

Hit and Run
What do you guys like to do for fun?

My best bud Sam and I started Belly Dancing about a month ago...I love it...It is so much fun...(but no Hula Dancing, my body does not bend that way...)...hehe
I used to draw. Then I decided I suck so I quit.
I play floorball and sometimes volleyball and... ice hockey in winter. Then sometimes I play PC games, do my Weird Facts list of CSIM. I watch a lot of TV and movies.
Then I go to gym to lift some weights and...
And I almost forgot.

Ice fishing. I love it.
Nature. Silence. Winter.
tv shows. oh god, I love my shows :eek:
but, I also play alot of pc games or hang out with my friends.
I don't really have a real hobby. but I used to play soccer, ping-pong (is that what it's called in english?) and for almost tree years I used to do Judo. the best thing ever. oh, and we had a horse once.. but then when we had to sell it when we moved to stockholm. so I used to go to a stable nearby.
nowadays, I only watch soccer, I hate ping-pong, and I really don't remember anything from the judo. and I'm scared of horses :lol: :lol:
I have a crafts hobby, glueing toothpicks and popsicle sticks into little objects like pianos, drum set, locomotive, bicycle, fish tank with fish, bird cage with bird, and other knick-knacks.
Other tha that, I read alot. Usually books based on TV and movie characters, but new novels, not the rehash of an episode. CSI, Star Trek, Diagnosis Murder, and others. Once in a while, I buy other mysteries that sound interesting.
I play football (or soccer as you like to call it in the US :p) and I also do a lot of other sports, so I guess working out in general is my hobby. :)
I collect butterflys stuff and William Petersen movies, the CSI and Miami DVD's and othere DVD's and I have 9 cats and misc wildlife.
I'm sad that I don't have a really cool hobby.. :(

It's times like these I realise that I really do waste my days... *sigh*
Posted by KiraGrissom:
I collect butterflys stuff and William Petersen movies, the CSI and Miami DVD's and othere DVD's and I have 9 cats and misc wildlife.

Cats :D Me has 2 cats. Used to have 5-6 but...we had to...get rid of some. I love cats.
We also have 4 dogs.
and 70 heads of cattle.
I like to read and write. I listen to a lot of music... I haven't hung out with my friends recently, specifically because some of them are unavailable. But my life is mainly boring.
I want a dog so much... I keep having dreams that I have a Cocker Spaniel!! :D

I have things I 'like', rather than hobbies I guess. The sad thing is they're all media related. I love Sherlock Holmes books/memorabilia, old horror films (Vincent Price is my favourite), The Marx Bros, and TV shows like Buffy, Monty Python, SATC, Doctor Who etc.
I just wish I had something that encouraged me to leave the house, or that utilised my time artistically, or at least didn't mean I had to sit in front of the TV!! ;)