Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Thanks! I hope to be able to talk a bit more about this; I have so many things to talk about and so little people who care about it.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Hey *peeks head in* I love Harry Potter, so I'm here to discuss theories...

J.K Rowling is very different type of author...she doesn't clich`e the whole powerful-hero thing but I think that any author in her right mind wouldn't leave the entire world with Voldermort powerful and destructive...but then again who's to say she's in the right mind? :lol: :D

I personally think (no matter how much I want to hope) that Harry will die...it pains me to say it people but...let's think about it...people make a bigger impact on you life once they are gone.

In my opinion, (and I'm quoting Dumbledore) death is the next great adventure...and lets face it Harry's had a lot of those (adventures)...but if you think about all those times its never been about him surviving...it was always about defeating evil.

I honestly can garuntee only one thing...the last book is going to be one heck of a blow-out! :lol:
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

I like to speculate, but then I also want to be surprised by what will happen in the final book. Sometimes, I speculate so much that the climactic part of the book or movie turns to be a bleh.
So, I'm hoping over hope that JKR comes out with something none of us could ever ever imagine.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I think Harry has to die in book 7 for You-Know-Who to die too. :lol: OR.... Harry will have to kill someone for You-Know-Who to die. Maybe Ron should die or Mr Weasley. I don't know why Mr Weasley should die but he has been a kind of father to Harry. Or HAGRID!!! I don't know these are just my theories. If Harry doesn't die and You-Know-Who does, Harry will get together with Ginny again(!)

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;) ;) ;)

Harry, to die or not to die? That is the question.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

There's a big chance that Harry will die and we all know that, but has anyone gone back to HBP and read about DD? I mean, it's weird because he does, indeed, beg for Snape to kill him. What I mean to say is that what Rowling did was put in the misleading word -please- which most people, including myself, mistook for a plead for help when it really meant that DD was pleading that Snape killed him. Make sense? Of course not! That's the beauty of it, though! SUSPICIOUS!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Hmm book 7 theories..excellent thread.
So in book seven i am pretty sure one of the main characters will die. As all of you will probably agree..there's a good chance it will be Harry. What puzzles me is some people say Ron or maybe Hermione will die, but didn't Harry say he wasn't going back to school and he was going to dedicate his time to finding all the horcruxes and destroy them? And if he does, well are Ron and Hermione going to do that same, because how can they die if they are going to be at school and harry wont be??
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I don't think Ron and Hermoine will leave Harry alone. They are best of best pals; they'll be together. Ron and Hermoine might leave the school as well to go wih Harry or help him from Hogwarts. They all know that destroying darklord is the most important thing. Without DD's presence in Hogwart, I don't think it would take a lot to change Hermoine's mind either.

Random thoughts: Ginny will die, and it will really impact Harry that he swears to destroy all the dark magician in the world and become an auror with Hermoine and Ron (maybe). heh.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I think Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him so that Draco shouldn't have to do it. (After all, he did ask for Snape when they got back...) I also think Dumbledore would have known that he would die after they went to get that horocrux. I also think Dumbledore asked Snape to take care of Draco and he's family so that Voldemort couldn't kill them.
Who do you think is R A B? The only one I can think of that you have "seen" before that fits is Sirius brother, but he was a death eater...
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Maybe Draco turns to the good side and will be killed instead of Harry because he helped him.

But I do not think that Harry will die.

By the way, the last word in the last chapter in book 7 is "scar".
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I read it in a magazine. If it is true? I do not know.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

hmm..scar. well thats curious..cant really think of what it'll mean but anyways.I don't think Draco will turn good though..although he might die haha. but do you really think that the seventh book will be the last?..i hope not because he might not even destroy voldemort in this book. wow..i dont even know..

haha i just kicked my brothers ass at Harry Potter scene it
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

*waves* Hi dazd_confusd

OH MAN Harry Potter scene it!! I WANNA PLAY! :D