Home - (H/Y)

Yelina took a deep sigh.

Yelina: I'm fine...I don't think I would have been able to stay strong without you there.

Horatio rubbed her back.

Horatio: Yeah. It's going to be okay, because we'll be there for each other, right?

Yelina smiled.

Yelina: Right. I know this may be asking too much of you...
Horatio...no, whatever it is, it's okay.
Yelina: I don't want to be alone tonight.

Horatio nodded.

Horatio: Hey, it's okay. I can stay over as long as you need me to.

Yelina leaned over and gave him a hug.

Yelina: Thank you so much.
Horatio: If it's alright, I can go get some clothes from my place to bring over while I'm here.
Yelina: Would you like company?
Horatio: I'd like that.
Yelina: Okay, I'll go tell Ray where we're going.


Horatio pulled up to his place and looked over at Yelina before getting out.

Horatio: I'll be right back, okay?
Yelina: Okay.

Horatio walked up to the front door and pulled the keys out of his pocket. When Janice opened the front door, however, Yelina's heart stopped as she watched from the car.

Horatio: Janice?

Janice practically fell into his arms, sobbing wildly.

Janice: Oh Horatio, I was a fool. I'm so sorry for doubting you. Do you forgive me?
Horatio: I, uh...yeah, I...

Horatio was silenced by Janice's lips which engaged in a full-out assault on his. Horatio succumbed to her kisses and cautiously wrapped his arms around her, unsure of whether it was what he wanted.
Yelina's heart nearly stopped as it sank to her stomach. Her lip quivered; she had finally crumbled. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched helplessly as the man she wanted and needed was being kissed by another woman.
Horatio was finally able to pull away, but by then it was too late, for Yelina had gotten out of the car and walked over to the driver side of the car. He could clearly see that she was upset.

Horatio: Yelina? Yelina!!!

Janice tried to pull him back, but he wrestled free from her grasp.

Yelina (to herself): I have to get out of here.
Horatio didn't want Yelina to see any of that. The kiss only confused him more. He wanted to be with Yelina, but he still felt obligated to Janice. Was it possible to have feelings for both women?

He watched as Yelina jumped into the driver's seat and shut the door. She gunned the engine. She wanted to leave the place. She didn't want Horatio to see her cry. She knew what it was like to have another woman break-up her relationship with Raymond and she didn't want to be the cause of Horatio and Janice's.

Horatio: Yelina wait!

Horatio watched as Yelina drove off into the distance. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Janice: She still has feelings for you. But you're over her right?
Horatio: I er... yeah.

He wasn't sure what to say. His mind was a confused mess and he wanted to go after Yelina to make sure she was alright. She had said she didn't want to be alone.

Horatio: I... I have to, I have to find her. She's just had a hard time going through the divorce with Raymond.
Janice: Give her some time, she'll cool down and you can go talk to her.

Janice pulled Horatio into the house. He followed, a sense of unease settling over him. Back in the house, Horatio dialled Yelina's cell with no reply, then called her house. Ray Jr hadn't seen his mother. He tried Raymond, but he hadn't seen her either. Janice was calling for his attention and he decided he would wait.
Yelina drove through Miami with tears blinding her eyes throughout. After all they had been through the past few days, he had to go and do something like that. She pounded the steering wheel every now and then, frustrated over the growing complications between her and Horatio. Once she realised she still had Horatio's car, she turned around and headed back until she saw that she had run a four-way stop sign. It was too late, however, for a large truck ran into the driver side of the Hummer and knocked it to its side.


Horatio saw that his phone was ringing while Janice was kissing his neck in the bedroom.

Horatio: Janice, I need to get this.
Janice: Okay, sweetie.
Horatio: Hello?
Ray Jr. (in a distraught voice): Uncle Horatio...my mom...she was in an accident.

Horatio rose up from the bed, turning pale.

Horatio: What happened?
Ray Jr.: The car she was driving...it was hit on the driver side by a truck in a four-way stop.
Horatio: Oh my god. Where are you?
Ray Jr.: The hospital...Grandma took me over there.
Horatio: I'm on my way.

Horatio hung up the phone and rushed out of the bedroom.

Janice: Horatio!!! Where are you going?
Horatio: Yelina's...been in a car accident. I have to go...to the hospital.
Janice: I knew it!!!

Horatio turned to face her.

Janice: You're not in love with me.
Horatio: Janice, Yelina's been in an accident. I need to know if she's okay.
Janice: Okay...you go. But when you come back, I won't be here.
Horatio: I'm sorry.


Horatio ran to the hospital reception desk and didn't stop to catch his breath.

Horatio: Yelina...Salas...

The receptionist told him she was in surgery at the moment and that she had family waiting in an upstairs waiting room. Horatio ran upstairs and found Ray Jr. and Yelina's mother. After consoling Mrs. Salas as much as he could, he walked over to Ray Jr., giving him a big hug.

Ray Jr.: Uncle Horatio, I'm scared.
Horatio: I know buddy. Me too. Have you told you Dad?
Ray Jr: I called him but the didn't pick up.
Horatio: I'll try calling him later.

Horatio sighed and buried his face in his hands. He felt that all this was his fault. If he hadn't let Yelina see him with Janice, she wouldn't have driven off. If anything happened to Yelina... the thought was too hard to bear.

The surgery was over in two hours. The doctors told Horatio and Ray Jr that Yelina was critical but stable. She had internal bleeding due to the accident but they had managed to stop it during surgery. She also sustained a broken arm. The docotor only allowed one visitor each time, so Horatio waited for Mrs Salas and Ray Jr to see Yelina first. Night had come and Horatio assured he would call if anything changed before sending the two home in a taxi. He wasn't about to leave Yelina's side.

He pulled up a chair and sat beside Yelina's hospital bed. She looked so fragile and pale. There were tubes and wires all over and monitors beeped overhead. Things rarely scared Horatio, seeing Yelina like this did.

He decided at that moment that he wasn't being fair to both Janice and Yelina. He had to make a choice. And at that moment he did. He knew who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It would be hard for one of them to understand but it would be better this way.

He gently took Yelina's hand, and kissed it gently. Seeing her like this was more than he could bear and a single tear rolled down his face onto the floor.

Horatio (softly): Yelina...
Yelina (weakly): Hi.

Horatio smiled a worried smile and ran his hand through her dark curls.

Horatio: How are you feeling?
Yelina: Numb.
Horatio: Must be the morphine.

Yelina looked at Horatio with pained eyes, which in return pained Horatio even more. He was dying inside, knowing that he had caused this.

Horatio (in cracked voice): Sw-sweetheart...I...I'm so s-sorry...if I hadn't...
Yelina (silencing Horatio): Horatio...please...you didn't know.

Horatio whimpered and ducked his head. Yelina reached for the hand that Horatio rubbed through her hair and took it.

Horatio: I'm...always messing things up.
Yelina: No...no, you're not. I was the one...who went behind the wheel. I was...the one...who missed the stopsign.
Horatio: If I could take it all back...I would. It hurts me...to see you this way.
Yelina: Horatio...it's okay. I'm going to...be okay.
Horatio: If anything happened to you...I would cease to exist.

Tears welled in Yelina's eyes once again.

Horatio: I...I love you Yelina.
Yelina: Horatio...
Horatio blinked and another tear fell to the floor. It was one of the rare moments to see him cry. He kissed her hand softly, wetting it with his tears.

Horatio: I love you, I always have.
Yelina: I know. I love you too.
Horatio: I decided it would be best if I made a clean break, dragging both you and Janice through my indecision isn't fair. It's hurting the both of you more than me.

Yelina wondered if Horatio was about to tell her goodbye.

Horatio (choking back tears): I almost lost you. I won't let that happen again. I'll tell Janice in the morning. It's you I want to be with.
Yelina covered her mouth with her free hand.

Yelina: Horatio, I...

Horatio silenced her with a finger over her lips.

Horatio: Please...let me...have this moment. We've finally done this. Let's just sit here...together.
Yelina: Oh Horatio...I've waited for this moment...for so many years.
Horatio: Who would have thought...it would take a near-death situation...to finally bring us together.
Yelina: As morbid as it sounds...I'm glad it did.

Horatio leaned over and kissed Yelina on the cheek.

Yelina (whispering): Horatio...
Horatio (whispering): Mmm hmm?

Yelina grasped his head with her hands and guided him closer to her.

Yelina: Just kiss me.

Horatio's heart began to beat faster than it ever had before. He slowly brought his lips closer to hers until finally, after many years of frustration and wondering, their lips came together in quiet passion. Everything that built up to that moment came back in the kiss. When their lips finally parted, Horatio gently rested his forehead onto Yelina's as he stared right into her eyes.

Horatio (whispering): I love you.
Yelina (whispering): I love you.
Horatio lifted his head from hers, smiling. He felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He placed his palm on her cheek and caressed her face gently with his thumb.

Horatio: I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again.
Yelina (smiling): Kinda hard to do, considering you have a job.
Horatio: We'll figure something out.

Yelina shifted slightly and winced.

Horatio: Are you in pain?
Yelina: Painkillers must be wearing off.
Horatio: I'll get the nurse.
Yelina: No, it's not that bad. Just stay here with me.

Horatio nodded, and he moved his hand to smooth her hair. He had always wanted to be close to her, to touch and know what it was like to taste her. And now he felt he could. It was as if he was finally living. He waited for Yelina to fall asleep before calling her mother and Ray Jr to inform them Yelina was doing well. He settled into the chair for the night. It was uncomfortable and he barely got much sleep but he was happy.

Morning came. Yelina's eyes fluttered open.

Yelina: I'm glad you stayed.
Horatio: Me too.

He leaned over to kiss her again on the lips.

Horatio (chuckling): This... needs some getting used to, but I'm liking it.
Yelina (smiling): Me too.

The doctors and nurses came to make their rounds and Horatio waited outside Yelina's room. He heard footsteps and was surprised to see who was approaching.

Horatio: Janice? I was gonna call you.
Janice: I know. I just wanted to see if she was okay.
Horatio: She's nursing a broken arm but other than that she's recovering normally.
Janice: That's good. How are you holding up?
Horatio: I think...everything's going to be fine.
Janice: That's good. Listen, can I have a word with you for a moment?
Horatio: Sure. What's on your mind?

Janice cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably.

Janice: I did a lot of thinking last night, and I know I can't hold you down forever.
Horatio: What do you mean?
Janice: I can't do this...I can't marry you, Horatio. What we had in college...it was great, don't get me wrong...but things have changed since then. When I finally realised that Yelina plays a big role in your life in more ways than one, I knew that more of your heart belonged to her than to me.
Horatio: I don't know what to say...
Janice: You don't have to say anything. I can't force you to love me. Love is love and I'm going to have to accept your decision.
Horatio: I'm sorry, Janice. I tried...god knows I tried.
Janice: I know, and I'm thankful for the good times we had. Can we leave on good terms and call it a day?

Horatio smiled and hugged Janice.

Horatio: Absolutely.
Janice: There are plenty of people out there. We just weren't meant to be.
Horatio: I guess not. You take care of yourself, Janice.
Janice: Yeah, I will. I'll stop by next week to pick up my things.
Horatio: Do you have a place yet?
Janice: I just got through signing the lease. I move in on Wednesday.
Horatio: Okay then. Well, I guess this is goodbye.
Janice: Yeah. Give Yelina my best.
Horatio: I will.

Horatio felt bad as Janice walked back out of the hospital empty-handed, but he knew that it was for the best. When the nurses gave him the okay to go back into Yelina's room, he peeked in and smiled.

Horatio: You good?
Yelina: I'm good.
Patricia said:
EyeHeartH, Hrockz this is AWESOME!!! :D

I happen to agree, a lot.. :D

Too bad for the other woman but there's really nothing that can come between our two. Well not in this fic, @ tv we have "the gwits(?) that should not be named".
Thanks for the positive feedback. :)

Horatio entered the room, Yelina looked much better from the previous day. She was now propped up in bed.

Horatio (smiling): Good.

He sat down slowly on the bed next to Yelina, careful not to hurt her.

Horatio: Janice came by.
Yelina: What did she say?
Horatio: She's ok with everything. We'll still be friends.
Yelina (touching Horatio's face): I'm glad. I don't want to be the cause of your break-up.
Horatio: In a way you are, but you coming back made me realise that I wasn't really in love with her. Not like I love you.

They were interupted by a knock on the door. They looked up. It was Raymond. Yelina didn't look too thrilled to see him.

Raymond: I just wanted to make sure you're ok.
Yelina: I am.
Raymond: Good. Listen if you wanna wait till you get better for the divorce to go through...
Yelina: No. It's ok, I can handle it.

Raymond nodded and motioned for Horatio to follow him out the room. Yelina watched them leave with a look of concern. Outside, both brothers talked in hushed voices.

Raymond: I always knew you had a thing for my wife.
Horatio: We never did anything to betray your trust.
Raymond: I know.
Horatio: Ray, we never, we never meant to fall in love. But things happened, and we spent alot of time together, going through alot together.
Raymond: And I'm partly to blame for that... I know, you'll take good care of her... I don't want to lose my son.
Horatio: You won't.

Raymond nodded, looking relieved. Both brothers embraced, both reaching a new understanding regarding two people who meant alot to both. Horatio watched his younger brother leave, then returned to Yelina's side.

Yelina: No fighting?
Horatio: No fighting. I umm, I have to get to work, but I'll see you later.
Yelina: Ok.
Horaito: I really hate to leave you like this.
Yelina: I'll be fine.
Horatio: I er... I was thinking, when you get discharged, I'd like to stay at your house, I mean...you're going to need someone to take care of you.
Thank you all :D

Yelina: That would be nice. I'm sure Ray Jr. would like that even better.

Horatio smiled.

Horatio: Okay, then. I have three weeks of vacation time, and Calleigh can handle it while I'm gone.
Yelina: I really...appreciate what you're doing, Horatio.
Horatio: I'm just glad I can do it for you.

Horatio grabbed Yelina's hand and kissed her on the cheek. Yelina blushed.

Horatio: Alright, I have to get to work. I will stop by after work and check up on you.
Yelina: Okay. I'll see you then.

Horatio squeezed her hand gently before letting go. He waved goodbye and walked out the door and on to work.


Horatio parked his car at Outpatient and waited nervously. It would be their first night together outside of the hospital and he wanted to make it special. When they wheeled Yelina out to his car, the smile on his face roused her curiosity.

Yelina: Why the funny smile, Horatio?

Horatio bent down to kiss her before helping her in the passenger seat.

Horatio: I'm just happy that you're finally out.

Yelina flashed him a sly look, still unconvinced that was all he was smiling about.
The ride back to Yelina's home was quiet, save for the frequent glances at each other and the slip of Horatio's hand into hers.
Horatio pulled up into the driveway, got out and walked over to her side of the car and helped her out.

Yelina: Horatio, I'm fine.
Horatio: I know.

Horatio opened the door and led her inside the darkened house.

Yelina: Horatio, what's going on?

Horatio remained silent and continued into the dining room, where candles illuminated the table, set with a complete dinner and wine chilling on the side.

Horatio: Welcome home.
Yelina: Oh, Horatio...