Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I'm spamming - don't be angry, anyone - but I've done my apprenticeship, and this is my 50th post. It just had to be on a Horatio/DC thread.
I'm spamming - don't be angry, anyone - but I've done my apprenticeship, and this is my 50th post. It just had to be on a Horatio/DC thread.

No problem! Can't blame you for your choice of threads. You have excellent taste. Congratulations! :)
Just read the article - very good, enjoyed it, so thank you for finding it.

Thank you re the avatar - I hope I'm not breaching anyone's copyright with it, because I can't remember where it came from!
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Awesome interview -- I really loved this one, and DC was spot on in regards to Horatio "the hero". Loved every bit of it!
Thanks Delynn. :p
Just finished watching Entertainment Tonight and was very impressed. David looks great ... and playing basketball ... with everyone on the team! How cool is that! (You could lose the suit, David! :rolleyes:)

I can't buy the show "reinventing" itself with each season, as David stated. But I know he's got a job to do trying to keep it positive and keep old viewers and bring in new ones.

Everything points to this season being a rehash of seasons past. But maybe a small sliver of hope exists for something new. The dynamic has to shift with Procter's pregnancy. Guess we'll have to see.
^^ At least he took off his jacket, sweetie. That's a good start! :p

I loved the video too. Here I was hoping to see something emotional & them out for drinks toasting to Jesse.... but ya know, I think this works much nicer. It's good to see them "celebrating" his life/death in a light-hearted manner -- especially Horatio, who seems to always spend more time dwelling on the dead. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for Horatio&Team. :)
I loved the video too. Here I was hoping to see something emotional & them out for drinks toasting to Jesse.... but ya know, I think this works much nicer. It's good to see them "celebrating" his life/death in a light-hearted manner -- especially Horatio, who seems to always spend more time dwelling on the dead. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for Horatio&Team. :)

I agree that playing a game of basketball is a good choice to celebrate Jesse's life, it keeps it more about keeping his spirit alive rather than wallowing in sadness (not that I won't wallow in sadness simply because of the lame way they decided to kill him off:().

And the fact that Horatio is actually joining in on the games, where other times he was always the one sort of standing on the sidelines watching the others celebrate, I guess I can take that as a representation of the fact that Jesse was close to and meant more to Horatio than what they were able to show, and that he was willing to actually step into and join the celebration rather than watching from afar, speaks to Jesse's importance in Horatio's life.

Just finished watching Entertainment Tonight and was very impressed. David looks great ... and playing basketball ... with everyone on the team! How cool is that! (You could lose the suit, David! :rolleyes:)

I think we should just celebrate the fact that he's playing! I mean, when was the last time we saw Horatio actually partaking in such activities or in the middle of a tribute to fallen heroes? He was always more of the one watching than joining in, at least this time he's in it!;)

I can't buy the show "reinventing" itself with each season, as David stated. But I know he's got a job to do trying to keep it positive and keep old viewers and bring in new ones.

Everything points to this season being a rehash of seasons past. But maybe a small sliver of hope exists for something new. The dynamic has to shift with Procter's pregnancy. Guess we'll have to see.

I can't say that I have much faith in Miami anymore with what they've done to Jesse (as you can see, this is one grudge I'm never gonna forget), but I will watch the episodes and see if I can find any enjoyment from it (if I'm not bawling my eyes out over losing Jesse). If not, I'll probably go on my Miami Sabbatical again.
I know H took his jacket off, but, what I want to know is, did he take his gun off? Very risky otherwise, would have thought!
I wouldn't think so.. It seems kinda risky to have a bunch of CSIs (is it about 6?), so 6 CSIs leaving their guns on the bench. I would think someone would steal them, unless Calleigh is watching them. But knowing H, he probably didn't take off his gun. Well, I'd be surprised if he did! :p
Gotta say I'm not happy at all with the plan (if it turns out to be true) to team Horatio and Delko this season.

When Delko is teamed with Horatio we always get the worst macho bs storylines. :rolleyes: And the only time I'm less impressed with Delko trying to act all tough or competent is when he's in some scene related to the nomance.

To me this is TPTB attempting to restore Delko to some respectability after the destruction of the last 4 seasons. My problem with it is it will be at the expense of Horatio.

Horatio is outstanding with everyone EXCEPT Delko and Calleigh. And the fact the they will be teaming Delko up with Horatio leaves Horatio wide open to being assaulted and blamed for Delko and Calleigh not working together and being responsible for trying to break up E/C. :rolleyes:

He already gets blamed for the lack of Horatio/Calleigh interaction. By default it is always blamed on Horatio when the scene calls for the two to interact and it doesn't happen.

I just don't see this turning out well for Horatio or the show.