Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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I finally got to see the new episode. I've been avoiding this place like the plague cause I didn't want to be spoiled. So, now I can squee along with the rest of ya'll!

But first welcome to all the new people who are posting in this thread! It's pretty cool to see this ship spreading. The LJ community has lots of new members too. Pretty cooL!

And I loved this episode so much, I even changed my icon cause Wedges and this episode own all. (Thank Loki!) The interaction between them was great. The chemistry is there and I think they could really pull this off, but I like the way things are now. The push and pull, it's classic, and it's fun. :) As long as they end up together I don't mind the angst and the hilarity of it all.

Also, Hodges made Greg out to be a moron and I love Greg, but Hodges was so funny in his DNA tech turned CSI thing. It's like he was trying to make that point to Wendy. HA.

Also, I want to play the Labrats game! Anyone else?
LOL....hey SAB, I'd love to get my hands on that board game. I watched, well listened to the commentary to labrats last night and the group hit on a couple of interesting things. Briefly discussing the chemistry between the two techs. They even made the comments of "aww, labrat love"

I like how you stated "push and pull!" It is definitely fun to watch and I can't wait to see more. I love the intensity between the two, and blows my mind even more is the fact; other than "you kill me" and "labrats", Wally and Liz never really had any contact with the other over the past seasons, except in one scene from episode 6x12 *can't remember the name of the ep* And then, they didn't really talk to each other.


So, getting that feeling of "chemistry" between Hodges/Wendy and for that matter, between all the labrats, in the two episodes was amazing! Great talents!
Hi there people! Never really shipped Hodges with anyone until I saw You Kill Me, and yes, I have to agree with some people, man he is looking goooood at the moment *is embarresed* Mr Hodges, I bow before you. Anyways, back to the ship, seen as the writers messed up my main ship (mwahaha, still bitter!) I think I'll turn to this one! I would love to see these two together, love snarky relationships like this. Bring. It. On!
Yay! Welcome! I also fall for the snarky type ships. I don't know why or what it is about them, maybe one two many romantic comedy movies? But opposites attract and Wendy and Hodges are seeming to attract! LOL
Like I said before...somewhere above, at least I think it was in this thread, the relationship between these two techs seem more real then what GSR was, or the hints of YoBling etc. (Not taking away from those who like the ships cause this is personal opinion) And then again, maybe its because I can relate to that type of relationship, once dating this guy, and our attitudes were very similar to this ship. Either way, I wish the strike didn't happen or would clue up soon, for I am afraid that this angle for these two characters will be lost, and forgotten about...and it seems that more people are liking this ship then what many stated at the beginning when we all found out it was going to happen.

Giggle....someone that makes Hodges second guess himself and fumble over words....it's great! He too can have feelings. Hope Wendy doesn't leave the lab and him, for the field.

I mean, what would he do if she did pursue the CSI way? Would he do anything to stop her? Or what Hodges was talking about with Grissom in the end of "you kill me" about letting people go and not standing in their way...was he really talking about him with Wendy? hmmm
there's an article here on talkCSI with Jon Wellner (henry) and during the interview, he made a comment on his character and his characters opinion of the brewing Wedges ship (about halfway through the interview). I thought it was amusing and figured I'd share it...

Jon Wellner interview
thanks for sharing HUSH I've been impatiently waiting to find screencaps for this scene...:lol:
I have never really thought of these two getting together but you know now that I think about it, they would be so cute!!

I have always liked Hodges. Don't know why but he has something likeable about him. And ever since Wendy started...there has been chemistry!!
I got a new fic posted up for this great pair, should anyone be interested..lol! It's a Christmas like story...

secret santa

And it's rated T....so I can post it :lol:
Hello i just wanted to stop by and say i love this ship i have been since Labrats but i have 2 questions
1. where can i find stuff about them
2. did anybody get season 7 dvd (i think) set that has the Labrats episode on it if can someone please tell me did the Commentary for that episode and was it a fun commentary
First off....there is a livejournal community for this particular ship. It's fairly new and there aren't many members to it yet. Its called

Second, I have two sites dedicated to Wally. One is for him as an actor, the other, his character. I got links to the live journal site there....plus the CSI wiki site. Over there on the wiki site, you can find a little on the ship.

Thirdly, There IS commentary on the LABRATS episode on season 7 of csi, and it IS hilarious. They are all participating in the commentary along with Sarah Goldfinger and Brad Tannenbaum. It's like they are all just sitting around watching the episode and commenting on things, explaining things....it's great. They all even commented on the "flirty" scenes between Hodges and Wendy.. and they are all tormenting each other about different scenes. Seems Wally (hodges) gets picked on a little in a fun way, but he too dishes it out in the only way wally/hodges can do...............

If you wanna know more, let me know :lol:

full Hodges experience
Hello!!! I'm stopping in to let ya'll know the LJ community is getting a revamp and I expect to see more posts soon because wow are we getting some cool Wedges scenes! That last episode (which I got to see thanks to youtube and CSI Innertube) was just too cute. LOL He's interupting her dates now? Oh wow, I wish we could have seen it, but I'm glad we didn't cause we've all got vivid imaginations and that's just as fun. :)

Fanfic... I keep getting fanfic ideas and I just don't seem to have the time to write! Ack.

So let's use our imaginations, how do you think the Hodges/Wendy and Date played out? Did he know they'd be there? Was he checking out his competition? Was it just a coincidence? And how about him offering to split the bill! HA! I can just imagine how fun that was.

I wish the strike would hurry up and be over so we don't lose the cuteness of Wedges!
I just saw a picture from an upcoming episode of the two of them working very closely together. That makes me happy. I want more snarky love. I wonder what Hodges will do to mess it up this time, I love the stuff that comes out of his mouth. Poor thing. Not the sweet talker that I think she'd want him to be!
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