Have U Read Any Of The CSI Books??

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I get my books in Waterstones over here in the UK, they have quite a good selection of them.
Right now I'm reading Cold Burn, and it is amazing. It is poorly written in many parts, but there is alot of gsr tensness(is that even a word)

it's tention.
Also I don't really like books written for TV shows or movies because they are never as good as their shows. They are often poorly written and try too hard to be like their show or movie. I much prefer to watch CSI and read other things.
I just bought the new CSI Miami book Cult Following and its good.
I've read Miami "Florida Getaway" and "Cult Following", both very good. It's strange sometimes to read about a T.V show instead of watching it, I agree, Laetri, but thankfully the Miami books are very well written, and I've enjoyed them a lot. As a DuCaine shipper, I was looking out for any interaction and it didn't disappoint!! Nice storyline as well!!
We seem to have 2 threads for CSI books, and as this is the least popular/used of the 2, I shall lock it. Here's the link to the other CSI books thread. :)

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