Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

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Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I haven't seen NYPD Blue...although the pictures from it to make it look interesting ;) and very tempting :D

My heart was breaking for him when I saw this episode, he looked so sad and was trying to well to hide it..

pro per 1

pro per 2
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I just need to get this off my chest. I re-watched that scene from 'Body Count', the one between H and Stuart Otis. I mean H look just so hot! The sunglasses hanging off his neck and the gun hidden behind his back. Then later when Stuart cuts him, he kinda winces the yanks him up and breaks Stuart's finger. And of course that tender scene where Yelina tends to H's wound. All that was just way hot and sexy for me.

Ok sorry rant over.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Came across this picture. We definatly need the brighter shirts back! I did like that striped shirt when he used to wear the lighter ones...but it's all getting a bit much now!

Open buttons!
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

i agree. the solid black/dark thing (while very sexy) is unreasonable. its miami for gods sake, let the man cool off a bit. lighter colors, lose the jacket.

feel free to drool:
normal H 1
normal H 2
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

About 'NYPD Blue', bottom line, amazing show, and well worth the money for the DVD (although, if I'm not mistaken, you can get it on Amazon.com for 30 bucks).

The second one is especially hot!!! I love the white button-up/black jacket and pants combo of yore. Although I enjoy his striped shirts, I also have a soft spot for the classic black and white.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

About 'NYPD Blue', bottom line, amazing show, and well worth the money for the DVD (although, if I'm not mistaken, you can get it on Amazon.com for 30 bucks).

Got mine from walmart under $30.00. Can't wait for it to get here. Alot of these dvd's unless brand new you have to order. Hated having to buyall of S2 when I won't watch all of it since DC's not in it. :(
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I happened upon the S1 NYPD Blue dvds at walmart once when they had them on sale for $14.96. :eek: Bought them on the spot. :D

I agree with the opinions of others stated here, you won't regret the purchase at all. John Kelly is my favorite DC role, and NYPD Blue was a fantastic show.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I was thinking of the *BLUE* the other night andI remember I had this little flingfor DC long before CSI Miami was born. I have to buy the season 1 of *VLUE* too just to rerun it. Btw they are still running that show on tv here.
DC is hot anyway though I am not so fan of the movies he did.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I loved Kings of New York. it was awesome. it's good to be back. i haven't been here in a while. so YAY!!!!! i was starting to go into withdrawral from not beeing able to go on :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

OK I'm confused...I heard about the girlfriend/baby thing but there was a blurb in one of the papers I got yesterday that DC is going with Eva La Rue. Without going into too much detail and violating board rules...what's the real story?
ETA: Oh ok even ELR said it's false...I wonder why newspapers do that and print stuff that isn't true. Wierd.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

it's a rumour MacsGirlMel from a gossip mag called Tv Guide. Because they can and don't care if it's true or not they will print it.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Just went out to get mail and damn near fell over. Our guy is on the cover of US TV Guide April 9-15 issue. And I scanned some of the pics for you that don't get this issue.

He talks about the show and his family.

Here are the pics...

Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

The kid doesn't have red hair bummer :p

Thanks for those lovely scans :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I've never known TV Guide to be a gossip thing...when did that start? I thought they were usually pretty accurate. Well I've heard you have to watch Ausiello, he's not always right...but I didn't know they weren't accurate *?*
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