Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

Well, they are both main characters, they just aren't really viewed as such since the show is "CSI" not "Lab Tech." :lol:

Whether the "I promise" was a set up or proof that Hodges isn't a COMPLETE idiot, it's still pretty impressive that Wendy got David Hodges to promise to anything, particularly something along the lines of "not gossiping." If nothing else, I find that to be a pretty good step in their relationship.
Well, they are both main characters, they just aren't really viewed as such since the show is "CSI" not "Lab Tech." :lol:

hmm... they should considering this.... could be perfect for different kind of tv show..... I see definitely some kind of sitcom... it could be a soap... or just plain drama......

anyway... I do hope there will be some enlightening scenes in the final episode....
I do hope there will be some enlightening scenes in the final episode....
Someone from TPTB confirmed that we'll be enlighted about the situation both of Hodges&Wendy and Cath&Vartann...
What really worries me is that Nareen Shankar, our Wedges agent in TPTB has left the show....
I do hope there will be some enlightening scenes in the final episode....
Someone from TPTB confirmed that we'll be enlighted about the situation both of Hodges&Wendy and Cath&Vartann...
What really worries me is that Nareen Shankar, our Wedges agent in TPTB has left the show....

While that is true..that Naren has moved on to another project, the season finale storyline was written by him. So hopefully that restores a little faith....I know for me, it's a little more calming to know.
.that Naren has moved on to another project, the season finale storyline was written by him.
Well, since Jekyll is also if not mainly a creature of his that does make sense...I'll miss him terribly anyway, don't think that anyone else in TPTB are that interested in Wedges, and have that taste for bringing a bit of humor to the show, let alone Ms.Mendelsohn
I thought Mendelsohn was one of the first to mention Wedges as a possible ship.

It's sad that we're losing one of our main supporters on TPTB, but Vassey and Langham are for this ship, and I can't see them letting TPTB just forget about Wedges.
Let's hope so!
I can't wait to see HOW we're supposed to get to know where their relationship stands right now.... A glimpse of their places? Too GSR I guess..A casual dialogue? More likely...
Five days yet...
While that is true..that Naren has moved on to another project, the season finale storyline was written by him. So hopefully that restores a little faith....I know for me, it's a little more calming to know.

hmmz... It's probably also some kind of natural thing .... after so many years people sometimes needs new challenges....(stating something obvious :cool:)

It's sad that we're losing one of our main supporters on TPTB, but Vassey and Langham are for this ship, and I can't see them letting TPTB just forget about Wedges.

I hope they have something to say about their development in character.. didn't read it somewhere (could be me... known for not noticing the obvious :cool:).. but are these two confirmed for season 11??
Oh wow, I haven't been here in awhile. What have I missed? I feel kind of bad. But from what I can tell, we haven't really had any development in the ship have we? It's too bad we're losing one of the ones that actually supported the ship. But hey, like you said, the actors can fight for it. You never know what will happen.
You never know what will happen.

true... very true... I've been reading last weeks all possible spoilers etc... there is definitely some truth in "ignorance is bliss"..

It's already wednesday overhere... so one day to go ;) (as a matter of speach ofcourse... I've to wait two days before actually seeing the final)
I'm so frustrated that they didn't gave us a continuation after their kiss in Field Mice.Both characters seem to act like nothing really happened.I hope their relationship will grow next season.
I prefer waiting before concluding there's not a continuation. CSI is not a soap opera. Remember the first scene after we discovered GRS got into actual? Grissom brought her a vegeterian burger and they talked about the first miniature murder, that was it, no kiss, no honey-darling-ohmygodwesleeptogether...It's just not the CSI style thank God...In Doctor Who they were really at ease with each other, and she trusted Mr.Big Mouth enough to tell him something that it could have been quite unconvenient for her carrier to be spilled out that easily...."I wanna tell you something" sounded a lot like "I wanna trust you"
I think this is something already
....I think this is something already

I think you're right... (indeed csi is no soap opera.... could be though if only they would broadcast it every day with some juicy details added...:lol:.. but I go with you... fortunately it isn't).. but I think you're right about it is already something.... otherwise they wouldn't be at ease... unless they discussed it behind the scenes... arghh... one more night to go for you people... and pherhaps more if there's no explanation in the final...
I stop now.... I'm rambling....
I hope I’ll be reading a lot of new posts tomorrow (positive ones ;)
Have fun watching the episode tonight…. In case needed.. Take care with all the moves they’ve prepared for this final episode….

I do wish for some nice, yet subtle updates for my favourite ship :)
I go with Palmtree!
The Internet is down at my workplace - a nationwide company, imagine how we're thrilled about it- so until I go home I'll be completely isolated from this never so precious thread...I really hope there will be something juicy for us to comment on! Oh BTW, there's a serial killer to catch too, I've been told it's has its own importance in the upcoming ep LOL