It's been a while but I actually caught the two parter (holiday in Canada! Good timing

I had to comment, always positive first, I'm with you girls Horatio in a lab coat processing, I smiled broadly, plus I loved the way he picked up on Cal's clues and managed to follow her evidence that was just like the old days, took me back!
My real point though, I am majorly disappointed with TPTB decision on the Noche massacre!
I am unashamedly a Horatio girl, I absolutlely love the man, he is one my favourite characters ever because of seasons 1 -3. It was hard not to fall in love with the man. Gentle, compassionate, scarey in his pursuit of justice, absolutely deadly in getting his man through the law and pursuing him until he can legally get resolution.
The first scene was just a complete death to that character, whatever possessed them to let him blow away those guys with a grin on his face and a quirly line on his lips....NO, NO, NO!
Oh I understand that he had to take some out to get away, but to shoot a guy in the back when retreating, to stand over him and blow him away :scream:
And he is still randomly treatening people, not needed! "This will be your last week on earth"

I understand the sentiment but c'mon H!
Anyway I was and still am cross, but great eppisodes otherwise shame about 3 minutes of madness