Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

While our opinions differ, you've nevertheless reminded me of a discussion point from when I used to post on the cbs threads: what was Horatio like when he was undercover? A lot of people asked the dame question you did ruby, in that how a man like H could fall for a woman like Julia. It made me wonder how different he really was while undercover. I would think it takes a certain demeanor or character to pull that kind of work off successfully; he can't exactly be St. Horatio and not have blown his cover. Another potential "Back to Basics" storyline?
Yes, I can agree with you redanemone,- just how different was Horatio back then? In the hands of earlier writers, I don't think too differently, or did he have turning points like Jake did while being undercover and Julia, not drugs was the wrong turn that he made?

But then it would get into the reasons why he begged his brother Ray NOT to be a UC. It wouldn't have been, I 'd hazard a guess because it was the risk of getting involved with the wrong kind of woman. It would make for a good story line and of course that might mean a trip back to New York- with Resden, the knife attack and perhaps as others and I want as well a Miami/NYC crossover.

The only thing would be that Stella would be missing. In that crossover, the 2 had a great rapport-Stella seemed to work well with Horatio and understand his need to care for justice done for his 'youngest clients'. Also, Mac and H have such electric chemistry when they work together- I'd like to see them pair up again. Of course, Rick could make an appearance if TPTB would correct their errors with him!

Indeed, something to look forward to and thanks for understanding!
I guess it's possible too that Julia's changed over the years. Her relationship with Horatio was sixteen or so years ago. She was young, free and single then. Then she gets pregnant, can't cope, ditches the kid, bi-polar disorder rears its head at some stage, she screws up and gets screwed herself... I dunno.

I mean, it's just ANOTHER of the many things that TPTB have just tossed in there and left us to sort out, really.

And now they've "got rid" of her, so they don't have to bother making anything more of it. Ho hum - anybody else see a pattern developing here...?:wtf:

Okay, just saw the release date for S8 on DVD and am wondering why DC doesn't do commentary of any of the episodes? :(
Season 8's out on DVD already (at least in the UK), but it's a different format to the previous seasons - all 24 episodes in one box set instead of two. It's in HMV now for about £30, which is weird because all the old seasons are on the shelf next to it for about £25 per half-season!:wtf:

Does DC do commentary on any of the episodes in previous seasons? Must confess, I've never actually watched ANY of them with the commentary on.

No unfortunately. To date Jonathan Togo, Adam Rodriguez, Rex Linn, and Eva La Rue have done commentary. Of the major players, at least. Elizabeth Berkeley and Gonzalo Menendez have also done commentary.
Okay, just saw the release date for S8 on DVD and am wondering why DC doesn't do commentary of any of the episodes? :(

I think some people don't like doing them. In the Lord of the Rings discs, Viggo Mortensen and Cate Blanchett were the only ones who didn't do commentaries. I'm guessing Cate was busy with other stuff and Viggo didn't like the idea of doing commentaries.
Yes, thank you so much for the article-it was a very nice article to read. I wonder, though what is AXN? A new enterprise? A commercial product?