Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

*Spoiler warning for book 6*
One of my friends showed me a website www.dumbledoreisnotdead.com which has arguments about how dumbledore's death was faked and really he and Snape have this whole master plan that will be revealed later in book 7.

I have so been thinking that! Just the way it was done proves to me that it wasn't real or was arranged. Also, what was suspicious was when Harry was chasing Snape, and throwing random curses at him, why didn't Snape retaliate? He just blocked them. Surely if he hated him as much as he says, he would have at least thrown something back? I have huge doubts about most of the 6th book! I think it was a red herring!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

It's a good site huh, snowflake_shona. It really makes you think about what JK could have in store for book 7. It's so annoying that we have to wait until 2007 to find out if any of our theories are right. Grrr...
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Something i just realised about the theory that Harry is a Horcrux, when Voldemort was making these he didn't realise that Harry would do that to him as a baby so how could he have time to make him one.
Does that make sense?
Unless Harry is the last Horcrux accidently. We dont exacly know everything about Horcruxs and how there made yet. So maybe when Volemort died, the rest of him went into Harry (His scar which is my theory, and thats why it hurts so much when Voldemorts around) or something like that.
JK Rowling is still holding back on us. There is still something we dont know yet..
Yes, it can be very much possible that he accidently made Harry one. You have to kill someone to make a Horcrux, and at that moment when he attacked Harry, Voldemort has just killed Lily. However, throughout the series, I have never got any impression that Horcrux can be a person. I think if it was possible, then Voldemort would have made at least one living thing as a Horcruz. But you never know, JK spice things up this way.
I have to read the book again someday.

Didnt it say that a Horcrux could be an animal..? Infact wasnt one of the last Horcruxs they wernt sure about Voldemorts snake? (Im not sure I can remember). So then there is still a possibility he is a Horcrux. :rolleyes:

RE Dumbledore taught Harry about Voldemort.

I think u have a good point there. Also Dumbledore emphasised that the power of love always triumphs evil or something like that.

So.. back to my favorite horcrux theory :p :rolleyes:.. Harry kills himself because of the love of his friends and everyone around him. As he sees it the only way to save them all. Well atleast that way the *Love* defeating Voldemort in the end wont seem as corny..(Think CareBears..lol jk, CareBears ar emy favorite) :D

Re: Neville
Well, JK said that Neville was brought as 'unchosen one' to just bring some turn and twist in the idea of the chosen one. And it does seem so. But, I do hope he gets to kill Bellatrix.

I love Neville and I seriously hope he has a happy ending. I think he'll get paired up with someone.. but I dont know who. Maybe someone who loves plants also. I will be mad if he dies, or anything else bad happens to him.

(PS He was adorable in GotF) :) :p
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Something i just realised about the theory that Harry is a Horcrux, when Voldemort was making these he didn't realise that Harry would do that to him as a baby so how could he have time to make him one.
Does that make sense?
Unless Harry is the last Horcrux accidently. We dont exacly know everything about Horcruxs and how there made yet. So maybe when Volemort died, the rest of him went into Harry (His scar which is my theory, and thats why it hurts so much when Voldemorts around) or something like that.
JK Rowling is still holding back on us. There is still something we dont know yet..
Yes, it can be very much possible that he accidently made Harry one. You have to kill someone to make a Horcrux, and at that moment when he attacked Harry, Voldemort has just killed Lily. However, throughout the series, I have never got any impression that Horcrux can be a person. I think if it was possible, then Voldemort would have made at least one living thing as a Horcruz. But you never know, JK spice things up this way.
I have to read the book again someday.

Didnt it say that a Horcrux could be an animal..? Infact wasnt one of the last Horcruxs they wernt sure about Voldemorts snake? (Im not sure I can remember). So then there is still a possibility he is a Horcrux. :rolleyes:

I know. My first thought was the same, but I couldn't find enough evidence to support this theory. But then again, it is a book about magic, so anything could be possible.
Re: The snake.
Again, I thought the same. Well, I am just looking for an alternate hypothesis sstill it is not convincing enough.
But, well, it is fun speculating.

And like you said, maybe that's why D told Harry all those stuff about love and bravery.

Re: Neville
Well, JK said that Neville was brought as 'unchosen one' to just bring some turn and twist in the idea of the chosen one. And it does seem so. But, I do hope he gets to kill Bellatrix.

I love Neville and I seriously hope he has a happy ending. I think he'll get paired up with someone.. but I dont know who. Maybe someone who loves plants also. I will be mad if he dies, or anything else bad happens to him.

(PS He was adorable in GotF) :) :p

I agree. In the scene where he dances alone in the common room--that was sooo adorable. I too hope he has a happy ending.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Aight, My sister made a theory about another Horcrux... Harry...

Forgot her explanation...

And oh, I really want Harry to die in book 7th...
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

And oh, I really want Harry to die in book 7th...

Ok tanglewood you can't go making statments like that and not explain yourself. Why would you want Harry to die? He is the centre of the whole series, he can't just snuff it for no reason.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

You WANT Harry to die!!!!!!
He is like my favourite character I love him(ok no i don´t love him...forget that last one!)
But Harry after all he has been through! I mean i think he has earned the right to survive after all that happend!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I want Harry to die in the end to. Obviously not because I dont like him, because hes my FAVORITE. Harrys been through so much and has accomplished the bravest tasks and is probably the person least deserving of it... but I think him sacrificing himself for his friends and the whole wizarding world will be his final task.
I tihnk he will have a happy ending, maybe like a flash to heaven where Harry is being enbraced by his loved ones. James, Lily, Sirius (And some people mentioned Ginny could possibly die). And hes watching over his bestfriends.
Ok a little corny for HP I guess.. But one things for sure.. JK Rowling is going to end the greatest series ever with a BANG!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Oh..well i guess he could die as a sacrifice, but i would hate it if it happened!
I mean...Harrry has to live on...and theoreticly the prophecy says neither can live while the other survives!
So doesn´t that mean that once one is dead, the other won´t die(because of the other one?)
Ok is this really confusing?
I usually suck at explaining!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Well, the prophecy won't be a problem if JK is planning to kill off Harry because it has been repeated a lot of times in the book that people themselve create prophecy--just like Voldemort did.
Re: Harry's death
Unless and untill it is done well without any loopholes, then I'm fine with it. Either way, I want a boombastic ending.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Either way, I want a boombastic ending.

Don't we all (BTW fantastic word). It's gonna be quite sad when it's all over. I mean no more Harry Potter adventures to look foward to. I'm 16 now and i started reading Harry Potter when i was about 10 so i've grown up with the books. It just better have a good ending or i will be very upset. I didn't think the 6th book was written as well as it could have been, but we will have to wait and see about book 7.
About the prophecy i think that everyone creates their own future, but Voldemort is so obsessed about trying to kill Harry that he doesnt really care that he has failed the last 6 times and so perhaps he just can't kill him. I hope that it comes down to a dramatic one on one duel at the end.

Ok i'm done ranting now
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Harry will probs die. Just like Frodo in LOTR...metaphoric death that was, if you like. JK will write the same shit, whereby Harry has done all this stuff and he just cant live a normal life anymore, and so.....
I will kill myself after I readbook seven, I think. No, first I will discuss it at length with my freakish potter pals, and then I will kill myself. Oh, butwait the movie.....yeah, alright, sfterthe final film Im doing it. Random, but visit this siteif you havent already; http://www.potterpuppetpals.com for true hilarity in a bottle.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I betprofessor trelawneys prediction comes true, and harry marries ginny (or not, whatever) becomes minister for magic and has 12 children.......there is an epilogue, and the last word of the book is scar. so come up with some good theories. What would be excellent is if she ends it with 'harry and voldemort prepared to duel...' and thats it. So many people would be out to kill her.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Well whatever happens, whether both harry and voldemort die, i'll be ok with it. the only thing that i could not stand is if jk rowlings pulls a "Dragon Heart" type thing and they both die cuz theyre "connected" to each other. they could both kill each other at the exact same time and id be ok. but if she kills 'em both cuz of their connection i'll prolly burn all of the books. nothing could possibly be a worse ending