Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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Oh man! Bomber jacket, jeans, hot car, DC.... *snags picture* *Thinks of DC in jammies...* Pajamas are good - leave more to the imagination that way. :devil:

...*thud!* *falls out of chair passed out from the hotness*
HoratioStalker said:
Oh man! Bomber jacket, jeans, hot car, DC.... *snags picture* *Thinks of DC in jammies...* Pajamas are good - leave more to the imagination that way. :devil:

...*thud!* *falls out of chair passed out from the hotness*
Horatio doesn't seem like the pajama type. He seems more like the type to sleep in his boxers. That would be even better. :devil:
Thanks Horatiosangel and patricia for posting those pics of Dc.The one in the overcoat is very Hot and i wouldn't mind being next to him in that car :) :devil:

DC in boxers having hot flushes just thinking about it :devil:
Well, I don't have any of H in casual clothes, per say, but this is about as casual as H gets... (still damn sexy though... :eek: :devil: :eek: :devil:)...
...***fans self wildly***...hyperventilating...***faints from H hotness***... :devil::devil::devil:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D:devil:
:devil: :devil: :devil:

Those scenes with Horatio in that blue shirt are some of my favorites.

Shed the Jacket more often, H! !

:devil: :devil: :devil:
oh adn remember in Nonstop!? wehn he took off his jakcet and gave it to that girl to wear cause she was shivering!? i SO wish i was that girl...i mean not lose my parents like she did but to be coverd with H's jacket!! mmmmm. i'll bet it smells good :D :devil:

and i see H as the boxer type too. :devil: and i mean ONLY boxers :devil:
:devil: :cool: :devil: :cool: :devil: :cool:

Just left a comment on the Spoiler board regarding Horatio's lack of emotion toward women and family. God knows he shows plenty for victims.

Please, H, a connected (as in emotional ) Horatio is needed in our new season.

:p :cool: :p :cool: :p :cool:
Yeah... no more Robo H, please TPTB!!! :rolleyes:

I think I may have a pic of that scene, Need4Speed... that one sets my heart aflutter too... the way he leans into the hummer to talk to her... I'd probably just pass out cold if he did that to me... :lol: :eek: :lol: :eek:...

Here it is...
... oh, there it is... the "lean"... :eek: :eek: :eek: ***can't breathe...***

... and a closer shot of those beautiful eyes... ***faints away***... TOO SEXY!!! :devil::devil::devil:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D;)
OMG!!!!!! *FLATLINES!!!!!!________________*

H:so what killed this gril Alexx?
Alexx:her heart gave out from looking at sexy pics of David Caruso...
H:well you know what they say *puts on sunnies and puts hands on hips* Sexiness has a price....
Horatiosangel just what i needed hot sexy pics of DC had a busy day at work time to relax with naughty thoughts :devil: calleighspeedle love your ones too :)
OMG!! the second one!!! IS THAT A BLACK HUMMER!?!? cause that's what it looks like!!!! and i love the thierd one too...come to think of it i love them all!!!!! DC is the sexiest 51 year old in the universe!!!!!!!! :D :lol:
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