Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

Update, you people scare the .... out of me with the pitchforks!
I'm not really a fan of him yet, but I got the text to this song from a friend and I thought it went well with the chapter...

Next Chapter,

Grissom carried just two bags. He handed them to the driver, showed his ticket, and got on. This was going to be a long trip, thank god the Greyhound was equipped with air-conditioning, it was in the middle of the summer and extremely hot.
The bus started to move and Gilbert leaned back, he made the right decision. Who could call a house home if people lived there who forced him to not be who he was. He knew he was a sciencegeek, but he didn’t care, he didn’t want to drink, smoke, take pills, sniff coke and have sex with everyone around. Grissom wanted to read and study, he wanted to be left alone by the world and be surrounded by people like him. This was difficult, since he never met people who were like him…
Before he left, he went to the bookstore and bought a couple of books for the trip, a couple by Dan Brown, a few Parkers and a book by Max Allan Collins, Sin City.
While the hours, miles and pages passed, the sun went under…

As they entered the elevator to go down, Greg started speaking
“Tracy, I know I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I will if you keep quiet about it.”
“Greg, I don’t have any friends left except for you and Sara… If you mean I shouldn’t talk to Susan, don’t worry, if Susan spots me, I’ll be dead before I can even start to talk…”
“Ok, I know Sara will do the same if she knows I told you, but I’ll give you a short version.”
“I understand”
“Sara, doesn’t have an easy life, she has a lot of problems at home, and at school, caused by Susan and other people…”
“Where is this going to?”
“Tracy, she couldn’t take the pain any longer, she tried to kill herself…”
“oh my god, I’m so sorry, I never knew..”
“And you shouldn’t know. I just tell you because I’m afraid she might try again and I want you to watch her...”
“I understand, I won’t talk about this to anyone.”
Just after she said that, the doors opened and they got out, when they reached the doors of the hospital, they both went separate ways. Tracy went to the bank go collect the cash and Greg grabbed a cab to go to the bad neighborhood to go and get the id papers.

<one hour later>

“Here it is…” Greg said as he knocked on the door, it was true, this was the bad neighborhood, he had seen many, many dealers on his way over, he however had to walk the last part, the cab driver didn’t want to take him any further….

“A customer”
“Come in!”
The man opened the door and let Greg enter, the man looked him over and spoke: “Aren’t you a little young for this shit? Shouldn’t you be out scoring some dope?”
“I’m not the kind of person who uses drugs…”

“hehe, actually one of these kids is smart! What do you need?”
“A complete ID for three people, passport, drivers license, certificates, degrees, you name it”
“hehe, sir knows what he wants, it’s 150 per person…”
“I give you 500 if you do them while I wait…”
“Deal! Gimme three hours…”

Tracy got the money with great ease, she had the right papers and her smile…
Now, the hard part came. Where to find a van for seven thousand which is reliable and large enough for three people to sleep in?
She walked in a phone booth and started making calls, after the third, she had what she wanted. A red, reliable van and the dealership was just five blocks away…

“This one”
“Whoa, young lady, don’t you want to make a test-drive?”
“No, look, the van is seven thousand. If I negotiate the right way, I’ll get it for six with ease.”
“I give you seven thousand right now, and I drive away in this one, ok?”
Without even entering the dealership, Tracy gave the man the stack of cash, jerked the keys and papers from his hands, climbed in and sped off.
“That was easy!”
Me so happy, no more frightening moments! Glad you trust me, hollie
Next chapter:

“Excuse me, where can I find the room of Sara Sidle? I am one of her classmates and I’d like to drop off a bouquet.”
“I can’t tell you, her room is marked security…”
“Ah, but I really want to give her this…”
“Well, I suppose I should let you pass, she is in room 42 on the twelfth floor...”

‘hehe, that went so easy. I kill her now and collect the cash in a couple of hours, then I’ll have a little holiday in Mexico!’
This plan was great, they knew Sidle was depressed, so they would just make it look like she killed her self, how tragic…
In the pharmacy computer system, they found that Sara had recently picked up a bottle of Valium, enough to kill herself. He brought his own bottle of the stuff so he could give it to her with great ease. He would however hide it in a glass of coke, just so that she didn’t notice.

He walked to a door “Locker Room” was written on it.
“why do they make it this easy?”
He opened one of the lockers and found a white coat. “perfect”

Next stop was the kitchen, he walked in and only a minute later he walked out with what he needed, a drinks trolley.

<room 42>
“Hello? Are you awake?”
“huh? Oh, ofcourse”
“What would you like to drink?”
“a glass of coke, if it would be possible”
He handed her the glass, this was so easy!
“there you go, anything else?”

I noticed right away when he entered the room, this wasn’t a hospital employee. His shoes didn’t match the ones of the other employees, he wore his coat in a different way than they did. He didn’t carry a pager, nor an ID badge. I gabbed the nearest thing, a flowervase, and held it behind my back.

He turned around to put the bottle of coke back on the cart, this was my only chance

“Just one more thing”
At that moment the vase hit his head and he was disoriented, I had to go now or I could forget about escaping.
As fast as my legs could carry me, I ran through the hospital. I heard the guy shouting.
“You stupid bitch! Now I’m going to make it painful!”

I needed to get my bag, in it was almost everything I needed for my escape.
Unfortunately, my bag were still in my room, I had to get him away from the room, so I could get it back.
When I ran a lap around the hospital floor, I saw he wasn’t in the room anymore. I went in, grabbed the bottle of Valium and the bag and got out. It was then when I noticed I was still wearing a robe supplied by the hospital, I needed clothes or spotting me was as easy as shooting a sitting duck. At that moment, I walked past a label saying “Locker Room.”

<five minutes later>
Ok, I had stolen a set of clothes. I knew it wasn’t a good thing to do, but I couldn’t do anything else.
“Now, let’s get the hell out of here!”
“Excuse me, where can I find the room of Sara Sidle? I am one of her classmates and I’d like to drop off a bouquet.”
“I can’t tell you, her room is marked security…”
“Ah, but I really want to give her this…”
“Well, I suppose I should let you pass, she is in room 42 on the twelfth floor...”

‘hehe, that went so easy. I kill her now and collect the cash in a couple of hours, then I’ll have a little holiday in Mexico!’
This plan was great, they knew Sidle was depressed, so they would just make it look like she killed her self, how tragic…
In the pharmacy computer system, they found that Sara had recently picked up a bottle of Valium, enough to kill herself. He brought his own bottle of the stuff so he could give it to her with great ease. He would however hide it in a glass of coke, just so that she didn’t notice.

He walked to a door “Locker Room” was written on it.
“why do they make it this easy?”
He opened one of the lockers and found a white coat. “perfect”

Next stop was the kitchen, he walked in and only a minute later he walked out with what he needed, a drinks trolley.

<room 42>
“Hello? Are you awake?”
“huh? Oh, ofcourse”
“What would you like to drink?”
“a glass of coke, if it would be possible”
He handed her the glass, this was so easy!
“there you go, anything else?”

I noticed right away when he entered the room, this wasn’t a hospital employee. His shoes didn’t match the ones of the other employees, he wore his coat in a different way than they did. He didn’t carry a pager, nor an ID badge. I gabbed the nearest thing, a flowervase, and held it behind my back.

He turned around to put the bottle of coke back on the cart, this was my only chance

“Just one more thing”
At that moment the vase hit his head and he was disoriented, I had to go now or I could forget about escaping.
As fast as my legs could carry me, I ran through the hospital. I heard the guy shouting.
“You stupid bitch! Now I’m going to make it painful!”

In needed to get my bag, in it was almost everything I needed for my escape.
Unfortunately, my bag were still in my room, I had to get him away from the room, so I could get it back.
When I ran a lap around the hospital floor, I saw he wasn’t in the room anymore. I went in, grabbed the bottle of Valium and the bag and got out. It was then when I noticed I was still wearing a robe supplied by the hospital, I needed clothes or spotting me was as easy as shooting a sitting duck. At that moment, I walked past a label saying “Locker Room.”

<five minutes later>
Ok, I had stolen a set of clothes. I knew it wasn’t a good thing to do, but I couldn’t do anything else.
“Now, let’s get the hell out of here!”
I said to myself, gotta stop doing that…
Five minutes later, I saw the exit. I made it!

Suddenly, a man put a hand on my shoulder. Now I had a problem…
The man tried to pull me back into the hospital. My mind was racing, what could I do? The girly thing!
“Aaaghh! Let me go you pervert! Help me!”
“Shut up you stupid bitch!”
“Please! Someone! Let me go!”
A group of men heard me and turned around.
“Hey! Let her go!”
“Stay out of it”
“Let that girl go!”
The men had diverted his attention, so I pulled myself from the man’s arms and stared running towards my ‘allies’
“Are you ok?”
“I guess, I’m scared though…”
“I understand, let us call a cab for you, we’ll protect you till it arrives.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

The assassin saw he didn’t stand a chance, too many witnesses. So he turned around and started running towards the exit, before any of us could do something, he was gone.

Next chapter is going to feature Greg, Tracy and Gilbert again, I just had to write this...
Next chapter, hope you like it...

“Hey buddy, I’m done, wanna have a look?”
“Sure, you are fast!”
“hehe, I know”
The man took Greg over to a computerscreen and he showed him the new ID’s, degrees and certificates.
“What names did you use?”
“You my friend are now Jonathan Sheamus Ive , the cute brunette (he pointed at Sara’s picture) is now Deana Martin and the blonde is now Amy Lee Anderson”
“Thanks, here is your money” Greg told him as he handed the man the stack of cash.
“It was nice doing business with you George!”
Greg turned around and walked out with the stack of paper.
Then, his phone started to vibrate. He was shocked by the sudden motion, so he jumped up and dropped the papers.
Cursing he picked them up and pressed the answer button on his cell.
“Hey Greg, It’s Tracy, where are you?”
“Did you get the van?”
“Yeah, I’m driving it now, great thing”
“Yes! I don’t want you to drive to this area of town, there are a lot of robberies here. I’ll take a cab back to the hospital”
“Ok, I’ll meet you there. I wonder how Sara is doing…”
“I bet she’s asleep, she was extremely tired when we left.”
He couldn’t be more wrong, Sara was everything but asleep…

I need to call Greg! I can’t use my own phone, I’m sure they are tracing it. People who send killers into hospitals can trace their victim’s cellphone.
So, I stood up, and asked the crowd.
“I give anyone 50 bucks for a working cell with a full battery”
“Here, you can have mine.”
“Thanks! I appreciate that.”

Just then, the cab arrived. The friendly man escorted me to it and I climbed in.
“Just start driving, I’ll think of a destination.”
“It’s your money.”

I pulled out my own phone and dialed Greg’s number.
“Greg, don’t ask, just do. Find a different phone and give me the number. I need to speak to you more private.”
“Weird, but I’ll find one.”

“Ok, it’s 554234-52234”

I pushed on the end button and grabbed the just acquired phone.
“Hi, we don’t have much time. Meet me in the Starbucks near school.”
“Why did you leave the hospital?”
“Long story, too long to discuss now. Just come to the Starbucks, please”
“I’ll be there, I’ll call Tracy to go there too.”
Next chapter, hope you like the names...

“Hey buddy, I’m done, wanna have a look?”
“Sure, you are fast!”
“hehe, I know”
The man took Greg over to a computerscreen and he showed him the new ID’s, degrees and certificates.
“What names did you use?”
“You my friend are now Jonathan Sheamus Ive , the cute brunette (he pointed at Sara’s picture) is now Deana Martin and the blonde is now Amy Lee Anderson”
“Thanks, here is your money” Greg told him as he handed the man the stack of cash.
“It was nice doing business with you George!”
Greg turned around and walked out with the stack of paper.
Then, his phone started to vibrate. He was shocked by the sudden motion, so he jumped up and dropped the papers.
Cursing he picked them up and pressed the answer button on his cell.
“Hey Greg, It’s Tracy, where are you?”
“Did you get the van?”
“Yeah, I’m driving it now, great thing”
“Yes! I don’t want you to drive to this area of town, there are a lot of robberies here. I’ll take a cab back to the hospital”
“Ok, I’ll meet you there. I wonder how Sara is doing…”
“I bet she’s asleep, she was extremely tired when we left.”
He couldn’t be more wrong, Sara was everything but asleep…

I need to call Greg! I can’t use my own phone, I’m sure they are tracing it. People who send killers into hospitals can trace their victim’s cellphone.
So, I stood up, and asked the crowd.
“I give anyone 50 bucks for a working cell with a full battery”
“Here, you can have mine.”
“Thanks! I appreciate that.”

Just then, the cab arrived. The friendly man escorted me to it and I climbed in.
“Just start driving, I’ll think of a destination.”
“It’s your money.”

I pulled out my own phone and dialed Greg’s number.
“Greg, don’t ask, just do. Find a different phone and give me the number. I need to speak to you more private.”
“Weird, but I’ll find one.”

“Ok, it’s 554234-52234”

I pushed on the end button and grabbed the just acquired phone.
“Hi, we don’t have much time. Meet me in the Starbucks near school.”
“Why did you leave the hospital?”
“Long story, too long to discuss now. Just come to the Starbucks, please”
“I’ll be there, I’ll call Tracy to go there too.”
Well, I hope I'm still on time...
And you'll leave the pitchforks at home.

Because some people like to bug me for just mentioning it and not giving a warning before:


Tracy drove to the hospital, but since she wanted to go there fast, she decided to take a shortcut through the “bad” area of town. So far she didn’t have any problems, the van did it’s job and didn’t break down.
She needed to stop for a red traffic light. While she waited, she drummed on the steering wheel in the rhythm of the music.
Suddenly, a man wearing typical gangster clothing, holding a gun neared the driver side of the vehicle. He pointed it at Tracy.
“Get out of the car you bitch!”
She decided to obey, it was better to end up losing a vehicle than her life.
After she climbed out, the man grabbed her and started pulling on her.
”Ouch! Take the vehicle, I’m not interesting!”
The man stopped. He looked her over, Tracy didn’t like it.
“You are to me!”
“Help! Help!” Tracy screamed for help.
“Don’t bother, no one will pay attention in this area of town.”
The man dragged her across the street and into a dark alley. He opened a door and took Tracy inside.

<three hours later>

“Please, no more!”
“Oh, you won’t get any more. It has been a pleasure”
Tracy wanted to tell him something but she didn’t have the energy to speak. The man opened the door and threw her into the alley.

Tracy was too weak to move. She wanted to get up and run, she couldn’t.
After half an hour, she regained some of her strength and got up.
She walked out of the alley and to her surprise, the van was still there! They parked it on the sidewalk. Tracy fished in her pockets and found the keys, got in and started the engine. The van didn’t explode, so she thought it would be safe to drive away.

Suddenly, her cell rang. She pushed the answer button and a disturbed Greg was audible.

“Tracy! Where are you! I haven’t heard from you in hours!”
“I’m sorry Greg, I was….”
“Well, explain later, now come to the Starbucks near our school. We need to discuss things before we leave. Sara is here with me.”
“I’ll be there in, well, ten minutes.”

Tracy started to cry. She needed to tell this, but how? How do you explain to someone that you spent the last three hours being raped?
After quickly wiping her eyes and praying that nothing would be visible, she got out of the van and walked over to the coffee shop.

“Tracy, good that you are here, we need to…”
“Yes?” she knew he noticed, now she needed to cover it up. She couldn’t tell this to anyone.
“Have a seat. Tell me what happened to you…”
“If that is so, how do you explain the bruises on your face and the fact that you disappeared the last four hours?”
“I had my cell turned off. Leave it alone!”
“No, I won’t! I didn’t get your voicemail message right away, so I know you had it turned on.”

Sara just returned from grocery shopping, she bought things that were necessary to survive the coming days.
“Oh my god! Tracy, what happened to you! Are you all right?”
“I’m fine, stop bugging me about it.”
“Greg, what happened to her?”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
“Look, I think we have more important things to worry about than my bruises.”
“Tracy, you look like you have been hit by a truck!”
“Leave it alone! I’ll tell you someday.”
“Okay, if you don’t want to I won’t force you but I want you to know you can tell us everything”
“I appreciate that.”

“Did you get the van?” Sara asked, still with a concerned face.
“Of course! It’s parked outside.”
“The red one?” Greg asked. ‘He too still seemed to worry. They really cared about me! This is the first time anyone ever cared about me, Susan only cares about how popular she is’
“Yup, that’s it.”
“It looks cute!”
“It is cute”
“Let’s have a look. Sara, I’ve gotten you a driver’s license, so you can take it for a drive if you want to.”
“I’d love to, gimme the keys!” Sara pulled them from Tracy’s hands and ran to the van. She was happier than ever, she had found two people who cared about her!
“Ok, these are your new papers.” Greg said as he handed them both a folder.
“Sara, you now are Deana Martin, Tracy, you are Amy Lee Anderson and I am Jonathan Sheamus Ive.”
“Are we now supposed to call each other by our new names?”
“Yes Deana”
Sara laughed, this was great, friends, a van, money and a new identity.
“Well, Amy, what do you think of your new name?”
“I’ll get used to it…”

“You made us 21? Isn’t that too much difference?”
“No, we made you in the pictures look older and if you do some small things about your appearance, you can pull it off.”
“So, do we have everything we need? Did we leave any traces?” Sara asked, she sounded happier by the sentence.
“Not that I can think off.”
“Let’s go by our homes then. Pick up our most valuable stuff and some clothes.”
“My house is empty this time of the day, so let’s stop there first.” Sara said.

<The Sidle Residence>

Sara entered using the key hidden under the flowerpot next to the door.
“Voila! I’ll grab a bag and some clothes” Sara said, while she ran upstairs. She opened the door to her room and was greeted by darkness. Sara liked to read a book in a nearly dark room, it was a mess, books were everywhere and on her desk was a huge amount of notebooks filled with stories she wrote. Her free time was filled with reading and writing stories, if she wrote, she could create a world that was even worse than her own, so it wouldn’t be so bad… Coming out of her daydream, she grabbed a few bags and stuffed her favorite items, including books and stories, in them.
After ten minutes, they were done and Sara shut the door behind her one last time.

After all the horrible experiences in this house, she hoped never, never to return to this place. As she closed the door, she felt like closing a whole chapter in her life, a chapter filled with horrific experiences.

Home – Three Days Grace

I'll be coming home
just to be alone
'Cause I know you're not there
And I know that you don't care
I can hardly wait to leave this place

No matter how hard I try
You're never satisfied
This is not a home
I think I'm better off alone
You always disappear
Even when you're here
This is not my home
I think I'm better off alone
Home, home, this house is not a home, home
This house is not a home

By the time you come home
I'm already stoned
You turn off the tv
And you scream at me
I can hardly wait
till you get off my case

No matter how hard I try
You're never satisfied
This is not a home
I think I'm better off alone
You always disappear
Even when you're here
This is not my home
I think I'm better off alone
Home, home, this house is not a home, home
This house is not a home, home
This house is not a home, home
This house is not a home

I'm better off alone

No matter how hard I try
You're never satisfied
This is not a home
I think I'm better off alone
You always disappear
Even when you're here
This is not my home
I think I'm better off alone
Home, home, this house is not a home, home
This house is not a home, home
This house is not a home, home
This house is not a home