Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

Hi, welcome to the threaD!
The worrying thing is
TPTB have decided to "push on" Catherine&Vartann affair....I think it's highly improbable that they carry on two ships in the same show...This is what I'm really worried about....Four years waiting patiently and being overpassed just because a major character is supposed to start an affair right out of the blue....Top notchwork

thnx for the welcome... :)

about your spoiler...
I am not sure where I read this... but somewhere was a spoiler that not only there would be more on Catharine/Vartann, but also on Hodges and Wendy (in relation to their "relation")...
about your spoiler...
I am not sure where I read this... but somewhere was a spoiler that not only there would be more on Catharine/Vartann, but also on Hodges and Wendy (in relation to their "relation")...

Yeah, there was something over on the spoiler thread about that...coming from Carol Mendelsohn I believe.

Not sure if what I have here in spoiler tags really needs to have the tags, but just in case....

well as a concerned wedges fan myself, though they may be pushing the supposed Cath/Vartann love interest, I can't see them pushing Hodges and Wendy completely to the side. I mean, yeah, Cath and Vartann seem a little forced, mainly because she's the lead female character, but tptb gotta have some sort of season long gameplan. Why would they agree to have Hodges and Wendy kiss, only to forget about it after the fact? Or sabotage their relationship! Especially after 4 years of slowly building it up.

I'm more concerned about how Hodges is going to act in regards to this. His reaction could very well sabotage and further advancements. He's always been putting his career first, for the greater good of the lab. But the look on his face after Wendy told him what she was suppose to want and what she actually wanted....then she kissed him, well I have this feeling that his attitude may change. Now that could just be wishful thinking on my part, but I hope he doesn't push her away. And if he does, well that will more then likely be the end for them.

But I think he finally got a wake up call in 'Field Mice' when Henry approached him about asking Wendy out. The scene in the break room after the deed was done clearly showed that it actually affected him. For a brief time, work came second.

I'm just gonna try to stay optimistic....and stop babbling all my thoughts out all at once :lol:
Yeah, there was something over on the spoiler thread about that...coming from Carol Mendelsohn I believe.

Not sure if what I have here in spoiler tags really needs to have the tags, but just in case....

well as a concerned wedges fan myself, though they may be pushing the supposed Cath/Vartann love interest, I can't see them pushing Hodges and Wendy completely to the side. I mean, yeah, Cath and Vartann seem a little forced, mainly because she's the lead female character, but tptb gotta have some sort of season long gameplan. Why would they agree to have Hodges and Wendy kiss, only to forget about it after the fact? Or sabotage their relationship! Especially after 4 years of slowly building it up.

I'm more concerned about how Hodges is going to act in regards to this. His reaction could very well sabotage and further advancements. He's always been putting his career first, for the greater good of the lab. But the look on his face after Wendy told him what she was suppose to want and what she actually wanted....then she kissed him, well I have this feeling that his attitude may change. Now that could just be wishful thinking on my part, but I hope he doesn't push her away. And if he does, well that will more then likely be the end for them.

But I think he finally got a wake up call in 'Field Mice' when Henry approached him about asking Wendy out. The scene in the break room after the deed was done clearly showed that it actually affected him. For a brief time, work came second.

I'm just gonna try to stay optimistic....and stop babbling all my thoughts out all at once :lol:

Not sure either if the following should be in spoiler tags or even in this thread....(let me know)
anyway my two cents...

first... It has already been mentioned somewhere... for me, Henry asking Wendy out, was rather out of the blue ( the episode has yet to be broadcasted overhere, all I have seen is youtube size with no subtitles.. so I could be wrong).. second.. It would be unrealistic not to have a follow up.. (one way or another).. further stretching (not sure if this is a right word ;)) would be annoying, as would be ignoring the facts... third..if they decide to make this ship canon it would mean that one of them has to change shifts, ergo less screentime.. Is there yet any confirmation that both actors are up for the next season? last.. as DJrideout mentioned... the slowly building up for four years... not only their relationship but also Hodges.. In my limited eyes there has been definitely some character development.. it would be a waste not to use this :cool:

off topic.. it is very difficult to express a theory, idea in a language which is not my mother language.. so please correct me when there is an unforgiven wrong use of words or wrong spelling
Well because the episode has long since been aired here in North America spoiler tags for Field Mice are not required anymore. Anyway, yeah! Henry's asking Wendy out was definitely something out of the blue, but I think it was a way to get both Wendy and Hodges to actually realize their true feelings for one another. If you wanna look at it from Henry's point of view though, he's always been present when the pair has had their "moments." In 'Labrats', 'You Kill Me,' he was there during those long flirtatious looks between Wendy and Hodges. He kinda called Hodges out on it during 'A Space Oddity', so that by this season he figured, if Hodges hadn't done anything about it up to this point, then he would.

I still think it was a way for them to fully realize their attraction to each other though. For Hodges, he didn't know what he had until he nearly lost it. And hearing what others thought of the trace tech, and what she knew of him made Wendy realize just how misunderstood, and hurt by the comments, he really was.

And they don't necessarily have to switch shifts. Sure it's lab protocol, but I still think they could pull a Grissom/Sara type of relationship. :lol:

I just don't want to get screwed over as a wedges supporter. So the fingers will stay crossed and I'll be hoping for the best possible outcome for them.
I think the not - dating rules was a show concept to aviod parring af couples (tv- show does not have to mimic reality). But when fans commit to characters they "go" back on the rule aka Sara and Griss. Or at least keep the romance for later.

But at least the cat is out of the bag and will for allways be a part of theese characters which is good news for us. One character could "do" other stuff but writers allways have this storyline as drama or counterwight(?) to other storylines.
This is from the latest iinterview with David Rambo posted around this site:

CSI Files:
Wendy finally made a move on Hodges (Wallace Langham) in “Field Mice”! What’s in store for our favorite lab rats?
Rambo: I hate to be cagey here, but with those two anything could happen. They’re so brilliant, yet utterly awkward. You just know that deep down each of them thinks they’re smarter than the other. And they are.

Is it just me or does this sound as new sources of frustration and disappointment for Wedges fans? Please tell me I'm uttelry wrong!
This is from the latest iinterview with David Rambo posted around this site:

CSI Files:
Wendy finally made a move on Hodges (Wallace Langham) in “Field Mice”! What’s in store for our favorite lab rats?
Rambo: I hate to be cagey here, but with those two anything could happen. They’re so brilliant, yet utterly awkward. You just know that deep down each of them thinks they’re smarter than the other. And they are.

Is it just me or does this sound as new sources of frustration and disappointment for Wedges fans? Please tell me I'm uttelry wrong!

I hope you're wrong.... 'but on the interview..is it imagination at my side or is the way David Rambo talks about Hodges and Wendy somehow endearing? ("those two").. (utterly awkward)
furthermore I think he doesn't want to say anything by saying anything could happen...
I do hope I'm wrong of course! Especially after reading comments like this on the Youtube about the season finale promo:

"By the looks of it, it's none of the main characters so there shouldn't be a problem. It's Wallace Langham (the brown-noser Hodges), somebody that they should have gotten rid of a long time ago"

Why are some jerky people so fond of being gratuitously harsh?

Anyway, just watched thw Wedges scene in 10x22 and

I kinda like it...They surely are at ease with each other now which is always a good thing...The "I promise" part sounded like a married couple dialogue lol
And BTW, hearing Hodges talking about people's right to having privacy issues was so paradoxical it was funny XD
PS: Did I hear wrong or did Hodges actually cite "Gattaca" as an example of privacy issues? What a sci fi geek he is!
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I do hope I'm wrong of course! Especially after reading comments like this on the Youtube about the season finale promo:

"By the looks of it, it's none of the main characters so there shouldn't be a problem. It's Wallace Langham (the brown-noser Hodges), somebody that they should have gotten rid of a long time ago"

Why are some jerky people so fond of being gratuitously harsh?

Don't let them get to you....
I always thought it is a kind of strange to let the fictional character determine your opinion about the actor who is only acting the person, a person made up by other people....
Well it just goes to show...

1) that Wally must be doing a darn good job with his character, to get people talking about him...positive or negative, it proves the effectiveness of him and his character.
2) some people can be just plain idiots...:lol:

But I wouldn't worry about some randoms comments. He's a love to hate, hate to love type of character anyway.

As for their little scene last night? I thought it was cute. Both he and Wendy seem rather comfortable with each other...especially after the kiss a couple weeks prior. Still that flirty type of banter they do so well. But it was nice to see that she trusts him enough, given his track record in the recent past of having loose lips, to tell him the encounters she's had with Ray.

I just hope that something like that isn't foreshadowing for what's could come.
I was reading a review of the episode (I have yet to see it, as I've been busy and haven't had a chance to catch up), and the reviewer kind of transcripted Wendy and Hodges's conversation. I found the addition of the "I promise" to be interesting. He could have left it as "this time I swear," but he didn't. He took it one step further to "I promise," which is either good because it means he's learning or bad because the writers will use that wordage to make him break a promise to Wendy and get him in hot water.
Well it just goes to show...

1) that Wally must be doing a darn good job with his character, to get people talking about him...positive or negative, it proves the effectiveness of him and his character.
2) some people can be just plain idiots...:lol:

ad 1) Een waarheid als een koe... (it's a saying back in the netherlands... translated in english it would be.. a truth as a cow... don't know the equivalent in english :cool:)

ad 2) won't add anything to this sentence....

Still... at risking being a nagger.... I'm wondering why they did not a short follow up for their kiss.... I know I would like to straighten some things if my co-worker would kiss me all of a sudden... especially if he's someone I like...

I have to go for the obvious... It's somewhere in the grey world between and after the scenes they broadcast... waiting to be coloured by our imagination....
Well I was thinking just last night about their little scene and the actual purpose of it.

Was it just to give the two actors a moment together during the episode? Because if that is the case, I really don't mind WHAT the writers scribble down for them in an episode...just seeing them share screen time together is great.

Was it just used as a filler to do a quick little recap of what Wendy experienced with Ray throughout the season? Sort of like a mini flashback. The way they did it in labrats etc. You know, to freshen the minds of the viewers of Rays awkward behaviors in the recent past....well, what is relevant to the case anyway.

Or could it actually be hinting at something to come in the finale? Like TCIDDAISC mentioned.. "He took it one step further to "I promise," which is either good because it means he's learning or bad because the writers will use that wordage to make him break a promise to Wendy and get him in hot water." I'd like to think it's because he is learning...lol, but with Hodges...and Wendy, anythings possible.

But I am nervous over what CM meant by finding out where Wendy and Hodges stand, in the finale. Will something happen to one of them, say Wendy, which makes Hodges fully realize that he can't be without her? Vise Verse? Or will they just both make an official commitment to one another after what happens within the lab? Realizing that life is to short to not act upon their feelings. I hope it's something positive seeing as we've all said, after 4 seasons of building this ship up, but crazier things have happened.
I think that if Hodges' promise had been supposed to sound "ominous" in some aspects we would have known it in the episode itself. "Doctor who" was the episode that was supposed to cast suspicions on Langston. Once the suspicions got washed away, what use could be done of Wendy's pieces of information? Sure, there's this big deal of Ray's genetic criminal offspring...But this is something anybody can get to know just by pulling that string in front of him: Cath, Nick, Greg, Sara, anyone....I think Wendy and Hodges dialogue was done in order to
1. giving viewers some sense of continuity about their relationship, and showing them so comfortable 'though bantering with each other was really good
2. giving them the typical "theatrical" function of background characters "commenting" on what's going on between the major characters; in Shaekspeare's comedies were the servants, we have the labrats lol
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I2. giving them the typical "theatrical" function of background characters "commenting" on what's going on between the major characters; in Shaekspeare's comedies were the servants, we have the labrats lol

:lol: I always kind of forget they are indeed "just" backgroundcharacters... (note to myself... try to rewatch also other episodes in stead of only You kill me, space oddity, lab rats... etc....)