Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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OMG. I forgot about this thread. LOL I'm a bad fan. I even have it in my siggie. Course I haven't spent too much time here lately. Mostly in the Eric/Calleigh thread when I am here. Soooo yes, that finale was disapointing with the no WEdges interaction at all! Where's the love for our labrats?
lol....way to go sab...!! Oh well, how can one really have a discussion about a ship etc, when NOTHING new has happened because the writers dicided not to write anything more involving it. Guess they have to deal with the GSR first! *GSR is really becoming a nusicance* :(

I guess talking about possiblities and different situations is an idea...hmm!

I hate double posting, but its been like days since, but oh well, I am over it.....lol.....

OK, the second chapter to my crazy WEDGES story is up and I am already part way through a third chapter, incase anyone is still interested in a WEDGES fanfic.....lol

Be warned that I got more carried away with the second chapter...:lol:

A Guy Like Me, A Girl Like Her!

lol, would love some feedback on the review page...thanks
lol.....thanks...imagine if I actually knew how to write a story.....heheh!!:lol: the damage that could be done....lol
lol....it better not be. I think many are off enjoying the summer, waiting for the new season AND strolling about in the other threads here. (I know I am) Besides, This "SHIP" didn't come about until the last part of the season so not much to gossip about yet....lets see if something or anything will happen, the fall.
I'm back! I've been on hiatus from TalkCSI. I've mainly just been trying to post to LJ and on a Harry Potter binge!

Also I wanted to point out in CSI files there's a spoiler in spoilers Ahoy about the labrats.

it just says that they will be used more. I think the ones they should focus on are Hodges and Wendy for obvious reasons. I think they do have plans for them.
you know what I was thinking....have the subtle hints when they are alone (similar to the way Gris and Sara were, and I say that in the past tense because the relationship is now out in the open), you know, the way they were IN labrats, but when others are in the vicinity, play up the competitive, the "I hate how annoying you are", sides of both their attitudes.
SEASON 7 DVD boxset is suppose to have our beloved labrats doing the commentary to the labrats eppy.

*wonders what other interesting tidbits we'll find out about our WEDGES ship? goes for the upcoming season too*
After reading Carol Mendelsohn interview with Michael Ausiello, I think this thread deserves a bump. A BIG ONE BUMP :lol:

Carol Mendelsohn says that the new couple that will fill the couple void left by Grissom-Sara may be one who sort of started last season ; someone who works in the lab and has an interest in another lab tech. Ausiello's reply:" Ahhh...Wendy and Hodges. Interesting."


Yes! I love this ship, they are way too cute together. Hodges really needs someone who can stick it too him when he gets out of line, and I think Wendy is just the chick to do it.

Such an awesome pair. You have my support. :p
I love this ship as well, but nervous about the whole possibility. Why? Well, I don't want it to look like it was piggy-backing off of the GSR ship...being the substitute once Sara (Jorja) leaves......and well, seeing both characters aren't quite as strong, how will other fans respond to it.

But if anyone can take Hodges down a peg or two and set him straight...that would be Wendy.......Love the two of them playing off each other in Labrats last season. They look GREAT as a couple.

Of course, should this avenue be explored, I will definitely support it....just do it right and not interfere with the show, for its still about the crime and science.
I agree (yes, I still sail this ship. I'm just a bad ship hand). I'm slightly afraid of the CSI writers at this point in the show, but maybe with GSR being the guinea pig, this time will be better plotted and they can avoid a lot of the things that turned folks off with GSR. Plus with them being labrats it'll keep it from being too in your face. I'm guardedly hopeful. Like Fort Knox guards but still...
Since my fellow Lovettes Seabird and Zodiac came to give support, I'll join too!

Loved them in "Lab Rats" last year. I can't wait to see how this plays out. It'll be nice to have a fun couple for a change. I'm sure this will give us some comic relief.
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