Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Just had a revelation a lil while ago while looking at other sites such as this, even though the person that posted it didnt know what it could mean from the sound of it. could be wrong could be right. anyway. the locket horcrux was stolen by an RAB. well, while cleaning grimauld place in the 5th book, they found "a heavy locket that none of them could open". And Sirius brother was killed by voldemort or a death eater which means he knew voldemort to some degree, just like whoever stole the horcrux. sirius brothers name was... Regulus Black, no middle name or initial was given. could he possibly be Regulus A. Black (RAB). he took the locket and stashed it at his parents house while tryin to figure out how to destroy it until he was killed. now its just sittin at the black house waitin for harry to destroy it.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Just had a revelation a lil while ago while looking at other sites such as this, even though the person that posted it didnt know what it could mean from the sound of it. could be wrong could be right. anyway. the locket horcrux was stolen by an RAB. well, while cleaning grimauld place in the 5th book, they found "a heavy locket that none of them could open". And Sirius brother was killed by voldemort or a death eater which means he knew voldemort to some degree, just like whoever stole the horcrux. sirius brothers name was... Regulus Black, no middle name or initial was given. could he possibly be Regulus A. Black (RAB). he took the locket and stashed it at his parents house while tryin to figure out how to destroy it until he was killed. now its just sittin at the black house waitin for harry to destroy it.

I remember that and i've seen this mentioned somewhere else before. But do you also remember that Mundungus Fletcher stole some things from the house and some people think that he may have taken that too.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

yah i did think about that but it just kinda made sense to me that hed have to revisit the house he owns at some point. thought he might see it there and relize it
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

I'm sure Snape is innocent, the best argument for that is him not killing harry. He had the perfect opportunity while he was escaping from the "Crime Scean(lol)" of Dumbledore's murder. Harry was following him, casting spells and all, and Snape was only deflecting them and shouting "No Potter!".
So yes, there is some bigger plan, and I think Snape is even more important than we think...

As to Dubledore being alive, I'm not sure....
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

I think that Snape is important for the 7th book, but i really wish someone would kill him because the guy is down-right nasty. Ok fine maybe he is helping Harry and maybe he is fighting against Voldemort, but after everything he has put Harry through i hope he drops dead.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Well.....Fool4Love, have you ever thought about Snape tormenting on Dumbeldores request?

Maybe thier plan was to make Harry hate Snape so that Voldemort could be 100% sure that Snape isn't on Harryis side....
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Yeah i know what you mean, and i agree. I think that Snape is working for Dumbledore against Voldemort and everything in book 6 was just to make sure that Voldemort trusted Snape. But i still think the guy is a nasty bit of work and he should be at least injured for everything he has put Harry through. But thats just me, i know some people like Snape and i wasnt trying to criticise (sp?) anyone. :)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

i thought that the whole point of having seven books was because there are seven years at hogwarts. so i was kind of shocked that they killed off dumbledore causing harry to not want to come back and instead go after voldemort. does anyone else think this was a way to keep more books coming? or will she wrap up everything and have voldemort (or harry, heaven forbid) die in the next one?
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

Seventh Potter book could be the end.

06/12/2005 - 09:55:50

JK Rowling is poised to kill off Harry Potter, it has been claimed.

Actor Jim Dale, the voice of the bespectacled boy wizard in the US audio books, says the seventh book will be the end for Harry.

Multi-millionaire author Rowling has started to write the seventh and final novel but has kept its content under wraps.

But British Carry On actor Dale told the New York Post: “She’s lived with Harry Potter so long she really wants to kill him off.”

Dale has met the Edinburgh-based author several times to make previous recordings of her hit books.

Rowling has joked in the past that she might kill off all the characters in the final book.

Asked whether she would write books about Potter when he reaches adulthood, she replied: “You have to wait and see whether he survives to be a grown-up.”

Harry Potter film star Daniel Radcliffe also believes his character might die.

“It’s dangerous to say: ‘Daniel thinks Harry might die,’” he said recently.

“But I do maintain there is a possibility he could be killed in the final book.”

The Potter books have sparked a frenzy of speculation about the fate of the central characters.

Harry’s best friend, Ron Weasley, was tipped to be killed off in book four but survived.(Ireland on line).

I think it's quite obvious he's going to die in the last book sacrificing himself to kill Voldemort.

The question is if JK Rowling is going to revive him if the pressure is too big.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

I think that JKR has led us to believe the possiblity that Harry might die in the final book but I honestly believe (or hope to believe) that the trio remains alive in the end.

Now the other characters, they are fair play. There are going to have to be casualties, more than one, and my first guess is the Weasely family (other than Ron and hopefully Ginny) will be hit hard. There are so many of them, it would be unrealistic if they all came out unscathed.

And I also have this feeling that Neville may not make it to the end. No real basis on this one other than a feeling.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

That is an excellent point, I never considered Harry might be a Horcrux. BUT, I really hope he doesn't die. Even though it would make sense in a weird way, I am hoping that she doesn't kill him off in the 7th book. I WANT A HAPPY ENDING!
As for the death of Dumbledore, I thought too that he was faking it in some way, but I was truly convinced that he died when the book decribed how he now has a portrait in the headmaster's office. I'll admit, I cried when he died. :rolleyes:
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

ive been reading the thread and see that there are a lot of good theories goin around. While i was reading partt of the dumbledoreisnotdead.com site i had a thought. Could it have been that dumbledore and snape had both takin some polyjuice potion and switched places for the night so that dumbledore could actually have infiltrated vold's ranks? I mean there are hints of people using oit through out the book with Crabbe and Goyle. so why not have Dumbledore and snape switch places? AS with the picture of dumbledore in the office, all the other pictures float around so why couldnt just have been a picture taken of dumbledore that had been hung there by someone. What do u guys/gurls think or am i just crazy?
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

There are many things that led me to believe that Dumbledore died in book 6, but the one stood out most was the cry of Fawkes. D said to Harry in Book 2 that it takes pure loyalty(on D) for anyone to call upon Fawkes, and D's death led Fawkes to fly around with tears. Also, from the start of book 6, JKR had been setting up the stage to end D. D had his last face-to-face battle with Voldemort in 5, and then he kept on pushing Harry to know more about Voldemort; in fact, he shared almost every knowledge he had about darklord and his characteristics. I think he knew that at the end, Harry would have to face the darklord alone.
I also think that JKR did a great job by creating this situation. It will be the ultimate test for Harry(either he lives or he dies); the one he survived for.
Dumbledore is my favorite character, but I will not be happy to find out that it was all a big plan and D is in fact alive(or it has to be a really genius plan, for which I can count on JKR).
D's death has shocked everyone and now we are "omg how can he die? how will Harry fight the evillord without Dumbledore?" This mindnumbing end of book 6 has doubled the level of curiosity inside the HP readers. Once again, the mighty setting for the book 7.

D's death also made Harry realise about his enormous responsibilities, and it has also motivated him to destroy Voldemort with 'god's own thunder.' Now, he can't hide behind anyone; he's on his own.

Re: Harry's death

I think it is totally upon JKR's brilliant mind and wish. Seeing how Harry set his journey alone(departing from Hogwarts and his love), it is possible that he might die. (no real theory though)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

no way gd id tho i like your train of fort. snape still could be a gd guy coz what mite of is dubbaldoor could told snape to kill if he had too coz they had arguement which hagrid over herd .what do you tink
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6*

I'm new in this site, so bear with me! Sooo.....yeah, being the big Potter freak I am, I too think that Dumbledore isn't really dead. I mean, I don't think J.K. Rowling put this whole thing about Felix Felicis in the story without a proper reason. In short, I think that DD either A). Has Felix Felicis to help him work his plot B). Has used the Polyjuice Potion (as someone else mentioned before) or C). Has SOMETHING under his sleeve (as we all well recall he always does).

But enough about that; there's much more important stuff to discuss rather than the [sniff, sniff] tragic (loss ) of DD. Someone else had previously mentioned something about Nagini being one of Voldy'd horcruxes, and I think this is right (you're not alone!) As for this thing about Harry being a horcrux, it just doesn't make sense! I mean, think about it, if Harry were a horcrux and Voldemort knew about it, then why the heck would he go after Harry to try and kill him when he knows that he's technically destroying himself? SUSPICIOUS!