
Ack, Hormiga! I absolutely love your banner!

My hobbies are:-

1. Collecting, drooling and constantly wanting to own interactive toys, gadgets and gizmos toys.
2. Reading thrillers, sci-fi, mystery books, everything but romance.
3. Playing computer games
4. Singing
5. Doodling
Ohhh, hobbies are fun! So much alike to Interests but here anyways...:

Sitting in the room drawing nothing
Tweak pictures!!
Come onto TalkCSI
Listen to the radio FILLED with Oldies!
Watch the sun set.
Oh yeah listening to Oldies! Gotta remind me that casp ;) and of course posting at TalkCSI too.

Edited to add:
Watching Japanese Anime.
I've got quite a few...

Going to the gym(I'm addicted to the treadmill!)
Cooking(especially Greek food)
Watching my Seinfeld DVD's
Walking my dog
Coming here to talkcsi
zippy said:
Ack, Hormiga! I absolutely love your banner.

That reminds me another hobby:"stealing" fan art. :devil:
The banner is the awesome work of a live journal user called always_polaris.
It looks really cute. :)
hi! my hobbies are: (field)hockey, watching tv, listening music, internet, shopping, painting and hanging out with friends.
hmm.. probably forgot some.. Can't even remember my own hobbies :lol:
my hobbies are in my profile..but i'll post them here too:
video recording
web design/tshirt design
digital photography
buying shoes :D
listening to music
oh yeah and surf biking (i've only done it like 10 times..but i love it...i wish i could do it more but they cost like 2000 dollars :( )
draig_goch said:
i know its sad but i like origami i like making little swans and rabbits lol
I don't think that's sad at all. :) When I was younger I enjoyed folding stars out of long strips of colored paper and erm, straws. :p

My hobbies include reading, watching the tele/movies, cycling, arts and crafts, borrowing my sister's clothes, baking, and once I can get my hands on a guitar, I'm going to teach myself to play tunes on it. :)
Nope, origami is cool! I can make a tiny scrunched-up ball! Does that count? :lol: ;)

My hobbies: reading, watching TV/movies, memorizing lines from movies/TV (actually not a hobby, really...my mind does it anyways), sleeping :D, playing video games, going on the internet, writing, drawing, singing, playing the drums (but I haven't played in forever), listening to music, and hanging around my family. :)
my hobbies: listening to music, posting here, writing blogs, attepting at writing short stories, reading Cosmo, shopping, visiting with friends....nothing overly exciting. but i like that about me, i dont need alot of excitement in my life.
My Hobbies
-Watching C.S.I
-Playing Video games (PS2) Jak and Daxter
-Drawing (but not all that good.)
-Playing Drum set and bass guitar
-Writting music
-Playing C.S.I games
-Watching TV
-Going (unfortunetly) school
-Martial Arts (Soo Bahk Do Moo Duhk Quan)
-Snowboarding in the winter
-Fishing (and Ice fishing)
-Listening to music

and I think thats it. Wow thats a lot didn't realize that. :D :lol:
uhmmm I like painting, especially acryl..and then there's soldering and programming little cars :lol: and as I'm nothing without music, I like to sing and deejay from time to time. quite a strange combination...

LOL I love GilGrissomCSI's hobbies...especially the third one...do they answer? :lol: