Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

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Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I try not to put DC on too much of a pedestal. He always comes across as being a really nice, intelligent guy to me (in interviews etc), but none of us really know him. I've never been much of a fan of the aura of celebrity. I respect him for his triumphs in the face of adversity and his acting talent. He's also great eye candy - that helps, even if it is only skin deep! ;)

.....and of course the voice. Almost as sexy as Edward James Olmos! :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

He's also great eye candy - that helps, even if it is only skin deep!
.....and of course the voice. Almost as sexy as Edward James Olmos!
I hear ya Luce . Agree on the not putting him on a peestal thing too.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

He's gold on the outside and inside. :)

DC's irish right? OMG, you know what the writers should do?? Get Colin Farrel in one episode, either as himself or just some guy. Since CF is irish, and DC is irish, they could both go to a bar and drink a Guiness! (sp?) It would be great, an all Ireland episode.

(Or is is scottish? :lol: )
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

DC's father is Italian, his mother is Irish.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

No wonder he's so hot! Italian guys just seem to be more sexy, maybe that's just me.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Aww, but surely putting someone on a pedestal is all part of the fun of having a celebrity crush! I'm happy to keep DC up there on the throne for now!!

And I'm sure we all have no problem with keeping Horatio on a pedestal. After all, the man is perfect. Sigh... Why don't real men ever compare to H??? :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

After all, the man is perfect.
I'm a BIG H fan but he ain't perfect. But it's the fact that he's not perfect that I find real attractive, that he has that dark, flawed side to him, it's sexy. Plus the angsty past just makes you wanna take him in your arms and baby him.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

yeah totally......H is awesome...but he needs to get hurt at least once.....not too bad though........just enough so we know that he's human....you know what i mean.....i mean everyone else has been hurt at least once....all except for him.....i mean it's like he's invincible or
something....you know?
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

But it's the fact that he's not perfect that I find real attractive
Same here. He's a flawed, but dignified leader - those characteristics really appeal to me. :)
MiamiBeachBabe said: Aww, but surely putting someone on a pedestal is all part of the fun of having a celebrity crush!
For some maybe, but not for me. It's still fun even without the pedestal part. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

yeah.......i mean we don't have to put them on a pedestal to still have a crush on them....we can do that with out making such a big deal even though it may be........
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

i too don`t put on pedestal nor DC or HC. i agree that DC is pretty good actor, but not great one. also don`t like his personal life. sorry. as much as i find him sweet and charming (love his presence on the screen, bluse eyes and deep voice), my big disappointment come after some info that DC him self try to bring in some ideas on CSI Miami and his character H (re Arosol story or this one-liners). is this is true i don`t know - that info come from interview, net and newspapers. but for me if DC really like and respect his character on this tv show (his say this a lot times) for me have to try change something so we to see again our Real H, not only to watch from aside and keep repeat that Miami is the most famous world tv show. and when i say H, yep i like him a lot in S 1-3. coz of Horatio i see almost all DC movies. what draw to H is the good mix between good and bad sides on his character- to know that he can be so nice/careing, but also can get angry and not in last place have mystery around him. ok i love this type of charatcer, but never put them on pedestal - just for me is fun and pleasure to follow theirs story in the screen. but if my 'hero' is too good (perfect, almost god H in S 4-5) there is nothing that can attract me to him (or too angst past)...
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I like DC, don't get me wrong, and I think he's a really good actor, but I try not to love him like I love Horatio. I think Horatio is an amazing, awesome person, and he has flaws. That's what makes him great. if he didn't have flaws, I'd think he was too unreal, too unbelievealbe, and just not...as lovable as he is. DC is different, he's not a hero, he hasn't done anything to make me LOVE him. If he had been a cop, or was a huge part in charity (like Emily Procter, for example) or had served in a war or something to set him apart as an amazing person, that would be different. To me, he's just a really good actor who's character I really really love.

Of course he was better in s1-3, I mean he had a set character who was not only a tough, strong hero, but he was a softer, sweeter, more caring and loving person who consoled victims, their famalies, handled everything and helped out everyone, and really had the whole we feel bad for him thing going. We did feel bad for him, look at what his life was like and he still was able to be the amazing person he was. Some people with rough lives use that as an excuse to be a criminal, Horatio used that as an excuse to be a hero. He was amazing.

And don't get me wrong, he still is, but I wish we could see more of his soft, loving side, because right now he's still great, but not like before. I'm also string to think that maybe it's not completely him, it's the cases. I know his attitude is different, and he's more selfish (not that he's selfish, just less selfless than he was) but the cases have changed in the sense that there aren't as many children. But then again, in 'Broken Home' there was the woman who's mother (or was it grandmother?) was killed by that doctor, and he stayed with her but we didn't see any Horatio hugs, or really kind words, and he walked away from her at the end. While it looked great, it wasn't like before where he would sit with victims and comfort them.

If DC does influence what they do on CSI: Miami like Pusher said, and he does respect his character, then I think he should suggest they bring back the old H. I mean, maybe it was his idea to get all macho and weird, but he should realize that the sensitive, sweet H is what people want to see. It made him different from other cops, it made him more of a hero because he was able to not only stare grief in the face but converse with it and try to make it better. I hope DC realizes this. I hope TPTB realize this as well.

I might make no sense and I'm sorry. :D It's really early.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Hey I read yesterday on the tvguide online that david and eva la rue are a couple, seeing each other. This is what the article said..

David Caruso and his luscious CSI: Miami costar Eva La Rue Callahan are finally out in the open with their relationship. It's been suspected that they were a secret couple for the past season because they sometimes showed up for work together in the morning. Eva is divorced, but David had a girlfriend until recently. For whatever reason, they limited their outings to quiet out of the way places. Recently they showed up at the VERY public Koi restaurant and dropped all pretense. They had a romantic dinner and ignored the stares.

this was posted by Posted by Janet Charlton on March 19, 2007 6:33 PM

here is the link to it..
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Need4Speed said:
yeah.......i mean we don't have to put them on a pedestal to still have a crush on them....we can do that with out making such a big deal even though it may be........

So true.

Regarding the Eva/David relationship, is this speculation of a Hollywood gossip mill, or is this for real? The website looked a little gossipy to me, but if TV Guide online said something, perhaps it may not be. I'm confused right now.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I found it on the tvguide online site where they have the spoilers for show. I was reading the spoiler about something that is going to happen on the show when I found it and the link on that site led me to this womans site. I read all the post that other people posted to her and she sounded reputible.
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