Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th
*stepping onto soapbox*
*clearing throat*
I've been really surprised from this thread and the spoiler thread about how much animosity there is toward the Horatio character of season five. I have to admit I love him, flaws and all. I think the tender side shows with victims and children, but I think Super H., as a lot of people call him, is really cool too. Horatio appeals to me, because, with some of the things I've gone through in life, I wish I had someone like H. to stand up for me at times. I had a couple of situations where I wish there had been a Super H. to save me, or at least punch the daylights out of someone. I don't think it's an issue of appealing to guys, but some women find the idea of a Prince Charming attractive. I've come to believe that doesn't exist, but it's the idea of it in the character of H. that I admire.
As for the Horatio/Marisol storyline, I wasn't a big fan either, and I thought it took the white knight idea a little too far, but maybe, just maybe Horatio really loved her. And with the interview, which I still have not had a chance to read, maybe DC likes his character. Most actors do have some say in the development of their characters, and perhaps he likes the way the writers have developed Horatio. I realize a lot of people want the H. of seasons 1-3 back, and yes, I do see a difference in the H. of season 1 versus the H. of season 5. But H. has had a lot of character development in five years.
I love H., and I always will, as long as he's one of the good guys. And in the words of the great philosopher, Forrest Gump, "that's all I have to say about that."
*stepping off soapbox & waving white flag*
So the soapbox... some Southern preachers (years and years ago), used to take crates used to transport laundry detergeant or soap in, and stand on them on street corners and preach. I'm from the South, and we use that expression a lot around here...