Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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And how. I just saw this pic today and I thought I might share it with you.

Enjoy :D

Really nice article, youngrebel! Where did it come from?

I had no idea that Hill was such an entrepeneur, and had interests in hotels, restaurants, and a day spa? The man has such depth to him!
Great article, thanks youngrebel. I'll be going there to see read more. :) Is there another page of this article? Since it's the middle or the end...

Eric Szmanda (top of MY list) then sexy never left.
AHHH! I'm squealing! I love, love, love Greggo. So adorable and yep, so is Sheldon:

Sexy never left.
Does anyone know what magazine that interview is from? Thanks for posting it, youngrebel! :D

I spent New Year's Eve at Big Wangs! :lol: It's a fun place, and their combo of no cover and $2 drink specials could not be beat...Thank you, Hill! :D
Great article (and uhm, great pic!), thanks for sharing. :D I just love reading about him, his ideas and projects.

P.S. I had the pleasure to eat at "The Lodge" and let me tell you, best. food. EVER! ;)
That's an interesting website there, youngrebel; thanks for cluing us in to it. I'm having to work to find Hill on there though - will do some searching and post links later.

ETA: I found this fantastic part of the site that is an archive of sorts for articles on Hill. Check it out here at Mahogany Cafe !!
Thanks for posting that article youngrebel! :D And thanks for the link to more, Springmoon.

The man definitely has a diversified approach to investing. I've eatten at both The Lodge and Big Wangs. They're both great, but in very different ways. The Lodge is really nice and is like one of those special occassion restaruants with amazing food and a cozy atmosphere. Big Wangs is quite the opposite. It's more of a cheap beer and chicken wings kinda place. Funny story - at Big Wangs, I got hit on by a guy wearing an "I love my girlfriend" t-shirt. :lol: Funnier still is that the irony of that was lost on his dumb ass. :lol: I think Big Wangs might just be that kind of place. The cheap, greasy ass food is really good though. All fans who visit the LA area should definitely go to both.

I'm a firm believer that fans should support all the endeavors of their favorite stars. If you're a fan, prove it. Don't just watch the tv show or rent the videos, stay at the hotels and eat at the resturants whenever you've in the area. And, in Hill's case, definitely buy the book too.
Ya'll are most certainly welcome. I knew ya'll would like that pic of him. If you look close at his shirt you can see that there are snaps on them. :devil:
Can we just UNsnap those? :devil:

(Wanna bet y'all smirked to that?)

It's nice to see that a lot are showing love to Hill...

You guys, I have an idea for the title of our 3rd thread! I know it's early and all, but I have to share the idea before it slips my mind!

Why not:

Hill Haper/Sheldon Hawkes #3: He brought Sexy Back!

:D. That's just a suggestion.
(On a protest against Carmine)
Hey! We love him too! :D Although I thought that giving Hill a line by getting him pissed because he didn't want to be the last person the person who dies sees is a little boring. It's a good start, but we could always do more!
Hill was in today's Chicago Sun-times... This way--->

But the webpage doesn't show the picture *cries* Anyway he's in Chicago this weekend. Must be a quick trip if he has to film during the week.
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