Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

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Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

thougth i'd drop by what do i see pics of sexy H drool Hunter got that one you posted as a wallpaper on my phone
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Season finale sounds good but I'm not getting any hopes up till I see it. Or well you guys will see it first and tell me all about it.

And yup like Pusher said if the spoiler do materialise then it would be a good chance to get our real H back.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

^ errr.... for what spoiler we are talking about ?! i`m geting little confuse :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

I'm refering to the spoiler
About H almost dying in the season finale. Then perhaps Y would come back to his side and we'll get the real H back.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

ahhh i got it now ;) for ours reggret tptb lose to many chances to bring the Real H back...i`m afraid that he can draw down Yelina with him ...

don`t know ... :rolleyes: all dependent how tptb will handle this spoiler... i'll wait for epi 24...then....if H have some kind of flashback from Rio (re Areosol again) i`m 100 % give up from this tv show .... with or without Yelina....also i`ll love to see the moment when H get seriously wounded and all members from his team act/react the way he do it S 4-5...i`m sure H will make one big speculate over his behaviour the last two years :lol: btw for me my fav screencpas would be H on the ground with a lot blood :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Hunter,that picture is one of his best!!I've seen also too many times before but who cares!?!-The one with the sunnies and that look is cute too!! :)

eeehm, areosol,what??!
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Dunno if this has been posted before! Sorry if it has, but I'm sure people won't mind because he looks so good in it!

I also don't know if it comes under a spoiler heading? There's stuff on the cover about the finale, not much, but beware!

I also think the picture should have the sexy guy warning!

Tv Guide!
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

oo wow i think that TV Guide is in love with David!
they have had him a lot on their covers
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Yeah TV guide loves David alot because he's on this weeks cover. So......

H gets hurt in the finale cause i'm not really sure I hope though.

Just please clarify it thanks.

Katie <33333 :D

edited by mod to add spoiler code
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

I also think the picture should have the sexy guy warning!

Tv Guide!
It's one of those covers where there are a few versions...unfortuentely I got the 'House' one, not that I don't love House, but I mean, CSI: Miami is higher on my shows list and I'd love to have had a DC cover instead of a Hugh laurie cover. :lol: So thank you for that, I got to see how good he looked. (Though a little...pale. Dunno if that's on purpose)

I've noticed something a bit odd. Lately, Horatio's face has looked more square than usual. I could be delirious, but it looks more squared and his chin looks bigger. I think I'm just nuts but has anyone else noticed this? In 'Burned' and 'Man Down' I especially saw it but it has been prettyu consistant every ep in the past few months.

Yeah I think I'm nuts. :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

lol i actually thought he was gettin to look youngr lately...
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

cainesugar said:
I also think the picture should have the sexy guy warning!

Tv Guide!
I've noticed something a bit odd. Lately, Horatio's face has looked more square than usual. I could be delirious, but it looks more squared and his chin looks bigger. I think I'm just nuts but has anyone else noticed this? In 'Burned' and 'Man Down' I especially saw it but it has been prettyu consistant every ep in the past few months.

Yeah I think I'm nuts. :lol:

The sexy warning is good.. :p..eeehm,no you are not necessarily nuts but personally I haven't seen something like that..I didn't notice it at least!

^and he always look go0d ;)
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

I hadn't noticed anything except that since the start of the season he seems to have lost some weight. Chin looked the same though. :confused:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

I certainly don't want any Marisol flashbacks! She should be dead and forgotten!

That TV guide cover is way HOT!!!

I'm looking forward to H getting hurt.
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