Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

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Do you think can tell me how to delete my post beacuse my sister was messing around with my computer and starded to post thing that i didnt want to post...so you think you can help me?
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Do you think can tell me how to delete my post beacuse my sister was messing around with my computer and starded to post thing that i didnt want to post...so you think you can help me?

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Yes indeed. Frank has always been the most humane of all the characters on the show. He's the average go-to guy of the team and gets the job done the old fashioned way. He's a lot like Det. Flack from the NY show, and I think thats why they both have a bigger fanbase than the writers give them credit for. I think Frank can bring Horatio down to Earth a little if the writers give them that chance, a lot like Stetler does.

You know, I really like that idea! Frank spends most of his time doing scenes with H (sometimes Cal) but what I'd really prefer right now is highlighting H's relationship with his son. DC did a great job with Evan in "Dishonor", which is why it would sound like a better idea for him to stick with that storyline for now. :)
I hope that critics will now stop dissing DC's acting after "Dishonor" cause he was just excellent in that. There's no doubt about it, the man can deliver when storyline dictates the emotion. Kudos to David. I've always thought he was a good actor, but he's rarely given a chance to shine like he did in this episode. :)
I hope that critics will now stop dissing DC's acting after "Dishonor" cause he was just excellent in that. There's no doubt about it, the man can deliver when storyline dictates the emotion. Kudos to David. I've always thought he was a good actor, but he's rarely given a chance to shine like he did in this episode. :)

The season one opener also had a lot of good scenes with David but "Dishonor" is definitely his best of the season even if I didn't care much for the episode.
I hope that critics will now stop dissing DC's acting after "Dishonor" cause he was just excellent in that. There's no doubt about it, the man can deliver when storyline dictates the emotion. Kudos to David. I've always thought he was a good actor, but he's rarely given a chance to shine like he did in this episode. :)

The season one opener also had a lot of good scenes with David but "Dishonor" is definitely his best of the season even if I didn't care much for the episode.

I skipped the premiere episode because I read that Ryan and Nat didn't even get lines, so I was not interested in the episode. But I did see the clip where he was nearly crying over Eric in the hospital. Good stuff there as well. :)
I found "Dishonor" an excellent episode, with or without Horatio's emotional scenes with Kyle. I like the external emotional signs from Horatio as well as anybody, but am a little agitated when critics discount Caruso's acting abilities unless he's visibly emoting.

This isn't confined to David. Critics and fans alike rave at actors in dramatic series only at times of emotional upheaval, while putting down the development of the character, week in and week out. So many actors simply portray themselves that viewers are unable to differentiate between a person speaking the printed word and the actor playing a role.

Caruso has become the internet's favorite whipping boy of series tv, due to several factors, while managing to remain one of the favorites. That recognition is the result of 8 years of sculpting the character, not those rare instances like we witnessed in "Dishonor".
I found "Dishonor" an excellent episode, with or without Horatio's emotional scenes with Kyle. I like the external emotional signs from Horatio as well as anybody, but am a little agitated when critics discount Caruso's acting abilities unless he's visibly emoting.

This isn't confined to David. Critics and fans alike rave at actors in dramatic series only at times of emotional upheaval, while putting down the development of the character, week in and week out. So many actors simply portray themselves that viewers are unable to differentiate between a person speaking the printed word and the actor playing a role.

Caruso has become the internet's favorite whipping boy of series tv, due to several factors, while managing to remain one of the favorites. That recognition is the result of 8 years of sculpting the character, not those rare instances like we witnessed in "Dishonor".

I agree totally, inthewind. Actors, like Caruso, who do not play themselves but actually work to create and mold a unique character over a long period of time, always seem to be the actors that are dismissed or bashed.

While critics are allowed their opinion - that is all it is - an opinion. Their opinions are no more valuable then your opinion or mine. I choose to make my own decision about what I enjoy and performances and actors that I respect. I find it interesting that most critics aren't actors themselves - or are failed actors who are trying to make themselves feel better by trashing those who are successful.

How many times have we heard people who've met Caruso say he's different from Horatio? How many times have we heard his fellow actors say that? They've said that Caruso is funny and witty and smart with a wicked sense of humor. Just watching him in interviews, rare that they are because of the media bashing, shows a much more outgoing and happy person then how he portrays Horatio.

It's easy to play yourself. I've heard many actors who are part of a long-running series state that it's harder and harder as the years go by and you become more and more tired, to stay on top of it and not let too much of your own personality seep into your character.

I find it fascinating that when Caruso was the "golden boy" during his year with NYPD Blue, his abilities as an actor were universally applauded. I think it's so transparent that one decision, a decision that even Caruso admits was unfortunate and that in the end hurt no one but Caruso himself, has resulted in a significant number of critics and others who are still stuck in the past and for some unexplainable reason are unable to move on.

Caruso, to his credit, has moved on and successfully so. (I will always be grateful to Ann Donahue and Co. for giving him a chance with CSI Miami.) Maybe that's what makes those who dislike him so relentless in their attacks. They can't stand that he is a survivor. While it's sad for them, Caruso comes out the winner for his ability to let the past be the past.
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I agree that it's a shame that an actor has to get emotional for the critics to like him. David is awesome each and every week. But critics just tear him down again and again just because of the way the character talks (the pauses) and the way he moves (sunglasses or whatever). But all of that is part of the character. They wanted to give the character something to make the character unique. And everyone and their brother has impersonated the talk and the sunglasses thing, so it must be working. I always thought Horatio was a likeable character and David does a good job of protraying him. I wish the critics would leave him alone. :lol:
:lol::guffaw:I'll save space by not quoting Delynn and GNRF, but you both are absolutely on target. I couldn't and didn't say it better.

:devil::scream:I especially enjoy those who trash Caruso's acting ability and provide, as proof, the hundreds of impersonations. As we know, there isn't another current tv drama regular who could generate any recognizable impersonator. These people consistently prove our point with their 'evidence'. Unfortunately, they look foolish and don't realize it.
Isn't there a saying that says something about how impersonation is the highest form of flattery? ;) Maybe those critics should think about that. :D