Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

Wow! so I check in and someone has started a Why we Dislike Horatio thread. I don't know why but I have this gut feeling its a sort of retaliation against that Eric Calleigh romance thread. :confused:

OUCH! I am soo not liking this!:eek:

I'm mean Horatio has his faults but saying he didn't DO anything to help Yelina? Horatio threatened to kill Rick over that issue and he MEANT IT! If that isn't helping someone I don't know what is. He didn't let Rick's authority, nor height, nor anything else get in the way of stating his response. I don't believe that Rick hit Yelina ( I know some do, but I don't think so.)

This "I hate" such and such trend has to stop or it's going to degenerate into trolls just badmouthing first characters then actors.

Not a nice thing at all...:shifty:
Wow! so I check in and someone has started a Why we Dislike Horatio thread. I don't know why but I have this gut feeling its a sort of retaliation against that Eric Calleigh romance thread. :confused:

You know that saying "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Well, I think that "Why We Dislike Horatio" thread is the equal and opposite reaction to this thread. Some people just don't like Horatio. From Horatio tweets on TweetDeck to comments at You Tube on CSI: Miami clips featuring Horatio, I get the impression that most of the Horatio haters think the character Horatio is corny and over the top.
Wow! so I check in and someone has started a Why we Dislike Horatio thread. I don't know why but I have this gut feeling its a sort of retaliation against that Eric Calleigh romance thread. :confused:

Yeah, like the show would last long without DC. :rolleyes: Sorry, no way, not buying it. IMO, no Horatio, no CSI:M.
I'm sure it's possible that the "dislike Horatio" thread is a reaction to the "E/C dislike" thread, but hey, it doesn't really matter. And I don't feel the least bit threatened by the thread. It really is no big deal, guys!

Check any reliable, objective poll that asks who is the most popular character on CSI Miami and Horatio wins hands down every time. Second place is usually Calleigh ... and it's a distant second.

The people who post there certainly have a right to dislike Horatio if they wish. I certainly dislike Eric and Calleigh - to the extreme and then some.

I personally think Horatio has shown great improvement in the last couple of seasons. Especially this season - although we see less and less of him, he is returning to the Horatio of the first couple of seasons - just a little older and a little wiser. ;)

I'm sure that the verbiage used to discuss their dislike of Horatio will be monitored in the same manner as the E/C thread and no one will be allowed to go to far. As long as they provide factual basis for their position and do not just post to be hateful, I say let them go.

I just don't intend to feed into it. :)

I have no desire to go there. The fact that they dislike Horatio and like E/C tells me that we have absolutely nothing in common and very different ideas of what is good about the show. So, for me, there is nothing in that thread to see.
I'm sure it's possible that the "dislike Horatio" thread is a reaction to the "E/C dislike" thread, but hey, it doesn't really matter.
It's difficult to equate E/C dislike thread, which addresses a story arc (the antithesis of the shipper threads), and blatant character-bashing. Given the thread has been allowed to stand, can we now expect to see hate threads for Calleigh, Eric, Ryan, Natalia, Frank, Jesse, Walter, Tom, et al?

Has Talk CSI really sunk to this level?
This "I hate" such and such trend has to stop or it's going to degenerate into trolls just badmouthing first characters then actors.

Not a nice thing at all...

Not liking a certain character is "not nice"? Nobody is using the word "hate" in the Horatio dislike thread. Also, bashing David Caruso is strictly prohibited, and so far nobody seems to have a problem following that rule. Actor bashing is against forum rules.

Check any reliable, objective poll that asks who is the most popular character on CSI Miami and Horatio wins hands down every time. Second place is usually Calleigh ... and it's a distant second.

We understand that Horatio is a popular character. That doesn't mean that that everyone likes him, or that everyone likes every aspect of his character. Eric Delko is a popular character. If he wasn't, there's a good chance that he wouldn't be returning full-time to Season 9. But his popularity doesn't mean that nobody has the right to dislike him, or that the E/C dislike thread shouldn't exist.

The fact that they dislike Horatio and like E/C tells me that we have absolutely nothing in common and very different ideas of what is good about the show.

The Dislike Horatio thread has nothing to do with E/C. Are some of us E/C supporters? Sure. But E/C is not relevant to the thread.

It's difficult to equate E/C dislike thread, which addresses a story arc (the antithesis of the shipper threads), and blatant character-bashing.

:wtf: Have you and I been reading the same dislike E/C thread (yes, I'm an E/C shipper, but I still like to read other opinions, but I don't feel the need to post there, as it's not my niche)? Many people have complained about Eric and Calleigh as individual characters there. Let me refresh your memory with a quote from that thread to demonstrate:

As far as I'm concerned, the real Calleigh died in that Hummer in "Going Under" (S5) and what we've been subjected to for the last few seasons is an evil twin.

Now, take a look at this quote from the dislike Horatio Caine thread:

He began to irritate me during the 3rd season and by the 4th I couldn't stand him anymore.

How are they all that different? Both are valid opinions that can be summarized as "this character became less appealing to me after such and such episode/season". Does that honestly equate to "character bashing"?

If the "dislike E/C" thread is the antithesis of the E/C shipper thread, then the "dislike Horatio Caine" thread could be the antithesis of this thread (just without any information about David Caruso. The first post in the "dislike Horatio" thread explicitly states that the thread is for discussing the negative qualities of Horatio Caine the character- NOT David Caruso, the actor who plays him. So far, everyone has had no problem abiding by that rule. Look for yourself if you don't believe me.)

The quote from the E/C dislike thread is just one of many that criticizes one or both of the characters themselves, not just the story arc. Take a look:

But seriously, E/C should GET THE ... OUT! I'm so sick of them, especially Calleigh! She thinks she's better than everyone else and she speaks with that fake british accent! And Eric has no sense of fashion and he has a head shaped like an egg. He doesn't bother me that much though, he can't help that he looks like a 60's wallpaper with an egg on top of it. :p

I never liked Eric Delko as a character, I always thought he was some kind of disgusting womanizer

Yes, I too loved the old Calleigh and the old Delko. Both were smart, talented, and multidimensional characters. Both were very professional and could do a lot of things.

Why TPTB decided that Delko had to start hating on Ryan back in S3-4 is beyond me. All it did was make Delko look like a jerk - a role he hasn't really relinquished as far as I'm concerned.

It's clear that the E/C dislike thread is not just about the romance, but about the characters too. It's not really that different at all from the Dislike Horatio Caine thread.

Given the thread has been allowed to stand, can we now expect to see hate threads for Calleigh, Eric, Ryan, Natalia, Frank, Jesse, Walter, Tom, et al?

You might want to be careful with the word "hate". As I recall, posters in the E/C dislike thread did not appreciate being called "haters". I don't appreciate the implication that I "hate" Horatio Caine. I don't. I just happen to dislike some aspects of his character.

I don't understand why having a "dislike Horatio Caine" thread is such a problem. Many of us, maybe not a majority, but many of us have legitimate quips about the character, and would like to have a place to voice these opinions. I don't see it as any different than posters who dislike E/C having that thread to express themselves on. Really, we all should be thankful that thread began. The dislike E/C thread opened the door for people who were fed up with other aspects of the show to create threads about their concerns as well without fear that it would be against the forum rules.

Maybe a better solution is to have one "Dislike/Debate a Character" thread in this section of the forum, as there is a "Dislike/Debate a Ship" thread in the Shipper Central section. However, it doesn't seem needed, as there are only two "dislike" threads in the CSI:Miami section. If more keep cropping up, maybe it'd be a better idea, but for now, I don't see why either should be deleted.

Has Talk CSI really sunk to this level?

What level? The level at which people feel free to express their honest opinions, even when they're not favorable? Nobody is bashing David Caruso, claims are being supported with evidence, and no mod warnings have been issued.

I won't post at this thread anymore about the Dislike Horatio thread. I just wanted to respond to some of the concerns people had about it, and replying in this thread ensured me that the responses would be more likely to be read. I'll be leaving now. ;)
There was a tribute to Horatio and CSI:M on last night's premiere of "So You Think You Can Dance". They were holding auditions in Miami, and they did a spoof of our show by playing the theme song and having the head judge do a Horatio impression. They did it in a way that honored the show, and I was thrilled to see it!
I don't understand why having a "dislike Horatio Caine" thread is such a problem.

It's really not that big a problem, silentdisco. I'm not sure why you feel the need to be so defensive about it. If the moderators have no problem with it, then you guys are good to go! :) Why are you concerned that some are less then thrilled about it?

Just as with the polarizing effect E/C has on the fanbase, so it goes the character of Horatio Caine. I find that most people either love him ... or they don't. There is no middle. No biggie. My only objection has ever been the bashing of the actor which was a problem in the E/C shipper thread started by by one individual and then grew as more and more jumped on her bashing band-wagon. The moderaters were awesome and took care of that in short order and no more problem! :thumbsup:

Many of us, maybe not a majority, but many of us have legitimate quips about the character, and would like to have a place to voice these opinions. I don't see it as any different than posters who dislike E/C having that thread to express themselves on. Really, we all should be thankful that thread began. The dislike E/C thread opened the door for people who were fed up with other aspects of the show to create threads about their concerns as well without fear that it would be against the forum rules.

:lol: I LOVE Horatio and I'VE had significant issues with what the writers have done with Horatio through the years. That seems to be one of the major differences between most Horatio fans and most Eric and Calleigh fans. Horatio fans can admit that the character has flaws and has done some questionable things through the years. Most Eric and Calleigh fans believe they walk on water and are perfect and have never done anything wrong.

Never really thought about starting a dislike thread for a specific character. Never felt the need to start a Calleigh "dislike" thread as much as I dislike her, but I'm sure you're right that the E/C dislike thread filled that need. And truth be told I really have no doubt that the dislike Horatio thread was started in response to the dislike E/C thread and possibly in response to the closing of the "like E/C" thread. Again, no biggie. If the moderators have no issue with it, I certainly don't.

Just as those who post in the E/C dislike thread shouldn't have to defend themselves - although many forced them to do so, you, and the others who are posting your Horatio dislike in your thread, shouldn't have to defend yourselves.

So I'm really confused about why you feel the need to do so. :confused: If people want to know your position and why you and your fellow posters dislike Horatio, they can simply visit your thread and find out. :) I, personally, already know my concerns for the character and have seen reasons for hope that he is coming back to himself. I prefer to hang on to my hope. It's one of the few things keeping me watching this show. :)
I've always liked Horatio. And I do think the writers have done a better job at Horatio this season (except for him being pushed into the background a lot more). I love that they've given him the chance to be more emotional (the scenes with Kyle). And I adore his reaction in "Meltdown" to the suspects disappearing. :lol: That was just brilliant.
I've always liked Horatio. And I do think the writers have done a better job at Horatio this season (except for him being pushed into the background a lot more). I love that they've given him the chance to be more emotional (the scenes with Kyle). And I adore his reaction in "Meltdown" to the suspects disappearing. :lol: That was just brilliant.

His reaction in "Meltdown" was classic wasn't it? :lol: It's little moments like that that give me hope Horatio will find his way back to who he truly is.

I like Horatio. There have been more moments then I care to count when I've wondered just where the hell they were going with him and if it was their intent to totally destroy this character. For several seasons they really pushed me to the edge.

But I've been seeing real reason to hope recently. Sometimes I have to sift through the stuff that I find very hard to stomach to find it. My favorite characters, including Horatio, have been shoved into the background for the past few seasons and there has been a lot of counting to a thousand to get through it all - or just pain skipping some episodes.

But I've got my fingers crossed that it's darkest before the dawn and next season we'll see the really good actors on this show get their chance to shine. :thumbsup:
To date the only two things that bugged me about Horatio were the ending of "To kill a predator" and "All In" Those tarnished his character. I can't comment on the other stuff that affected his character as I've never watched all the shows in order. One minute it would be a season 1 next would be season 6 on A&E.

However I did watch enough of the Marisol eps to agree that was done poorly. While I enjoyed this season, Horatio did come off being second banana to the others.
To date the only two things that bugged me about Horatio were the ending of "To kill a predator" and "All In" Those tarnished his character. I can't comment on the other stuff that affected his character as I've never watched all the shows in order. One minute it would be a season 1 next would be season 6 on A&E.

However I did watch enough of the Marisol eps to agree that was done poorly. While I enjoyed this season, Horatio did come off being second banana to the others.

The Horatio/Marisol storyline was a disaster. But, unlike with E/C, they were smart enough to see that it was a mistake and end it quickly.

While I've never been a fan of "Rio", I've also never felt that Horatio murdered Riaz. I felt it was self-defense. Eric did try to have Riaz extradicted back to the US. The system there was so corrupt, it was never going to happen. I don't know if Horatio and Eric would have tried to get Riaz back to the US if he hadn't fought - we'll never know. The fact is both had a knife and Riaz certainly wasn't showing any signs of giving up peacefully.

"To Kill a Predator" was the worse kind of character destruction and it was painful to watch. To this day I'm not sure what the intent of the episode was. If it was meant to convey that Horatio had reached his breaking point, there were much better ways of doing it. Again, we see strong evidence of weak writers with little or no knowledge or love of the characters they write for and little or no imagination.

What happened to Horatio and Yelina was horribly sad. Just their eye-sex alone was amazing! :drool: The chemistry between those two was magic and it's sad they threw it by the wayside. One of these days I'd love to hear who the genius was that made that decision! This, to me, is a perfect example of TPTB being totally blind. Horatio and Yelina had chemistry that burned up the screen and they wrote them off. Eric and Calleigh don't generate enough heat to warm a pop-tart (thanks, MJ!) and they creep along killing the show. Whatever! :rolleyes:

"All In" was a devasting moment for me as a Horatio fan. :( They had the moral center of the show commit cold blooded murder. :( Wow. Coming back from that one was tough and I still haven't reconciled with that one. (Still dealing with that with my favorite character on NCIS as well.)

If these "shock" moments are designed to reveal that these characters are human, I have a better method. Stop making Horatio teflon coated. Stop making bullets bounce off of him. If you want the audience to connect with him, make him human. Not just humanly flawed, but humanly vulnerable. He can be hurt. Physically hurt. Let's see it happen. For real. Not fake. For real!

And guess what. Despite all off the rough patches through the years - I still love Horatio. Sorry (not really :lol:)!
A lot of people trash season 4(me included)but I just watched "From The Grave" and I have to say that it is without a doubt one of Horatio's greatest episodes. I kept thinking to myself: "why did they change this guy?"
The scenes in the church were so powerful, really great performance by Caruso throughout the entire show. They need to bring the old Horatio back as soon as the next season starts!
^^ I liked season 4 also. The Horatio/Marisol storyline didn't really bother me; probably because I just had the feeling she'd be toast by season's end anyway. 'Under Suspicion' was one of my favorite episodes from that season -- Walter Resdin, I thought, was great at getting to Horatio.
The worst for me, Horatio-wise, was season 6. I dispised all the villians thrown his way -- from Sonia to LeBrock to Mala Noche sneaking in again -to Saris; it was very tiresome for me, so much so that I grew bored with Horatio. :(
And truthfully, I wasn't sold yet on the Kyle/Julia angle (still not sold on Julia to be honest). I love Kyle now, but at the time the storyline was first introduced it didn't sit too well with me. I felt Horatio was far more detatched in that season -- everything revolved around Julia/Kyle, and the team spirit was so non-existant it made the whole season plain awful in my book - loathed it. Season 7 wasn't much better either IMO (worse actually but not in regards to Horatio), but towards the end things looked to be coming around in terms of Horatio, & season 8 brought back the 'H' I fully enjoy. :p

Overall, I guess I just like my Horatio when he's in full team-leader-mode looking out for his team/family, fallen heroes, & innocent victims. Leave out all the personal enemies & I'm good to go. Just my opinion.
for me the Walter Resdin story arc was wrapped up a little too neatly, and that's one reason why I didn't like the season. I did like however what it brought out in Horatio. That moment when Resdin's dad called him a "punk", something almost seemed dark about H in that split second and I thought DC did a pretty good job selling it. My main qualm with S4 was Marisol :devil:

I hated how their whole relationship centered around her wants and needs. Yes i understand she didn't have long to live, but they never explored who Horatio was as a man and not a cop. It just seemed like she was just another victim who needed H and his shield to protect her. She tells Delko that "he's not the same man he is at work" but we never got to see what she meant.

Which is why I loved the idea of Kyle as soon as I heard about it. Its not often we see H in a genuine state of panic. Everything about the storyline has shown us a different side of Horatio that we never got to see before. I just hope they bring Kyle back as a regular, and maybe give his dad a love interest that can handle herself in a fight and not need constant rescuing a la Calleigh.