Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

Well, I've just come back to this thread after about two months and - wow!

First thing I see is that Jesse is going to die sometime during the season I'm currently watching. Any other surprises out there?!!

And just picking up on DC closing down his fb and myspace accounts (and this is my personal opinion, no offense intended to anyone):
I actually wonder what the point is in having them in the first place, to be honest. I don't know what he does (or what his fans do) on the myspace one, because I can never seem to get onto it, but the fb one seems to be a complete waste of time. He comes on every few weeks to say "hello, isn't the weather nice, thanks for liking me". Never says anything more profound than that, never responds to anyone's posts, never joins in the discussions, NOTHING! And all the fans on there do is post inane drivel about how handsome he is, how much they love him, that he's their best friend, that he's a great actor... I'm obviously missing something!!

And just picking up on DC closing down his fb and myspace accounts (and this is my personal opinion, no offense intended to anyone):
I actually wonder what the point is in having them in the first place, to be honest. I don't know what he does (or what his fans do) on the myspace one, because I can never seem to get onto it, but the fb one seems to be a complete waste of time. He comes on every few weeks to say "hello, isn't the weather nice, thanks for liking me". Never says anything more profound than that, never responds to anyone's posts, never joins in the discussions, NOTHING! And all the fans on there do is post inane drivel about how handsome he is, how much they love him, that he's their best friend, that he's a great actor... I'm obviously missing something!!

:lol::guffaw:You're missing nothing! Perfect description, as a matter of fact. Useless drivel says it all.
:lol::guffaw:You're missing nothing! Perfect description, as a matter of fact. Useless drivel says it all.

Phew! I thought it was just me!

I was told (can't remember by whom) that it was great, you can talk to DC on fb, and talk to loads of other fans, and blah blah blah, and I thought, "Oh yeah?":rolleyes: (sceptical as ever!!) and - yay, I was right! Even when you respond to something or contribute to a "discussion" it becomes patently obvious that nobody actually reads anything that anybody else writes!

And as for the inane drivel - yes, we all know DC is a good guy and all that, but... I'm quite sure that a. he doesn't need his ego massaging by raving fans, and b. he doesn't bother reading any of it anyway!

OK. I'm done. Grumpy rant over...:D for now anyway!
:devil:Even worse than all of the above; the inane drivel spawned the latest DC stalker incident. Hence! DC is gone from fb and ms. Whether it's permanent or temporary remains to be seen. :wtf: IMHO, his sudden interest in fb, ms and twitter was the brainchild of one of his techie partners, presently not part of the inner circle.
I've no intention of ranting, and this will be my last comment on the subject, but there is a perceptible difference between David fans and H fans (though possible to be both). To the former the slight contact on the networking sites was important, and the fact that a 'fan' misbehaved herself was upsetting. To the latter, presumably not. I completely agree that most of fb is pointless drivel, although drivel, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder! That's my lot. No intention to offend, and I guess everyone knows where I stand by now (though I don't, I hope, write drivel).
:devil:Even worse than all of the above; the inane drivel spawned the latest DC stalker incident. Hence! DC is gone from fb and ms. Whether it's permanent or temporary remains to be seen. :wtf: IMHO, his sudden interest in fb, ms and twitter was the brainchild of one of his techie partners, presently not part of the inner circle.

Okay, I'm clearly late to the party. There was another stalker incident?:confused:
^^ I don't want to cross any lines here, but I've heard that David was "attacked" on the set a few weeks ago -- I'm guessing this is what they're speaking of.
well in that case he's justified in closing any future public contact if people are acting crazy....that's not right in any way for anybody to be attacked on the job. Poor David and family in that case-he's right to close off for now..
Oh my goodness! I really hope thats not true, thats just terrible. I will happily volunteer my place as a safehouse :thumbsup:

But in all seriousness, I hate to think a so-called fan would cross the line so terribly. Its bad enough these awful incidents have him distancing himself from his real fans in such a way. To make matters worse, I remember reading a while back that the Vixen stalker is supposed to get out in January or something.

I hope this discussion isn't out of line. If it is, my apologies to the mods, and feel free to delete this.
^^ I don't want to cross any lines here, but I've heard that David was "attacked" on the set a few weeks ago -- I'm guessing this is what they're speaking of.
I thought it might be the blogger who uncovered DC as a 26 year-old, gap-toothed Irish gangster on Hill Street Blues.

http://img2.imagetitan.com/img2/small/41/41_gw240h181.png :thumbsup:
:guffaw::guffaw:You're shameless, bill_az!! Regarding stalker, I don't believe David was attacked, but a 24/7 harassment from a foreign visitor, including visiting his home.
*If we're out of line here, mods, delete away.
Along those lines--What is it about David and our show that inspires so much hatred? You can't go anywhere on the internet in regards to CSIM where there isn't someone bashing the show, David's personality and acting abilities. Our show is constantly being belittled and marginalized. I am sick and tired of it.
I think it's part of David's appeal that he seems to inspire such strong feelings from so many people-I mean if he really was such a bland actor than people wouldn't care one way or another-I think it's cool to see a guy with depth that people aren't middle of the road-it's either hate him or love him...personally, I adore him so I guess I"m biased...
I think it's part of David's appeal that he seems to inspire such strong feelings from so many people-I mean if he really was such a bland actor than people wouldn't care one way or another-I think it's cool to see a guy with depth that people aren't middle of the road-it's either hate him or love him...personally, I adore him so I guess I"m biased...

Likewise biased (you wouldn't guess, would you). Anyone who reckons his acting is suspect should watch something like the film 'Kiss of Death', or, if we're sticking with Miami, say episode 613, 'Raising Caine'. Then say he can't act. I suppose we'll never convert the heathens. He's just too complex to please everyone, as you say.