Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

lol nice.
but i warn you..don't play against me
you will lose..hardcore.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Hey everybody.
Sorry i have been neglecting you. It's been mad at my house with xmas and family coming over so i needed a few days to recover.

Howdy new people!!! Hope you are all having fun.

Personally i think that JK will stop writing HP books after book 7. Otherwise thats all she will be known for and she will never get the chance to try other styles or genres. However saying that it will take a remarkable book for her to come out the the shadow of the HP series.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

mugglenet.com had something about what Jim Dale said. But a few people guessed at what teh ending would be, and she asked herself if it was that obvious, but she sighed in relief because they had a different string of logic.

But I personally think that the priori in-whazi will come into play again. And Neville's involved. Because Dumbledore kept insisting that he didn't have to be 'the chosen one'.

aaaand.... I forgot. go figure. hopefully someone gets what I tried to say.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

i hate snape he is sooo mean to Harry all the time, i dont want harry 2 die. i wonder what the horcrux is i think its Harry and in order to kill voldemort he would have to do something.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Hi everybody! This thread is so cool I love HP! Anyways, I've always thought that Harry was a horcrux himself. But I didn't realize that him being a horcruz would mean that he has to sacrifice himself. Oh man he cannot die!!! I love him too much :D

Hey the theory about Dumbledore knowing that Snape has to kill him which means that Snape is actually good, well it just makes sense to me. I've got this feeling that JKR is gonna give this twist on Snape's character.

And seriously, two years?!!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

quote mugglenet.com: Jim Dale

In a recent interview, US Potter book narrator Jim Dale said this of Jo Rowling: "She's lived with Harry Potter so long she really wants to kill him off." Based on this, hordes of media sources (predominantly tabloids) have published articles claiming JK does indeed want to kill off the boy wizard. This is of course untrue; Dale was merely expressing his opinion.

there, found it.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Great thread one of the finest (did i spell that right?) I am a HP fan to the core right next to CSI :lol: :)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

lol nice.
but i warn you..don't play against me
you will lose..hardcore.

Oh man I finally got to play and only got points by default :lol: Man.. I should brush up on my movies..
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I hope Rowling doesn´t kill of Harry it would be so sad..cos he´s already lost so much cos of LV it wouldn´t be fair(i know life isn´t fair!!LOL) if harry died (and I would be Pi$$ed but that doesn´t really have anything to do with it!)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I know it's an ongoing quesiton but is Snape evil?

Sidle_my_Idol your avi and banner make me cry.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

a lot of people have said that they don't think that Dumbledore would have begged for his death, like he did at the end of the sixth book...i think this is true, he probably wouldn't have begged so maybe there is something else going on there
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I know it's an ongoing quesiton but is Snape evil?

Sidle_my_Idol your avi and banner make me cry.
I personally think he is ,but i might be prejudiced cos i always hated Snape....
The only thing that(imho) is against snape being evil is , that´s it´s so highly improbable that Dumbledore(the worlds greatest wizard)could be so wrong about something(or someone!)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I don't think Snape is bad. I think he killed Dumbledore under Dumbledores own order, and thats why Albus pleaded at the end. Not to save him but to kill him. (Obviously for a good reason, probably not to give away Snape just yet or something).

And I think HArry will die. Like.. I just KNOW he will. THere no other way they could end the book I think. (I love him, but I'm pretty sure he will die).
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I sorta don't want the seventh book to come out. If it comes out then that means ... the end. And what fun is that. If it ends then there is no more spoliers and guessing what is going to happen. No more curiosity its just ... over. So I don't want it to come out so the fun in guessing continues on. But on the other hand I want it to come out and come to an end so Harry could finally be at peace. I want Harry to live and marry Ginny as with Ron and Hermione marring. I want him to go on and live a life his parents would have wanted him to live. Not a life where he is constantly looking over his back because Voldemort is still alive.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Fool4love said:
And oh, I really want Harry to die in book 7th...

Ok tanglewood you can't go making statments like that and not explain yourself. Why would you want Harry to die? He is the centre of the whole series, he can't just snuff it for no reason.

My reasons are confidential... ;) :p