Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

Hey, I'm new here on the forum...

Welcome, TwilightStar91! Glad to have you!

... but I'd like to say that a) I love the character of Horatio Caine (Just finished watching Gone Baby Gone - love the ending) and b) I reckon H would have adopted an abused dog or something similar - maybe a police dog that has lost his partner since they tend to retire them?

I like that idea. I could really see Horatio rescuing a dog in the situations you've mentioned. Part of me wonders though, if he's home enough to take care of a dog. I guess they figure it's part of Horatio's mystery that we have no idea where he lives or what his home looks like.

I've always had the feeling that Horatio sleeps on a sofa in his office rather that NOT be immediately available if needed. :)
Hey, I'm new here on the forum...

Welcome, TwilightStar91! Glad to have you!

... but I'd like to say that a) I love the character of Horatio Caine (Just finished watching Gone Baby Gone - love the ending) and b) I reckon H would have adopted an abused dog or something similar - maybe a police dog that has lost his partner since they tend to retire them?

I like that idea. I could really see Horatio rescuing a dog in the situations you've mentioned. Part of me wonders though, if he's home enough to take care of a dog. I guess they figure it's part of Horatio's mystery that we have no idea where he lives or what his home looks like.

I've always had the feeling that Horatio sleeps on a sofa in his office rather that NOT be immediately available if needed. :)

I THOUGHT SO TOO! But not exactly in his office but rather in those "on call bunk room" most night jobs have. I can imagine him with a retired bomb-squad dog but I bet the aimal would be neglected, unless he allows the 10 yr old boy next door to babysit the dog when ain't around.

H seems toooo busy to have a life! Always at work. Never takes a day off the job. Never seen a "tired" H. Never seen him rest his feet on his office table. Hardly sweating. Hardly relaxed. I could go on & on & on... the man is dedicated civil servant, so dedicated we get irritated :lol:

What can I say? Someday, I myself would hope to become a loyal servant to the country except the returns is quite on the downside. I mean look at these guys: Ryan is moonlighting, doesn't his 1st pay him enough? H works endless hours, what is this supposed to mean? Don't he make enough either or is he short on staff? Eric was always low on cash.

But what the heck, it takes heart to accept all this & work with real dedication. :)

Welcome TwilightStar91. This thread 's usually one of the unfrequented threads compared to the others but we do have fun! ;)
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...what does he do on his days off?

I'll tell you what he does - he stands on top of tall buildings looking out over his city, wearing an anatomically correct black rubber suit, cape billowing in the wind... Oh wait a minute, that's Batman! :lol:

Or is it...? :shifty:
Welcome TwilightStar91. This thread 's usually one of the unfrequented threads compared to the others but we do have fun! ;)

I've noticed that our poor H doesn't seem the most popular character these days. Maybe as he starts to turn back into the compassionate H we all knew and loved people will come flocking back? :thumbsup:
...what does he do on his days off?

I'll tell you what he does - he stands on top of tall buildings looking out over his city, wearing an anatomically correct black rubber suit, cape billowing in the wind... Oh wait a minute, that's Batman! :lol:

Or is it...? :shifty:

OMG :guffaw:

I have the PERFECT picture in my head right now of JUST THAT. I wouldn't be surprised.

But then again, H is out in the sun too much to be Batman, and Superman is a slot already taken by Mac... hmmm....

What superhero suits Horatio? :lol::lol:
Thats funny ya'll say that cuz I've been calling H Batman since season 4. That and the Irish Ninja for his frequent magical disappearing acts.

I don't know about a super suit tho. Anything with spandex or rubber is definitely out. Not classy enough. :lol:
Maybe V for Vendetta?
no I loved Dangermouse-can't recall what channel it was on but good show..guy w/an eyepatch and sidekick? don't think H needs more than his trademark shades for a superhero suit-his expensive suits are enuf-gee it's sunny south FL so most people walk around in tshirts/shorts-he's over dressed as it is..he doesn't need a cape or mask...he doesn't need a phone booth to change into: his hummer does fine..
Thats funny ya'll say that cuz I've been calling H Batman since season 4. That and the Irish Ninja for his frequent magical disappearing acts.
The Irish Ninja! That's perfect! :guffaw:
I don't know about a super suit tho. Anything with spandex or rubber is definitely out. Not classy enough.
Maybe V for Vendetta?
Naw. Horatio is an Armani type of man. :lol::lol::lol:
his expensive suits are enuf-gee it's sunny south FL so most people walk around in tshirts/shorts-he's over dressed as it is.

actually he's not that overdressed. the store I work at caters to richer Miami: Coconut Grove, Downtown, and some of Pinecrest. You should see the way these ppl dress sometimes. there are some women who come in with strollers for their dogs. Strollers! And I've rang up a few of our detectives before and they dress reasonably well.

he doesn't need a phone booth to change into: his hummer does fine..

I think you're right about that. I think he has a stash of spare shirts in there somewhere. Ever notice how quick he changes whenever he gets blood on one? or when Yelina threw a drink at him?
no I loved Dangermouse-can't recall what channel it was on but good show..guy w/an eyepatch and sidekick?

Ha! Glad it's not just me that remembers DM! An eyepatch and a red belt, and "DM" written on his chest. And his sidekick Penfold? Fabulous!

don't think H needs more than his trademark shades for a superhero suit

I thought for a moment you were suggesting that H should run around wearing NOTHING but his shades...:eek:

Hey, here's a question for people who know Miami... Where would our esteemed Lieutenant live? I've read that police officers can't really afford to live downtown but I always thought he'd live central... Any suggestions?
Hey, here's a question for people who know Miami... Where would our esteemed Lieutenant live? I've read that police officers can't really afford to live downtown but I always thought he'd live central... Any suggestions?

From my point of view, he'd probably live in something that provides the minimum necessities (good shelter, lighting, heat etc....) as opposed to something fancy and glamourous

A while ago I listened to a song called "God's gonna cut you down" by Johnny Cash. Wouldn't that make for a good end song with Horatio watching someone like Ron Saris being led away and into a police car? In the video someone said how Johnny wore black to identify with the poor and downtrodden. hmmmm......
Hey, here's a question for people who know Miami... Where would our esteemed Lieutenant live? I've read that police officers can't really afford to live downtown but I always thought he'd live central... Any suggestions?

there were a lot of patrolmen living in my area, which is a little south of pinecrest. Pinecrest would be a good area for H, its not as affluent as the Gables or the Grove. Maybe the Kendall area too. I'd hafta put the cap at downtown though because the outlying neighborhoods like Overtown are poorer and have higher crime rates. Everywhere here is within a 30 min drive tho, whether by turnpike or US1, so he really can live anywhere.

Whenever i see a Hummer go by in my neighborhood i poke my bff and go,"So this is where he lives." :lol: