Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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Happy birthday horatiosangel. Instead of US giving you a picture birthday, you gave this hot, sexier drulling picture.
Thanks mrsjrewing and RedHot!!! And I hope so too...the whole Horatio hotness thing, that is... ;)

Have to wait 'til I get home to post my hotness for the day... it's my other All-Time favorite DC pic... :D
Happy B-Day Horatiosangel hope you had a good one :) loved the pic you posted earlier,so sexy and hot :devil: couldn't have heart attack or faint this time was doing dinner
Thanks HC_4_my_birthday!!! :D

OK ladies, here's my other All-Time favorite DC pic...(had to use it as part of my icon I love it so much ;)) ... it's just something about the look in his eyes, I think...
...***faints dead away***...Sooo Sexy!!! :devil: :eek: :devil: :eek:

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone!!! :)

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D:devil:
I think it's a little late right now but anyway...

horatiosangel happy birthday!! :D
Thank you for the pic!
:eek: OMG!!! *dies*...i'm ok!! geez!!! that pic is so sexy!!!! :eek: OMG!!!! DC HAS to be the sexiest 51 year old i've ever seen!!!!
watched Going going Gone last night swear H had a dark blue shirt on :eek:

Horatiosangel the pic was like OMG can he get any sexier :devil: if you what i mean :)
Thanks for the belated birthday wishes, Patricia :)

Congrats on your icon win, girl!!! :D

Glad y'all liked the pic... :devil::D

Here's another one...
...***drools uncontrolably***...soooo HOT!!! :D:devil:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :)
Oh I missed the new thread, life is too busy, it's good to be back :)

This discussion was a while ago but we only just have season 5!

speed_cochrane said:
That line sounded so set up compared to a lot of his other lines. "You don't know what it's like to lose everything" "I've lost everything." :rolleyes:

That line annoyed me as well, it just shows how far H has gone, because as well as being inaccurate it is also so out of character, H never talks about himself let alone to a suspect and he never wallows....

It brings me back to 'Murder in a Flash' where the victims brother is saying "You don't know what it is like to watch someone so beautiful destroyed by a drug, you just don't know" You can plainly read H's pain on his face and his pain for Yelina but he never blurts out "I do know, it's happened to me too" He just wouldn't :mad:

How did we get so far from the respected and calm Horatio...to the desperate, angsty, slightly dangerous, and indifferent H!

To be honest with the addition of a certain new character, I can't see it getting any better.

I tend to stick to early season DVD's now, I even forgot to set the video for new eppy on tuesday that's normally unheard of :(
:eek: :devil: :eek:

calleighspeedle you can't do that!! re you trying to kill us all?...But thank you!! :D

That's HOT! :devil:
I was getting ready to jump next to him when I remembered it was just a pic.... :rolleyes:
Wow, callieghspeedle, those were AWESOME!!! I got the 4th one in a PM for my b-day...what a present!!! :devil: :eek:

Well ladies, I hate to say it, but I will be out of town tomorrow through Sunday, so I will leave you with some extra hotness to last you until I return... :D:devil:

...John Kelly angst...sooo beautiful... :eek: :eek: :eek:

...laughing H.... soooo sexy!!! :devil: :)

And a bonus one to get y'all through the weekend...
.......Sexy Man Warning........ ***fans self wildly due to excessive HOTNESS*** :eek: :devil: :eek: :devil:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D :devil:
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