Home - (H/Y)

Horatio: A little welcome home party for you. Just the two of us.
Yelina: And Ray Jr?
Horatio: He's... he's with Raymond. If that's ok with you.
Yelina: Leaving them for a night shouldn't be a problem.

Horatio moved to the stereo system and pressed the on switch. Music filled the air.

Horatio: Dance?

Yelina smiled and took Horatio's outstretched hand with her good arm. They danced slowly, Horatio careful not to bump her too much as he knew she was still sore from the surgery and accident. Yelina leaned into him gently, resting her head on his shoulder. She inhaled his manly scent, reminding her of security and love.

Yelina: Pretty impressive, I never knew there was the romantic in you.
Horatio (kissing her head): I'm full of surprises.

They danced till the music faded, then moved to the dinner table. They sat opposite each other in the candle-lit room.

Yelina: Didn't know you cooked so well. Another hidden talent?
Horatio (chuckling): Confession... I bought the food, I didn't want to mess up. I don't cook that well, not as good as you.
Yelina (laughing): That's ok. Thanks for going to all the trouble, for all this.
Horatio: For you, it's nothing.

They moved to the couch with their wine glasses. They inched closer to each other, and their lips closed the distance between them. Her hand slipped under his shirt as he kissed her neck. Horatio pulled back, slightly out of breath.

Horatio: I don't want to hurt you.
Yelina: You won't... but you're right. I don't think I'm up for this yet.
Horatio : And we shouldn't take this too fast.
Yelina (laughing): We wasted enough time dancing in circles round each other, I don't think we could ever take this too fast.
Horatio (smiling with head bowed): You're right. But... we'll have time for what we both have in mind... in the near future.

Horatio took her hand and helped her up.

Horatio: You've had a long day, you need your rest. I'll take the couch.
Hrockz, a question... You and EyeHeartH get together and talk about the story, how will it evolve, or you write something and EyeHeartH tries to answer you back following the course of the story... mmmm I don't know if you understand me. Being english my second language is difficult to find the exact words.
I think I understand your question RedHot. We discussed the plot idea, and mostly discuss how we want the story to progress, but we leave certain parts up to each other too for the element of surprise.
Yelina: Well, we're not dancing around the issue anymore...how about you sleep in my bed tonight?
Horatio (playfully): You're not going to be very comfortable on the couch, Sweetheart.

Yelina smiled and rubbed his arm.

Yelina: You know what I mean. We won't take it to that level...we'll just be sleeping in the same bed.
Horatio: Are you sure you're going to be comfortable with this?
Yelina: We have to get used to it sometime. Plus, what if I need something that my arm would prevent me from getting? It would be nice to have you near to get it for me.

Yelina winked.

Horatio: Point taken. Okay, then...it's a sleepover.


At first Horatio was a little uncomfortable stripping down to his tight white t-shirt and silky black boxer shorts in front of Yelina, who was already in a silky night gown. Yelina tried hard not to look, but the temptation was too much and she sneaked a few peeks. Horatio turned around and caught her once, and after a nervous laugh shared between the two, he took his place next to her and sighed.

Horatio: So...
Yelina: So...
Horatio: How are you feeling?
Yelina: Much better than when I was at the hospital, for sure. I'm finally back in my own warm bed...with the man that I love. I couldn't ask for more.
Horatio: Neither could I.
Yelina: How are you feeling?
Horatio: Cozy...and wanting to cuddle so much.

Horatio slowly shifted over toward Yelina's side of the bed and snaked his arm around her, who gladly fell into his warm hold. She placed her hand atop his chest and reached up to kiss his cheek. He returned the action and pulled her closer to him. He then reached over to turn the lamp off.

Horatio: Goodnight.
Yelina: Goodnight.
Morning came and Horatio woke, to the early morning light. It took a minute for him to remember where he ws. He couldn't remember the last time he slept so well. He turned to his side and propped his head on his arm. Yelina was still sleeping. She looked so beautiful when she slept he thought. He reached over to touch her cheek.

Horatio: Good morning sleepyhead.
Yelina: Morning. How'd you sleep?
Horatio: Really well.
Yelina (smiling): Me too.
Horatio (kissing her): I'll go make us some breakfast.

Horatio prepared breakfast while Yelina went about her morning activities of brushing her teeth and washing up. When she got to the kitchen, Horatio had breakfast laid out on the table. They were in the middle of breakfast when the front door opened. Raymond had dropped Ray Jr off home. Ray Jr hugged Yelina, clearly glad to see his mother. He glanced at Horatio who was still clad in what he wore the previous night.

Horatio: I ummm... I stayed the night, in case your Mom needed anything.
Yelina: We're not going to hide it from you honey, your uncle and I are seeing each other.
Ray Jr: It's kinda fast, after Dad.
Yelina: Ray, your uncle and I love each other very much.
Ray Jr: I figured that out a long time ago.
Horatio: And?
Ray Jr: It's cool, I guess.
Horatio (smiling): Good.

Ray Jr went back to his room, leaving Horatio and Yelina alone again.

Horatio: So what do you want to do today?
Yelina: Whatever it is, I'm just glad I'm with you.
Horatio: Right back at you. How about...we go rent some movies later...after I make you lunch.
Yelina: You're too good to me.
Horatio: That's not possible.


Horatio hovered over Yelina's sleeping form, hoping that his presence would wake her from her nap. After a beat, he leaned close to her ear.

Horatio (whispering): Wake up, sleepyhead.

Yelina gently roused from her sleep, turned to face Horatio and smiled at the sight of his shining blue eyes.

Yelina (whispering): Hi.
Horatio (still whispering): Hey. Did you sleep well?
Yelina: Yeah. Where's Ray Jr.?
Horatio: At a friend's house. You ready for lunch?
Yelina: Mmm...that sounds wonderful.

Yelina walked to the dining room and was shocked to find that the table wasn't set. She turned to face Horatio, who was standing at the doorway.

Horatio: Where are you going, honey?
Yelina: I thought we were having lunch.
Horatio: We are...you're going the wrong way.
Yelina: Why are you standing at the doorway?

Horatio chuckled.

Horatio: Because we're going on a picnic.
Yelina: Horatio, you didn't have to...

Horatio walked over and placed a finger over Yelina's lips.

Horatio: It's okay. I wanted to. You ready?
Yelina: Ready.
The sun was shining down on them as they sat under a large beach umbrella. The waves lapped onto shore with a regular rhythm. Yelina was in a beautiful sun dress, her arm still in a cast. She nibbled at the sandwich Horatio had prepared and stared out into the horizon. Horatio couldn't keep his eyes off her. He was clad only in a white shirt that was left unbuttoned, it's tail flapping in the breeze, and s pair of khaki shorts. His trademark sunglasses perched on his nose to shield his eyes.

Yelina: The food isn't bad.
Horatio: Can't go wrong with sandwiches.
Yelina: This is nice.
Horatio: Wanna go for a dip in the ocean?

Yelina regarded her cast and looked skeptical. Horatio held out a hand to her and helped her to her feet. They walked to the water's edge and dipped their feet into the cool water.

Horatio (smilling): Don't worry I've got you.

They waded into the water will it was past their kness. The water wet the edges of Yelina's dress, but she was enjoying the moment. She nearly lost her balance when a wave hit them but Horatio caught her. He scooped her up into his arms and waded to shore, lowering her onto their mat.

Yelina (laughing): Thanks. It's been a long time since I've been treated like royalty.
Horatio (smiling): You deserve to be, treated like royalty.

He leaned over her and their lips meet. His arms moved up her side and her hand caressed his chest. They shared a long, deep kiss, passion rising.

Yelina (slightly out of breath): Time out. Not till I'm better.
Horatio: Sorry. You're hard to resist.
Yelina: You'll get your chance.
Horatio: We'd better go pick Ray Jr, then head home for dinner.


Day passed and Yelina recovered from the accident. The cst was removed and she began to get back to normal. Horatio had moved in with her since the accident, and never moved out. He had returned to work. He returned home one evening to find a what seemed to be a romantic dinner prepared for him.

Horatio (wrapping arms round Yelina): What's the occasion?
Yelina: I just want to thank you...for being there for me, through everything.

Horatio hugged her a little tighter.

Horatio: I'm glad you let me be there for you. If anything ever happened to you, I don't know what I would...
Yelina: Let's hope nothing like that ever does happen.
Horatio: Right. Dinner...looks great. Thank you for doing this.
Yelina: No problem.

Horatio sat down and smiled. Yelina inquired of Horatio's day at work, Horatio inquired of Yelina's day, and so on. When dinner was finished and Horatio put the dishes away, Yelina motioned for Horatio in the living room. She walked over to a stereo in the room and turned it on. Airy orchestral music serenaded the room.

Yelina: Wanna dance?
Horatio: My pleasure.

Horatio walked over and took Yelina in for a dance. Yelina rested her head on Horatio's chest as they slowly danced around the living room.

Yelina: Your heart is beating fast.
Horatio: That's the effect you have on me.

Yelina chuckled and placed a hand on his chest. Horatio put a hand over her hand and looked down at her before kissing the top of her head. Yelina smiled and leaned her head up to kiss his lips. Horatio looked into her eyes then let her resume kissing him.
As they were kissing, Yelina unbuttoned Horatio's shirt and took off his suit jacket.

Horatio (whispering): Yelina...
Yelina: Shhh. Just relax.

Yelina then undid Horatio's belt, removed it, then worked on the zipper on his pants. Horatio breathed heavily while he nervously ran his hands up her arms. Yelina noticed this and tried to calm him down.

Yelina: Hey...you okay?
Horatio: Yeah. I, uh...I...
Yelina: If you're not ready for this, I understand...
Horatio: No, I'm fine, it's just...I never thought we would, that's all.
Yelina: Well, that's about to change now, won't it?
Horatio: I don't know why I'm nervous...I mean, I'm with you and I'm in love...
Yelina: ...in our home, dancing...
Horatio: Home...to hear it from you, I know I'm where I need to be.

Horatio pulled Yelina in for another hug before he pulled away to make love to her in the floor of the living room of their home.

The End.
What an ending .. awwww. Great work EyeHeartH and Hrockz. Hope to see another collaboration between you two :)
^^Me too!
This was great!! :D
I wish we could have learnd a little bit more of what happened next, tho...:lol: :devil: