Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

^ :lol: You do make a lot of good points. Snape is a very complex character and it is to easy to say that he's just plain ol' evil. But, I choose to believe it... because I hate his guts. Secretly. ^^

As far as the Weasley's dying... I will cry if any of them go. Seriously, they're so awesome, so I can see where your dilemma comes in. I don't want Ron to die... I just think it'll happen. Because I think strangely as well :) Though, Percy dying to redeem himself with the family would be cool too. Maybe he'll save Ron that way? Ultimate sacrifice?

Heck if I really know what I'm talking about haha! I'm going to seriously laugh when after the 7th book comes out, everyone's theories are completely wrong :lol:
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

^ LOL! I thought you were playing on the words in that post... that's funny :lol:
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

no, i wasn't....i must have though happy, but since we're talking about harry potter, i must have just wrote harry...I'm so funny :lol:
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Hey I am a Harry potter fan and thought I would come and have a look!
About Albus Dumbledore: My personal opinion is that he is truly dead(R.I.P.) althought i was sad for days and hated snape....I don´t know i mean i don´t know how harry can manage without AD!, but if JKRowling thought he had to die...sniff sniff...sobs!
Anyway..what do you guys reckon about RAB?...The theory around there is Regulus Black!..Want to know youre opinion..
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

OMG me and my cousin thought that was him!! and I think it is too!!! :D....i actually haven't thought about for months..... thanks for reminding mee... :D
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Well i don´t know what to think about it! It fits perfectly in the plot!...But we could all be totally wrong!(2 years wait!)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

hey whats with the Regulas BLack thing? I think that's what Rowling was talking about when most fans thought that it was him when Harry found the note in the locket. It was signed R.A.B. and most people thought it might be Sirius' brother, Regulus. I don't know for sure. No one knows.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

It would be nice to know for sure if Regulus is RAB!
P.S. Do you think the Snake is really a horcrux? And what do you think Rawenclaws Horcrux is?
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Hey peeps, i just had a thought. Do you think that if someone really accurately guessed the ending to the 7th book, that J K Rowling would alter it from what she planned. I know she has already written the final chapter, but that usually just wraps up the story, so would she change the final big event to keep people suprised. And what about the title, do you think that that would be changed if someone posted a guess online.

PS I'm on medication for a cold so theres a chance i'm
delirious. :)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

She might!
I mean i always thought writers had an intial idea an then stuck to it, but she has changed things before(jkrowling.com mentions a few things!)
I don´t know if she would ever change anything important, but hy it´s her book if she feels people have guessed and she wants to change it- it´s her choice!
Do you think Harry and Ginny should be to gether in the end?
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I hate Snape to, I pretty much always have, but I just don't think he's really evil. Well, hate is a strong word, but I've never liked him, he's a horrible teacher.

I think RAB is Regulus...Atleast I hope it is, for some reason I've always wanted to hear more about him.

I don't think she would change the ending... she's had it planned for a long time now, all the details and hints she's already put in the books need to work with the ending somehow, I think it would cause alot of trouble if she tried to change it...

I knew Dumbledore would die, I was sure of it... but I thought it would be in book 7 though. He sort of had to, he was Harry's mentor, and they always have to die for the hero to stand on their own feet... it's still sad though...

I hope Harry and Ginny end up together in the end. It's my favourite ship, after Ron/Hermione. :D I was so excited about that in HBP... Most of my other ships will probably never come true though (like Neville/Parvati) I have weird taste... and I also ship alot of minor characters that might die or just never be heard of again... oh well...

What do you guys think will happen with Neville in the end? I think that he'll either be the tragic story that ends happily somehow (maybe witha girlfriend in the end) or the tragic hero that dies saving someone else... I'm worried that he'll try to get revenge on Bellatrix Lestrange for what she did to his parents, cause that can't be good.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

So, if I say something dumb here, that has been contradicted lots of times in the book, sorry, I tend to do that...

Re: Neville

I discussed a theory with some friends today, that Harry is the last horcrux and that he has to die before Voldemort can be killed. And that Voldemort is then killed by Neville, making the prophecy (sp?) true in this way, and it is Neville after all who is meant in the prophecy.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

So, if I say something dumb here, that has been contradicted lots of times in the book, sorry, I tend to do that...

Re: Neville

I discussed a theory with some friends today, that Harry is the last horcrux and that he has to die before Voldemort can be killed. And that Voldemort is then killed by Neville, making the prophecy (sp?) true in this way, and it is Neville after all who is meant in the prophecy.

woah! i've never thought of that... that actually sounds like a good hypothesis. maybe... that would be sad though. oh god, i can't wait like another two years!