Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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Hey Hangel sis, What an episode huh :D :D :D

I was a crazy person the whole day counting down the hours and now I am having withdrawal until next week! :lol:

HStalker- you are funny! :lol: We have all been hanging on waiting for our man and his team to come back and brighten all our days! ;) And THANK GOD HE IS BACK!!! :devil:

Need4Speed- Nice Gun porn Pic- Very Nice- Mmm-hmm :p

Speedsdaughter, Um yes, H is Smokin Indeed! :devil: :devil:

HCrazy Out :cool:
Was browsing through Getty Images and found this pic..I haven't seen it before so I said I'd post it on here....


Also came across this one and my god what a look!

Sorry about the watermarks guys.
mitzi said:Also came across this one and my god what a look!
That is a wonderful picture - one of my favourites. :D So much UST, I think my screen is starting to sizzle!

horatiosangel, I was sorry to read about your accident. I hope you're okay. :)
WOW I love this pic from 'Body Count'. :D What a look and what a touch! Am I the only one who think that H hand touch Y`s stomach/abdomen. :rolleyes: If I was one her palce so near to him I`ll jump the writen scripts, drag fast H and just kiss him. He so much want to do it but is afriad to ask, right?! :devil: Mans ;)
Pusher said:
WOW I love this pic from 'Body Count'. :D What a look and what a touch! Am I the only one who think that H hand touch Y`s stomach/abdomen. :rolleyes: If I was one her palce so near to him I`ll jump the writen scripts, drag fast H and just kiss him. He so much want to do it but is afriad to ask, right?! :devil: Mans ;)

No!!!! When I first saw the picture that's what I thought i saw. I nearly jumped at the screen!!!
Thanks HoratioStalker and Lucy for your well wishes... :) I am doing better now... at least my car's not totaled, but I'm without for about a week or so... :rolleyes:

I'll come back later and post some more H/DC hotness... I'm at work right now... :D
MSN has an article about stars who have made a comeback and David Caruso is one that listed. I made the link for the page he is one, but there are many interesting stars on other pages. (No other CSIM actors though.) Anyway, thought it was kind of interesting.

DC part of Comback Kiid group
Interesting article, mrsjrewing...

I feel kinda sorry for DC sometimes... I mean, yeah, he made a few mistakes along the way in his career, but who out there hasn't made some mistakes? ( I know I've made some whoppers... :rolleyes: ) Thank god mine aren't plastered all over the press like that... and it seems like he's finally got his life back on track again, so the press just needs to Get Over It... ;) OK, stepping down off my soapbox now... :D

As promised, here's some new hotness for today...
... so HOT he's COOL ... :devil:

... his "rear-view" is just so darn cute, isn't it? ... ;)

Enjoy Ladies!!! :devil::D
Great pics, HoratiosAngel. I really love the first one. I totally agree with what you said. It must be tough having people judge you mistakes. I know I have made plenty and they are hard enough with just the judgement of family. When it comes to acting I think everyone has done stuff like that. I have a few friends in the music business and one of them passed up a song that was later recorded by Wynonna Judd. He regrets it big time, but he has moved on. I can say that they picked a good picture of DC though to go along with the piece.
just watched the vid of the new season 6 and i must say his hair dose look a lot redder than in the past,it also looks a little shorter as well but maybe that's just me.

Horatiosangel the pics were brill out of the 2 like the sceond one bet of all and no i didn't faint this time,sat there and went into dream world :devil:
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