u still keep surprising me ....i did not know that in this uncut version of 'NTL' in the end Ray Jn. have been introduce to the little Medison ... wow , this is cool
Yes, H says to Ray, "Ray, this is Madison", and Ray moves closer to Madison and looks a little uncomfortable, but a smile almost breaks out on his face. Madison turns to look at Ray and also smiles. Very cute moment. :)
RE: Ray meeting Madison: I saw just the very tail end of this episode on A&E by chance last evening. I was surprised that I did not remember from the original showing so now I understand why. It was the 'uncut' version. I loved it! The very, very best part was when H looked at Y and they held each other's hands. So satisfying to see a little contact between them no matter how brief. (***stomps feet: big dummies! They're CSI's. Why can't they just follow the evidence, those two, and get together! Guess the writer's should send them a clue! Whew. Sorry, rant over)
Congrats to seeing the famous 'holding hands' scene! :)

The scene between Ray jr. and Madison was cute. I so want to know what happened to hear. Is she healed? I hope so. :(
I also want to see Suzie again.
Thanks for the dialogue Lucy! of course, I couldn't remember it exactly. :D

I wished he had said the truth to Yelina about Madison before he did on the show. I'm not sure if she wasn't more hurt about Horatios 'betrayal' than about Ray's.
Sure, it isn't nice if your husband betrays you, but Horatio was always the Caine brother with more brain and she really didn't expected that.
yes, she was angry as she knew the truth, but maybe she was more hurt that Horatio hadn't told her the truth right from the start.
You're welcome re the dialogue. ;)

Despite being hurt by Horatio keeping the truth from her for so long, I think Yelina would ultimately understand his motives. Plus, the delay in her finding out was very much a plot device to keep the tension going for as long as possible. There were many times (especially in 'Money For Nothing') where I was willing H to say something, but alas, it wasn't to be.

It certainly kept the interest going though. There were months of speculation on the Miami Forum about when and how she would find out. That part of it was fun, even though it was damaging to the H/Y relationship. The show was so much more interesting (and so much better) when Yelina was on it. *sigh*
poor H he have always to hide something from Y coz of his bro past... after Mediosn/Suzie come one new turn - Ray Sn. was alive...too many walls/hindrances have between H/Y and Y in the end accept everything... a lot strong and understanding character...but all of this make me wonder if Y once decide to not forgive H will hi be forced to explain his true feeling/motive?! did this was/is the key to H/Y relationship ?! as inge have say Horatio was always the Caine brother with more brain :rolleyes:
all of this make me wonder if Y once decide to not forgive H will he be forced to explain his true feeling/motive?!
Let's just hope that one of these days, H is forced to explain his feelings. I know that we don't need words with these two, but some soul searching moments would be very welcome. I would love to see her get angry with him and force him to face up to things. We have seen Yelina's frustration with H more than once, so this would be consistent. Bring it on! :D
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