Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

hi ok sorry i dont actuallt have a story but this one time i was reading one about sara and it actuallly made me cry...but then i was really pissed of f cuz the person like never finished it!!
Please! Leave the fork at home! I've been doing nothing else than thinking about this story and writing new chapters the last three days...

The Grissom Residence, Washington DC.
“Gil! Come down! Now!”
Although Grissom detested it, he obeyed. He closed his book, Deception Point by Dan Brown, and left his room.
“Here I am, mother”
“You are late for the party! You have to be there in ten minutes, so hurry up. Is that what you are wearing?”
“I don’t wish to go mother, you know that.”
“I know, but I want you to get friends and something close to a social life…”
“I really rather stay at home and continue reading…”
“Did you know that reading that much isn’t good for your eyes?”
“On the contrary mother, I recently read that focusing on close range a lot is very good for the pulmonary ligaments causing you to not need reading glasses till a much higher age.”
“Speak normal! Now, I want you to go to the party, have fun, meet people, have a drink, smoke something or even sniff something for the hell I care, but get out of the house and get at life!”
“Yes mother.”
“And I don’t want to see you back here again until tomorrow evening, understood?”
“Yes mother.”

“Look who we have here! The geek is “in da house!””
“Yeah, yeah. Leave me alone please.”
Grissom started to wander through the house, eventually, he saw something he liked very, very much.
“A private library!” he wandered inside and looked at the huge amount of books, both modern and classics. There he saw it, “Deception Point” he opened it and found the correct page.

<four hours later>

Just as Grissom finished the last page, two people from the party wondered in.
“In here, no one will try to find us here.” One of the two said.
Grissom realized that he wasn’t supposed to be in the library, so he duck into a small room next to the library. It contained even more modern books. He now heard a second voice, a girls voice.
“You sure? My parents would flip out if they ever found out...”
“I’m sure, the only one who could, that sciencegeek, isn’t seen in four hours!”
“Ok, how do you do this?”
“You put some of the powder on a flat surface, this glass table for instance, then, you make it into a line with a credit card, like this. After you have done that, you take one of these straws and suck the powder in your nose. Now, you just enjoy the ride!”
“Aaaaaaahhhhh That feels great!”
“Hehe, toldya Let’s go down to the party again, they might miss us… Lemme hide this first.” The guy walked towards the door, and opened it. In the room behind it, Grissom was sleeping, using a book as a pillow.
“Wha…” They guy wanted to wake Grissom, but didn’t. “Let’s have a little fun with you, I’d like to see the sciencegeek doped up.” He whispered as he took out a small tube of white powder. The guy took a small sample of the powder and carefully put it in the nose of the sleeping geek. It didn’t go down in an instant, so he thought of something smarter. He decided to kick Grissom, causing him to inhale very deep and so ingesting the powder.
“AAHRG!!” Grissom woke up in an instant. He felt something in his nose so he swiped his finger past it.
“What did you give me!”
“Relax buddy, just a little coke, it’ll make you feel good.”
Grissom just started running, in less than ten seconds, he was out of the house. He kept on running for another mile, he didn’t feel anything. He did want something. The solitude of his room with his books.
I like the fact that Gil is added, but I don't get it, because the title is the life of Sara Sidle. Ah, whatever, I didn't say anything, I still love it!
Yey!! I have my pitchfork close at hand, so make sure you update! Of course it's not as effective as Sara's Pitchfork Of Doom, but it will do.

Haha .. Grissom on coke. I hope he ends up okay though.
I don't do anything except this fic, so update I will...

Next chapter (I so hope this is the right direction for this fic...)

“Yo, I’m in the hospital”
“I’ll be right down.”
Greg put the phone away.
“Why are you going to get her? Why not tell her the roomnumber?”
“Sara, they we know that they attacked you. What do you think will happen if they find us?”
“But, why are you risking it by going down?”
“I don’t care if anything happens to me, I want you to be safe.”
“I care…”
“Greg didn’t answer her, he just walked out.”
Sara sighed. She was so lucky to have Greg, he actually cared about her, no one cared about her before. She didn’t love him, they just cared about each other, it was them against the world.

<Five minutes later>

After Greg and Tracy entered, she ran up to Sara and pulled her into a hug.
“Sara, I’m so sorry about everything! I shouldn’t have hurt you.”
“It’s ok, you are forgiven. I however don’t trust you yet…”
“I understand, I hope I can gain it over time... I have something for you.”
She pulled a tape recorder out of her pocket and handed it to Sara.
“Press play”
Sara did.
The conversation Susan had with her fan club played, and Sara smiled. This was going to be over soon, Susan would be in prison, Tom would be too, Sara would be placed it a different family and had a friend who would be there for her when she needed him, the pain would be over.

“There is a very important thing you need to know Greg. They know you know, and they will do anything to shut you up. The first thing they are going to do is let you be seduced by Robyn and threaten to go public with pictures of you when you go to the police. If you don’t fall for that, they will use force. Like…”
Sara saw the pain in her eyes when she tried to finish that scentence.
“they did to you…”
Tracy’s eyes grew wider when she looked at Sara,
“How did you know?”
“I saw it in your eyes.”
A small smile played around Tracy’s lips, Sara was a very smart, caring girl. She felt so stupid about hurting her.
Suddenly, Greg’s cell rang.
“Let’s see if you are right…”
“I will be…”
Greg pressed the answer button and Robyn’s ultra sweet voice came out.
“Hey Greg, how are you?”
“Uhm, I’m fine, why?”
“Well, I am having a party later today and I’d like you to come.”
“I’m sorry Robyn, I am not the partying kind of person…”
“Believe me Greggo, I’ll make it very enjoyable for you…”
“I’ll be there, what time?”
“See you then…”

After Greg pressed the cancel button, Tracy started talking.
“What are we going to do now?”
“Get the hell out of here!” Greg said replied.
“Why did you tell her you were coming?”
“To buy us time, we have a lot of tings to take care of before we leave here.”
“You seriously consider running away?” Sara asked in an amazed voice.
“Do you see any other possibility? Look at your home situation, Sara, look at what they did to you! You can’t stay here, I am soon to be blackmailed and if I don’t correspond with their rules, I’m going to be dead. Tracy had a terrible experience today, of which I fortunately don’t know the details, and these people aren’t done with her yet.”
“You are right, how painful it is going to be.” Tracy admitted
“It’s us against the world” Sara started to like that sentence…
“Let’s start packing…”

It was already late in the morning when Grissom reached his house, he was broken and had walked through the city the entire night, back then, he didn’t feel anything, he was high. Now on the other hand, he felt miserable.
He opened the door with the key his mother insisted he wore, it wasn’t useful, because he never left the house except for school.
He ran straight up to his room, he needed rest, he needed to think. When he entered, he saw it. The books, they were gone! There wasn’t a single one left. Suddenly there were posters of modern pop-singers, the ones the people at school always talked about, on the walls of his room.
“Surprise! And, do you like it?”
“Mother, where are my books?”
“Oh, I had them picked up, you have other interests now so…”
It didn’t happen often, but Grissom lost his temper now.
“I have other interests? You mean the ones you force me to have? No! I don’t have those interests! The only tings I really care about are my books! You know the thing they say? In times of depression and crisis, one knows his friends and family? It is a lie! In times of crisis and depression one knows that they don’t have friends or family. I might be more focused on books than on people, but I’m not blind! Fairly normal people don’t force their interest upon their child! I want my books back!”
“Well, Gil, you are past that stuff. Get used to it.”
His mother turned around and walked out of the room. Grissom fell to his knees, why did his family do this to him? He didn’t force them to read books, why did they force him to party and be popular?
That moment, Grissom made a decision. He couldn’t stay here, he needed to get away from here. He would run away, but what did he need? A lot of money, a vehicle and a load of stuff he couldn’t sum up. This was going to be difficult, but necessary.
“People who disrespect books have a general disrespect for keeping things whole.” And his family had let him fall to pieces.
Grissom continued to think about this while he started packing…

Missing - Evanescence


Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out,
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"

Even though I’m the sacrifice,
You won’t try for me, not now.
Though I’d die to know you love me,
I’m all alone.
Isn’t someone missing me?

And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...

Even though I’m the sacrifice,
You won’t try for me, not now.
Though I’d die to know you love me,
I’m all alone.
Isn’t someone missing me?
Cool, update more dude, or Ill get my pitch fork out.
*Threatens Steve with her pitchfork that has two wooden prongs that has been taped on*
Next chapter...

Plan everything, don’t leave anything to chance. Grissom planned everything. He had more than enough cash money to survive a long time, he had arranged an extremely small apartment that was near the library and a great school,

in San Francisco…

He thought of it like this “If you are going to leave home, do it the right way.”
As he collected his last important possession, a notebook computer, he looked around one more time. As he looked at the empty bookshelves and the posters, he knew he made the right choice. He needed to hurry up, his greyhound left in half an hour and he didn’t have a car, so he had to do even more walking that day…

“If we add everything up, how much cash do we have? And I mean everything, if we are going to do this, we are going to do this the right way and that means using hidden stashes of cash saved for college or something, remember, if we don’t go, we won’t even make it to college.”
The other people in the room silently agreed with him

“If we take everything we can get our hands on, we will have twenty thousand dollar.”
“I have another five saved for a car…” Tracy admitted.
“Let’s go and grab it then, if we have twenty thousand and we are careful with spending it, we can make this happen. I suggest we ask the group if we buy stuff over fifty bucks?”
Sara and Tracy agreed.
“I suggest we create false identities for ourselves, if we want to do this, we need to be untraceable.”
“Good idea, but how?” Tracy asked…
“I know someone who creates a new identity for 150 bucks, untraceable.”
“Great, do it.” Sara decided.
“How about our ages? We all know how to drive, we just aren’t allowed to without supervision…”
“We look older than we are, if we manipulate our appearance a little, I think we could push it to just over 21…”
“Now that sounds like a great plan…”
“We need a car” Sara said “while you go and create the false papers, Tracy and I can go look for a van.”
“Great idea, I think we can spend seven thousand on one.”

“Eeuh Sara, I don’t think you are allowed to leave…”
“I’m fine!”
“I know, you don’t need treatment anymore, so you can go…”
“But just to avoid being chased before we even leave, I’ll stay here. Tracy needs to go van shopping alone… ”
“I’ll try and find a nice one, you just try to stay safe…”
“Ok guys, we meet here in six hours, Sara, I suggest you go downstairs and sit in some place public, then you are reasonably safe before we can get you out of here.…”

“see you guys…” Sara said as they left the room. Again, she wondered how this could have happened, the were still so young… She started crying, she thought about how Tom…
Before she could finish the thought, she grabbed her bag. In a hidden piece of fabric, she found a box of pills. The Valium she bought earlier. Sara looked further and found a small plastic bag, it contained two blue pills. This is what she was looking for, a way to escape the pain for a few hours. She took the pills out and put them in her mouth. She swallowed them and laid down, letting the drugs take over her thoughts.

Was she addicted to them? No, that couldn’t be, this was just the third time she took the pills and she ran out of them, so this was the last time.
Or was it…

Coma White – Marilyn Manson

There's something cold and blank behind her smile
She's standing on an overpass
In her miracle mile
"Cause you were from a perfect world
A world that threw me away today
today today to run away"

A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself

Her mouth was an empty cut
And she was waiting to fall
Just bleeding like a polaroid that
Lost all her dolls
"You were from a perfect world
A world that threw me away today
today today to run away"

A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself

A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself
Wow it's really good. Update soon!! I have my pitchfork :devil:

I love Marilyn Manson, he's the best.

Poor Sara, addicted to pain killers.