I love it to- always have- :D when I was a kid, and me and my sis went out one year, (dad close behind} and this one couple, said after we rang the doorbell, "so, it's TREAT OR TREAT" you have to do a trick and than you get a treat, we complied and sang a little ditty, and the man gave us an APPLE, I was going "gee thank's" where's the Hershey's" cheap shot-but, love to see all the kids dressed up and they love it!!! fun time for all ;)
I do enjoy Halloween!! Part of it is, of course, the candy. It's also an awesome excuse to throw a party. :p And, it means my birthday is only a month away!
Anyone have any idea what they are going to be dressing up as? I have no clue and i need some ideas! :lol:
^^haha :lol: Gollum's grave, made me laugh... I was thinking about what I'm gonna do with our yard today...Definately wanna do something. I'm still considering the fake crime scene idea, but I kinda doubt it will happen...
Oh, I have an octoberfest where I live (err beach house..but still) I've only been to it once a few years ago though, it was this weekend..and I was in NY, so I missed it.
It's just a Lima Bean festival though.....is that was everyone else's Octoberfest is?
I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! Every year my high school has a halloween fashion show and I always go ALL OUT.

This year, since it's my last year, I'm going as a dominatrix. I figure since I'm famous for cool costumes, might as well go out with a bang.

I started preparing in march, when I bought a black bustier at La Senza. I have apair of handcuffs and a whip and I'm going to make or buy a black minskirt and a garter belt with hold-up stockings before halloween. I also need black high heels or boots. But I'm almost there.

I love getting to be someone totally NOT ME for a day. I'm usually really silly and funny at school, so to see me looking like a total skank will surprise a lot of people. But I can't wait.

I'll post a picture, :D
darx2mint4, the Octoberfest here is so boring. Basically the town puts up Fall decorations and then we have a parade, which I have never attended in my 15 years of living here. :D But I imagine my town has a different Octoberfest from all the other towns; after all, it is a very weird little town.

madgeorge said:
This year, since it's my last year, I'm going as a dominatrix. I figure since I'm famous for cool costumes, might as well go out with a bang.

That sounds like an awesome costume! :D

I finally (ha, finally? It's just now October 2nd, :lol:) put up my very few Halloween decorations. "Spooky" window clings and my black spider. They all glow in the dark and I put them in my bedroom window, so late at night if you're outside you can see this green glow coming from my window. :lol:
Day two of Halloween Month!

I didn't do much, but I did start on my Archway today.
Guess I should have waited until it got a little darker before taking the photo, but I have to run to the store.
Day 2 of Halloween