HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

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Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

In view of the recent spoiler news about Season 5 (see here if you want to know, if you don't know already), I am starting to warm up to Horatio's character again. Believe me, I loved him to bits in Seasons 1-3, but the H I like the most needs his family. It brings out that swoonworthy humility in him. ;)

Anyway, a Sunday pic....

Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Lovely pic Luce - love the look on his face, so adorable :D I haven't read any spoilers for season 5, as I am still far behind on catching up, but it is good that it sounds like the old H from seasons 1-3 is making a return :)

I liked Evidence of Things Unseen, which I watched last night. Again, we get to see H's caring side that I always like :) and he was so nice to those strippers in the club. I liked the way he says 'promise me you won't go back', and then the other one at the end of the epi, he gives her some money and tells her to take the day off. Aww.

And did I witness him looking out for Calleigh when the owner of the club was talking to her about how much money she could make by just weilding a saw, without taking her clothes off, or did I misinterpret this scene? :confused: Horatio comes over and says something like 'well then, close the booth' in a sort of 'this conversation is now over' tone.
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Glad you liked the pic wibbs. In answer to your question, yes, I believe he was looking out for Calleigh in that scene. H in protective mode. I don't think he appreciated the undertones of that conversation! ;)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

oh god no. just read that spoiler. as much as i love H, it all sounds yet again, far too dramatic!! H just needs to settle down and get his criminals!! then have his family. and be uber cute with them

i mean yay for charavter development, but this is not an action movie, it is a tv series about CRIME. with a hint of character development.

personally.i think horatio's only development should be into SKINNYNESS again, and therefore more sexiness ;)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Oh yeah Wibs H watching out for Cal is what I picked up too :)

I love the conversation outside the club too, when the girl calls him 'Slugger' always makes me chuckle :lol:
Yeah H was Mr protective in that eppy, it always brings a smile to my face :D

Yeah I think H's family on the scene will give the character a more solid ground and something to relate him back the early series's, I am positive for season 5..however still waiting for season 4 here :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Yeah, protective H mode is always good, I agree liz ;)

I also noticed more pronounced putting on and taking off of the SOJ, which seemed to give out 'don't mess with me vibes' :lol:

I need to bring caps from that epi - I try to do that tomorrow or Wednesday :)

Where is everyone in this thread lately? I guess it's summer downtime now that the season is over and everyone's probably busy with holiday stuff...

Unless of course this just confirms I have no life whatsoever :lol:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

hey guys i really need your help !! one of my friends asked me what kind of weapon horatio has and what the year of construction of his h2 is ...
i have no idea ... and i feel so ashamed ... i couldn't find the answers anywhere !! so you are my last hope !!
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Challenge for you all - only using words that start with te letter H, describe Horatio's Hummer. Then, only usin words that do not start with the letter H, describe the hummer.
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Okay ya just thought I'd have some fun here with some pics. These are from S1 where I saw the real H to begin with. :lol:



Hmmm Yep!!!!
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Nice pics katpin31791 , i love 3. one! :)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Love second pic ;)

Urm, not sure about the Hummer..words with H, how about Huge, Heavy, and Hot!!

I'm sure H's weapon is a 9mm cause that is what all cops are issued ;)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Damn katpin got here before me.
(those belong to Ducky Screencap Inc. :p )
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

^ I thought they looked familiar! ;) Nice pics. :D
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

DaWacko said:
Damn katpin got here before me.
(those belong to Ducky Screencap Inc. :p )

Sorry Ducky didn't know you were gonna post these and also for not giving ya credit. ;) Mind elsewhere. Got news that another one of my uncles passed away & another one fixing too. :( Knew you were posting at DC Board so didn't want to horn in there. :) If I'd known you were posting here also I wouldn't have. :)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Has anyone noticed that David Caruso looked a little bit different in Season 4? I would like to hear what you have noticed about him compaired to the first three seasons.
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