I can't wait for halloween this year! I know exactly what I am going to be :D! A CSI(Sara specifically)! I'm getting the Forensics jacket, and I just ordered a tactical vest like the ones they use in LV, even complete with my last name on the pocket. :)
My friend is going to be Lady H. Hmm Sara and Lady Heather....lol
I also love Halloween but last year was my last year for trick or treatin' I soon will be 14 so i'm getting to old. But i hope theres a party or something that one of my friends are having or i can just shut all the lights off in my house so no trick or treaters come so i get all there candy :lol:
I miss trick or treat...we still hand out candy but I'm way too old to go out anymore :(

it's always interesting trying to keep the dogs from going nuts all evening and now that we've got a cat, I've a feeling we'll have to lock the cat up so she doesn't run out.
Ha, I still trick or treat - and I'm 18! Last year lots of people gave me Kraft Dinner because they knew I was in college:lol:I love it! :D
I stopped going out for candy about 5-6 years ago so now I take my brother out. If any older kids come dressed in street clothes & pretend to act like a child I'm gonna give 'em a toothbrush & if they're lucky toothpaste & floss as well :lol:.
ooo i love halloween! but over here in australia we dont exactly celebrate it... but its still fun to dress up and we always have candy ready just incase little kiddies come trick or treating... which they rarely do so i just eat the candy myself... YAY!
Halloween sounds so cool. I wish I can celebrate it but we don't here in Malaysia. Even though I'm 17, if given the chance, I'd dress up as something and go trick-or-treating! :lol:
Halloween is my favourite holiday, followed by Christmas. I love Halloween, but I love the autumn and it's all dark and erie. :lol: I know that sounds really depressing. :lol:

I used to love trick or treating when I was young, it's really sweet to all the young little kids out with there parents all dressed up. :)
I'm 16 and i still go. Psh, theres no such thing as being too old! :lol:

Last year for halloween i was Alice Cooper, it was so fun :D
i love halloween,it's my favorite holiday next to christmas. i love decorating... Now with my own house is a lot more fun... I love dressing up.. it's really the only time i get to play pretend :lol: I was thinking of being a CSI this year but need to find a few things.. :)
*pouts* :(We don't have Halloween in Singapore. :p but each time they'll have some kind of scary movie on tv during Halloween and call it 'Halloween Special'. :lol: I'm not into candy as I used to so somehow, I'm not that upset about no Halloween :lol:.
i like Halloween! :) we have some plans with friends for this Halloween! :devil: i don't like go to ask candy's or something like that..i just dress up and walk around at night! :D