Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I keep writing this but when I try to post, it tells me I'm not logged in! Let's see now... third time lucky?!

I think that TPTB have not so much lost touch with Horatio (or any other cast member, for that matter) as lost touch with what "we" (viewers, fans, etc) really think about the show, and with what we want or expect from the characters and the show. I mean, you mention Horatio Caine and right away it's sunglasses, one-liners and Super-H. It seems like they've taken that and are actually writing for the caracature rather than the character. They're bigging up the caracature rather than exploring the character and the storylines.

I think I've said on here before that one thing that really bugs me is the way they dangle a little teaser about a character, and then totally fail to follow it up in any way (case in point, what happened about Horatio appearing in court about his father's murder? NOTHING! I suppose he got away with that too!). I think that's part of it too - they seem to think of some bit of a storyline ("Oooh, let's have him doing that and her going there...") and then run out of ideas to take it forward in a convincing way.

Do any of you know if and how they monitor what viewers and fans think of the characters, or the show (the storylines, the direction it's going, and so on)? Do they bother at all?

I still love the show (although from what some of you have said, Season 8 might change my mind when it finally makes it to UK TV!), and I'm fascinated by Horatio's character, but I just wish TPTB would pull their fingers out and get back to doing what they do best.

Oh wow I actually forgot about that one. I hated the way they wrapped that one too. I had always assumed that the life Horatio was talking about in the church scene was supposed to be his father's since we know H somehow killed him in defense of his mother. I really wish they'd go back to that, I think it has a lot to do with who H is today.
Rick was the key to Horatio's NY life- the two men have a love/hate relationship. Horatio can threaten Rick with death for (in his mind) physically abusing Yelina, yet Rick's the only (well, the Cardinal of NY knows the whole truth, smiles) person that he told almost the complete darkest secret of his life (the truth of his mother's death). So that means to me that he trusts Rick as much as he dislikes him, or supposedly dislikes him- food for thought....

In a braver, more MA rated world, they would have extended this to a more than platonic attraction between the 2 men; some people with eyes see where this bouncing from annoyance to confiding is going between the 2 of them was going (wishing) but
TPTB and the world isn't ready for that.

I for one, would be all eyes and eager for it. At least, they could have had one episode together where they could have made peace, cleared up things about NY and let us all know that Rick never did hit Yelina.

Would still like that, rather than what's going on now...

I liked seeing the fatherly side of Horatio, but it was more believable to me when he was with Madison and Ray Jr. than
with well, everyone knows how I feel about Kyle... no need to repeat.

Yup, ruby, no need to repeat. *resting fingers*
Rick was the key to Horatio's NY life- the two men have a love/hate relationship. Horatio can threaten Rick with death for (in his mind) physically abusing Yelina, yet Rick's the only (well, the Cardinal of NY knows the whole truth, smiles) person that he told almost the complete darkest secret of his life (the truth of his mother's death). So that means to me that he trusts Rick as much as he dislikes him, or supposedly dislikes him- food for thought....

You're right, Ruby. Rick was the one who introduced us to Horatio's troubles in NY. And we did get to see him address it somewhat during one of the cross-over episodes with CSI NY. So one has to wonder if, at this point, Rick's initial inquires were enough to start the process and his participation would no longer be required.

I think Horatio's story in NY has such potential for an incredible couple of episodes - especially with Kyle in his life now. To have Kyle come with him and learn what his father's life was like and what he was forced to do would have great impact on their relationship.

It would also set up a GREAT CSI Miami/CSI NY cross over. I've gone on about this before, so I won't bore everyone with it again. If you want to read my past diatribe it can be found in the old Horatio/DC thread at: http://talk.csifiles.com/showpost.php?p=896023&postcount=920
I've thought about that a lot actually. When I was a kid our teacher had us do a family tree project and report on what we had learned about our families. Kyle may be a grown man but he is without answers as far as where he comes from. Does he even know about his Uncle Ray and what became of him? Kyle can really open doors for Horatio's character and not just glossing over it the same way the NY storyline was.
I really like the idea of exploring Horatio's background story in New York city.Horatio needs a storyline because last season he had his screentime shortened a lot(because of the introduction of the new team members).I also like the idea of another Miami-NY crossover episode that will unveil Horatio's dark past.
Like most here, I really hope they haven't forgotten H's past in NY. I was googling the other day & found an older interview with David talking about Ann Donahue & how she was writing out the show. He commented on how she had some mapped out masterplan to write the entire CSI:Miami story "backwards" sorta like the Star Wars series -- I can only hope that this remains true & we'll see H's past resurface when the series is coming to a close.
If they do nothing else in S9, I hope they at least put the primary focus back on H (he is the leading man after all). TPTB made him so secondary in S8 that it really became hard to watch the show. :shifty: My husband in the one who got me to start watching the show, but DC was the reason I kept watching. H is such a great character and that's b/c of DC's ability to wear him so well. It's hard to watch him get pushed to the background. :(
If they do nothing else in S9, I hope they at least put the primary focus back on H (he is the leading man after all). TPTB made him so secondary in S8 that it really became hard to watch the show. :shifty: My husband in the one who got me to start watching the show, but DC was the reason I kept watching. H is such a great character and that's b/c of DC's ability to wear him so well. It's hard to watch him get pushed to the background. :(

I totally agree!!We need more H amd less E/C drama!
I totally agree!!We need more H amd less E/C drama!

I'm a huge Horatio fan, so I'll never turn down more Horatio.

But rather than just focusing on Horatio, I'd like to see the "team" back. And rather than "less" E/C drama, I'd like to see "NO" E/C drama. I just think that those two have had more than their share of screentime. It's time to let other, very patient and very talented actors, have their much deserved time.

Yep! I want the team back with Horatio clearly in charge! That would be my wish for season 9. ;)
Since we're kind of in a summer hiatus, and the theme of this thread is "Back to Basics," I thought I'd take this opportunity to list some of my favorite Horatio moments from the earlier seasons (I'm thinking 1-3, but whatever eps you like, by all means tell it). Anyone else who wants to join in, feel free:

1) I loved, loved LOVED DC's/H's intensity in "Losing Face" (Season 1, Ep 2). We got to see a nice range (and we all know DC is an actor with range). From joking around with Al in the beginning to reacting to Al's sudden death, to helping his Al's family cope with the news to his drive to see the killer brought to justice, this was great work by DC. Plus anytime you've get to see "Bomb Tech Horatio" is a good time, IMHO. ;)
Memorable quote: Al: "Find any good fiber lately?" H: "Just enough to keep me regular."

2) "Witness to Murder" (Season 2, Ep 12) is one of my favorite overall eps simply because of H's interaction with Eugene. I really felt that his compassion for the man with special needs was genuine, and the pain Horatio conveyed when Eugene was assaulted and ultimately died, was heartbreakingly palpable.
Memorable quote: H to Eugene: "I'm covering for you."

3) In "Nothing to Lose" (Season 3, Ep 16), Horatio finally has to confront Yelena about Madison's paternity, and you can tell the whole situation isn't easy for him. We already know that H is willing to do whatever he can to protect his family - even being tested as a bone marrow donor for the ailing Madison - but the true test comes when he has to tell Yelena about Ray's infidelity in order have a chance to save the little girl's life. DC does a phenomenal job portraying the strength of H's convictions here.
Memorable quote: Nurse to H: "You're Ms. Barnum's brother?" H:"I am her brother-in-law."

So ... anyone else?
I really liked DC's performance in season's 3 Pro Per.Horatio has always been really good with young children and that time he did an awesome job taking care of the little boy whose mother had just been killed in a shootout. And if I remember well,later in the episode he confronted Rebecca because she wanted the boy to testify in court.
Rick was the key to Horatio's NY life- the two men have a love/hate relationship. Horatio can threaten Rick with death for (in his mind) physically abusing Yelina, yet Rick's the only (well, the Cardinal of NY knows the whole truth, smiles) person that he told almost the complete darkest secret of his life (the truth of his mother's death). So that means to me that he trusts Rick as much as he dislikes him, or supposedly dislikes him- food for thought....

You're right, Ruby. Rick was the one who introduced us to Horatio's troubles in NY. And we did get to see him address it somewhat during one of the cross-over episodes with CSI NY. So one has to wonder if, at this point, Rick's initial inquires were enough to start the process and his participation would no longer be required.

I think Horatio's story in NY has such potential for an incredible couple of episodes - especially with Kyle in his life now. To have Kyle come with him and learn what his father's life was like and what he was forced to do would have great impact on their relationship.

It would also set up a GREAT CSI Miami/CSI NY cross over. I've gone on about this before, so I won't bore everyone with it again. If you want to read my past diatribe it can be found in the old Horatio/DC thread at: http://talk.csifiles.com/showpost.php?p=896023&postcount=920

Thanks- it would make a great cross over episode and Mac would certainly be the one to help him. Horatio and Mac make a great working team but friends as well. It would be great if he and Stella (who always adds that extra bit of caring to everything she does) be the ones that also get in on Horatio's painful past.