Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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Hey y'all!!! :)

It's been a pretty yucky Monday for me... my car got smushed this morning, so I've had to deal with that all day... :rolleyes: ... at least nobody got hurt... :)
Sure wish DC would have been there to help me though... :eek: :eek: :eek: Except I probably would have needed the ambulance then 'cause I'd have fainted dead away when I saw him ... :lol::eek::lol::eek:

Oh well... I really need some H/DC to cheer me up... :(

Here's a contribution to get things started...
... ahhh, that smile ... :)

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D:devil:
Overall, it was an improvement from anything seen in S5. Regarding Horatio, though, I'm quite excited to say that vestiges of his former self started to show through tonight. His stiff robotic demeanour quite present in S5 was toned down significantly in this episode as it became quite evident to the viewer that everything he was last season and in S4 appears to be melting off of his character like ice cream off of a July-warmed waffle cone. The epitome of his very soul being shaken to the core due to the new development in his life is quite evident in the very last scene of the episode where Kyle remarks to H that he is not his father and that he should leave him alone. The look on his face revealed once more the old Horatio: one of a silent humbleness and a visible humility in the face of defeat.
Hey Eyeheart and everyone, :D

Yep! I also agree, I think Horatio looked great and it was a great episode. :D I can't wait to see where the writers take it and I hope Horatio tells Kyle soon. :eek:

I also am excited for next weeks episode too... :devil:
H has a Stalker. Oohhhhhhhhhhhh! :eek: :eek: :eek:

All in all it was a great start! Nice to see everyone had a little screen time, even Valera. :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

HCrazy :cool:
Yep, I agree with y'all, EyeHeartH and HCrazy sis... :D God it was soooooo great to see H again... and he looked pretty damn sexy too, IMO... :devil: (I'm biased, of course ;):lol:) And yes, mrsjrewing, it did wonders to improve my day... :) ... that and the Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream I ate while watching it... YUM!!! :D

Here's another personal fave for y'all... ;)
... I'm suprised the water didn't turn to steam in this picture, 'cause he so DAMN HOT!!! :devil: :eek: :devil: :eek:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :devil::D
Hcrazy said:

I also am excited for next weeks episode too... :devil:
H has a Stalker. Oohhhhhhhhhhhh! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Well, yes. I've been here since April :lol:

Horatiosangel, glad you're doing better after your accident - I'm a claims adjuster and I get to talk to scared people every day. I should recommend some DC therapy. :cool:
Niiiice!!! That one needed a warning too... isn't it funny how people seem to confuse us all the time Need4Speed? :lol:

H looked smokin' in the eppy... hee hee!!! :devil:
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