Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I disagree; I don't see Horatio as a tragic figure who needs to die at the end. They have made it very clear throughout the years that family is very important to him. He considers the team to be extended family (from the ending scene in Blood in the Water). He also considers Eric and Yelina as family by marriage. Whether he likes it or not, he will be forced to retire someday, and I see him settling down with family and consulting to some degree.

Sorry, Theresa, really can't agree. First, I don't think they'll ever take the series as far as his retirement. And second, it would be too much of an anti-climax dramatically. TPTB haven't had to end any of their 3 series yet, so we don't know how they'll do it. But if any one of the three has to end dramatically, it's Miami. And thirdly, look at H's character (forget Season 8!), he's always led that team from the front; he will get in the way of a bullet (probably for one of the others) one day. Sorry, just can't see a happy retirement there, but I've always seen him as the tragic hero.

I agree with DaisyMay. I hate the idea of him dying, but it's all too fitting for the likes of 'Miami'. I'd say if the series doesn't end on his death, then it will end in the most ambiguous way possible & we'll be left wondering if he's dead or alive....that one I could really see, unfortunatly.

I remember reading an old interview with David where he was asked about the last season & where he thought Horatio would be -- his answer was something like he'd go back to the very first episode (the crossover) sitting under that tree with the little girl - he also said something about seeing Marisol. Does anyone remember reading this?
Don't remember that interview at all - can you find it? Anyway, that answer is fairly ambiguous in itself. He could be dead, dying, or going to recover from some injury... I'm going to have to stop - I'm depressing myself! Whoever said, 'if he goes, I go', was right on my wavelength.
^^^ I had read it in a magazine -- I looked for it but only found this one snippet (from a DC fansite):

The image that haunts Caruso most, though, is the same one--naturally--that's driving Horatio, and it's the one that will carry them both to the final episode of the series, he says. Caruso has mentioned before that he believes a crucial clue about Horatio's journey was revealed in the very first episode of CSI: Miami..." --TV Guide, April 9-15, 2007

It was from that interview in TV Guide where I'd read it, but I'm not having any luck in finding the rest of the article where he spoke his thoughts on the very last episode.
Guess I'll have to dig out the first episode then! Mind you, David's as enigmatic as Horatio when he wants to be...
I remember which one you guys are talking about. I think its on the miami wetpaint site as a scanned copy of the article. If I remember correctly, David said that the area where he found the little girl had an atmosphere that made him feel this was a place he could envision Horatio dying. He said in the article that he could easily see Horatio going out with a bullet, and that the place with the palm trees seemed quiet and peaceful. I don't want Horatio to die either, I'd like him to see Kyle become a father. I think it'd be wonderful to have H become a grandfather, him being the only one of the three shows leads to be a father. This is mostly wishful thinking. Though I don't want him to die at the end, I haven't ruled it out as a possibility. But I would at least like to see him find peace with himself before it happens, and not have him go out in distress like Speedle did.
Wish I knew. Has me a little concerned, though looking at his page, there are a number of spam posts posted by so called fans, things that look like cash scams. I wonder if thats the reason.
I thought it might be the spam posts, and there is some weird stuff on FB. He hasn't done the same with Myspace - in fact he seems to promise to be around more. Perhaps he felt one networking site was enough.
David's also now posted that he's closing his MySpace account as well. No online contact now which is very sad.
Someone bring me up to speed please! What's all this about Horatio dying or going out dying? Why can't he just retire? He's had such a violent, tumultuous life, at least he should be able to retire peacefully. If they kill him off in favor of Eric taking over and it becomes a CSI Miami next generation sort of thing I'm bowing out! It seems to me that they are trying to push away all of us who are over 45- well if they do THIS, then they won't have to push me- I'll leave of my own accord. As for MySpace and Facebook, has David said why he's shutting down those sites? Could trolls have made it impossible to keep them up? He has a twitter site doesn't he? Perhaps he can use that or be persuaded to keep people informed of events from there! Twitter seems to be the way most celebrities are keeping people informed of of events.
Don't get anxious yet - we were only speculating. As far as I know, there has been no suggestion of it ending or of H dying. I was the one who said that IF it ended, then him dying was the only possible dramatic conclusion, and I stand by that - I just can't see a Grissom-style walk into the sunset. But it was just chat.
As far as David closing all his networking accounts, what I know is a bit second-hand. I do know he had a run-in with a so-called fan who invaded the privacy of both him and his kids. I think it's a reaction to that. He was talking about reorganising these sites anyway, so maybe he's making a point at the same time. I feel really bad that a 'fan' would overstep the mark like this. I hope he gets over it and comes back on-line soon.
IMO Whatever happened in the "forgotton" New York storyline could be a fitting end for the character. Either make him qiut or make him commit beyond any doubt to Miami. Something along the lines of:

Some of us still loves this job....

Dying....I think not. BUT he would perhaps loose his life in favor of his son. Who knows.....If an end was upon us. I do hope writers come up with a grand ending for Horatio.
Don't get anxious yet - we were only speculating. As far as I know, there has been no suggestion of it ending or of H dying. I was the one who said that IF it ended, then him dying was the only possible dramatic conclusion, and I stand by that - I just can't see a Grissom-style walk into the sunset. But it was just chat.
As far as David closing all his networking accounts, what I know is a bit second-hand. I do know he had a run-in with a so-called fan who invaded the privacy of both him and his kids. I think it's a reaction to that. He was talking about reorganising these sites anyway, so maybe he's making a point at the same time. I feel really bad that a 'fan' would overstep the mark like this. I hope he gets over it and comes back on-line soon.

I'm very sorry to hear this, considering that it has not been that long since they caught that last very disturbed person that basically terrorized the poor man and his family. DC gives so much; why don't people realize that when you do things like this you only make that person reluctant to perform and share their great gift with everybody as they want to do. I hope this gets resolved very soon, especially for the sake of his children. Isn't Paloma going to be 3 or 4 in early October?

Again, my best wishes for peace and safety to return to David and his family.
ruby&theheadmen, I couldn't agree more. I gather this one is not a stalker and has gone home, but there's little doubt she upset him. I think some so-called 'fans' think they're owed something, when all we're really owed is the performance on the screen. I expect he'll calm down, but it might take a while.