Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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Hillicious said:
Put your money where your mouth is Hill! :D

Agreed. I wanna see a video of Hill kicking Carmine's and Eddie's asses in football and basketball. I'd even, like, pay money. Maybe. :lol:
:lol: I'd love to see mud wrestling! It seems like each of the boys has a preferred sport (or two in Hill's case), but mud wrestling seems to be wide open. Bring it on, I say. :devil: ;)
^ Now that's a great idea, Top ! :devil:
Then have it on the season 4 DVD set. Hell, Pay-per-view would be better. Less of a wait! :lol: :devil:
Top41 said:
:lol: I'd love to see mud wrestling! It seems like each of the boys has a preferred sport (or two in Hill's case), but mud wrestling seems to be wide open. Bring it on, I say. :devil: ;)
*fans self*
I think Top may be on to something with this brilliant suggestion. It would be unfair to see them battle it out on a field in which any one of them has an advantage. Therefore, a nice game of mud wrestling should be a fair indicator of athleticism.
^^Or Turkish oil wrestling? :devil: All greased up and nothing is obscured by mud...

(Ok, yes, it's a personal fantasy of mine, leave me alone. :lol:)
Faylinn said:
^^Or Turkish oil wrestling? :devil: All greased up and nothing is obscured by mud...

That works, too!! :devil: :devil:

Note that Mrs G has already named herself ref! I love it! :lol:
Top41 said:
:lol: I'd love to see mud wrestling! It seems like each of the boys has a preferred sport (or two in Hill's case), but mud wrestling seems to be wide open. Bring it on, I say. :devil: ;)

Ahhhhhhh....mud. Good idea Top, and you know it's soo good for the skin--which is why they should wrestle SHIRTLESS!

I mean, I'm only looking out for their skin's best interest. :devil:
hyburn8 said:
Note that Mrs G has already named herself ref! I love it! :lol:
Damn straight. I mean, someone has to do it and, as one of your fearless leaders, I suppose I wouldn't mind having that burden inflicted on me. ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hill has thrown down a gauntlet! Really, there needs to be some sort of match. After all, the boys are on a CSI show...meaning we need evidence... :lol: :devil:
Hillicious said:
Ahhhhhhh....mud. Good idea Top, and you know it's soo good for the skin--which is why they should wrestle SHIRTLESS!

Just Shirtless??? :confused:

I was going along the same vibe as Faylinn with the Turkish oil "not obscuring anything". :devil: That, to me, involves less attire. And less is definitely more in this case, wouldn't y'all agree?

Hillicious, I'm surprised you went the tame route on this one. :lol: Just messing with you! :D
You know, I'd considered it but Hill appears to be pretty competitive (of course my money is on him). Should he decide to contend with the airplane spin, he could hurt the jewels--and I don't want that. In addition, the body slam or pinning one of them to the floor could get down-right raunchy. :devil:

((((fanning myself))))
Hey everybody, I haven't posted in this thread at all, but I found a vid from Hill Harper on YouTube which might be of interested for you.

I checked the last couple of pages if it has been posted before, couldn't find it and decided to post it. So pls bear with me, if I have overseen it and do now a double post.

"CSI:NY Human Goo"

It is Hill Harper visiting the REAL Body farm that was once content in a LV eppy.

WARNING! This is not that easy to take. If you don't wanna see real dead bodies in ... let's say... not the best shape, don't click on this link!! I mean it!!

Okay, and now for those with the strong stomachs, watch sweet Hill being a real man and taking not just the looks of the bodies (which I couldn't btw...) but also the SMELL! which we will fortunately miss.
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